Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Pirate-Duck Cupcake Debacle

Okay, I know I've given you guys heaping helpings of Shannon Shame before--but I can say without a doubt that this is DEFINITELY the worst it's ever been.

No, really. You'll be agreeing with me in a few minutes--trust me. I fail. EPICALLY.

And for those of you who missed yesterday's post--here's a quick recap so you won't be confused. Basically, Sara, my CP, is evil. I asked her to do a guest post for Lisa Mantchev week (since she's a huge fan, and I'm insanely busy trying to plan an online writer's conference.) And what does Sara do?

Fill your head with lies and dare me to vlog!!!! Decorating a cupcake!!!!! Specifically a cupcake version of one of these lovely little rubber duckies that Lisa is giving away in my contest:

And she KNOWS I can't decorate cakes to save my life. She was there for the Were-Platypus cupcake fiasco. She saw this disaster:

So she knew I was going to have to humiliate myself live on camera. And, well, I hope she's happy--because this is BY FAR the most embarrassing vlog I've ever made. Even my husband agrees. *Sigh*


I have no words.

And as if all of this weren't humiliating enough, the lovely Lisa Mantchev--who is a big part of the reason I'm in this mess--had to send me a link to THIS (like I needed more proof of my epic failure):

So yeah...if you need me, I really AM fleeing to Mexico this time. 


(Oh, and, as with the previous posts, anyone who leaves a comment today will get an extra entry in the Lisa Mantchev contest. If you haven't entered yet, what's wrong with you?) :)


  1. Just wanted to say I really enjoyed your Query Tracker post. It was really helpful.

  2. Wow! This was great! They made it look so easy. And...I didn't think your cupcake was that bad. I couldn't do that!


  3. I'm fascinated by cupcake decorating. You did GREAT! Good job. And congrats on rising to the challenge...

  4. Yours was cuter and a whole lot less work.

  5. You were definitely more fun to watch than the pros...they were boooring. But the donut head and marshmallow tail and frosting dipping were good ideas.

    Live and learn, right?

    So what did you do with all those backup cupcakes?

  6. I actually thought your ducky cupcake turned out pretty cute. (and yummy) I'd say you are without shame.
    What I loved best was your: But I have a plan.
    That's the Shannon spirit!

    PS-I'm more about the eating of cupcakes.

  7. Pretty sure that I couldn't have produced something even resembling a duckie, so hats off to you!

  8. Hey, it wasn't that bad! And I'm sure it tasted better than theirs. :-)

  9. I thought your ducky was brilliantine. All ~real~ pirate ducks have crumbs, dontchaknow? *G*

  10. Okay, it's a sad cupcake. But I'm a hopeless baker so I'm sure yours is better than mine would come out.

  11. I thought the end result was pretty good! Though, I did get a giggle watching you try to put that first layer of icing on ;)

  12. maybe your duck pirate had scurvy....which made it very realistic. And who doesn't want realism in their yellow rubber duck pirate cupcakes? Seriously?


  13. I would eat that cupcake. Just saying.

  14. Shannon - you get A+ for effort! Those people are professional cupcake decorators! Yours is just fine for 99% of the rest of us.

    I bet neither of them could write a non cupcake related book...just saying.

  15. It might not have been pretty, but I bet it was delicious! And fondant-free! Fondant is gross, so you definitely win.

  16. Um, that was embarrassing! But taste is more important anyhow!

  17. Your cupcake was cuter than the "pro ones".

  18. Ha ha ha! I thought your platypus was pretty adorable. Your pirate was rather interesting, though - LOL! You're ahead of the game, though, #1. Just think of how many of us can't vlog at all yet! Me included! :-)

  19. darn checking back later b/c I can't see anything!

  20. I must say I adore the ducky cupcake! I couldn't make one and I have a book all about making crazy cupcakes and I'm STILL an epic failure at it! :-)

  21. They make it look so easy on Cake Challenge on Food Network! Applauding your bravery!!! And now I am so craving a cupcake.....

  22. Your duck was so cute!
    And I have to say, I have those 2 cookbooks in the library that I work at. None of my kids or their parents like them because all of their cupcakes (while cute) are too complicated.
    Yours was the everyman cupcake!

  23. Well sure, if they're going to cheat and use non-cupcakey type props *ahem* marshmellows and donut holes indeed!

    You, my dear, were a purist, using only cupcakes, your mad cake carving skillz and frosting to construct the epic ducky pirate (who may or may not have had a raging case of scurvy). :)

  24. ahahahahahahaha. YES.

    =) I love it--and it totally ended up really cute! Also, now I'm craving cupcakes...

  25. You know, I was actually quite impressed. If you look really close it's a little weird, but from further back it looks fantastic!

  26. bwahahaha! I knew you were gonna have trouble with that frosting! Reminds me of a video of my four year old self trying to spread peanut butter...poor thing! Your duck wasn't that bad! looked yummy!

  27. LOL. Ok, your duckie was tragic. But I could not have done any better and I still would have ate it.hahha

    Those pros were crazy good. Who would have thought of all that???

  28. It looks...interesting.
    I'm hungry.

  29. You know that saying..."It's the thought that counts"? It totally applies here!!!


  30. I thought that your cupcake came out really good!! Your video was hysterical too ;) Good job!

  31. I linked back to you, blaming you for my hunger.

  32. A few things:

    that was funny, but I would think you were far more embarrased about the stuffed elephant (and that back-up stuffed elephant.)


    You are so adorable!

    Also, my friend David and I love to say "fail" and "epic fail." However, when either one of us does something good, we say "infrequent anti-fail." I think you should start using this phrase. You know, give Shannon Shame the occasional pat on the back for... something. :)

  33. A few things:

    that was funny, but I would think you were far more embarrased about the stuffed elephant (and that back-up stuffed elephant.)


    You are so adorable!

    Also, my friend David and I love to say "fail" and "epic fail." However, when either one of us does something good, we say "infrequent anti-fail." I think you should start using this phrase. You know, give Shannon Shame the occasional pat on the back for... something. :)

  34. Your cupcake beats anything I can do. I liked it. You're so cute on camera.

    Those other guys made it look so easy. What crazies.

  35. They make it seem so simple, but I would have done it the same way you did! Looks like fun, and the end result was more than slightly adorable. Way to go!

  36. You did a great job! I couldn't even come close, and it looks so yummy and cute :)

  37. That was awesome. I love the fake cheers. I mean, not *fake* fake, obviously, since we were all cheering in our hearts.

    Well played, Cool Sara(h). Well played!

  38. Thanks for the ducky cupcake instructional video, but they didn't make pirate duckies. Maybe you could do another video demonstration with your newfound knowledge? ;o)

    Seriously, thanks for being such a great sport! I thought your pirate duck was adorable.


  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I would not have eaten your duck cupcake. But if I'm being honest, I wouldn't have eaten the professional one either. :-)


    - Corra

    The Victorian Heroine

    (PS - Sorry for the typo on the first attempt, Shannon!! I read it and laughed aloud, but thought you'd appreciate a redo.) :lol:

  41. It wasn't thaaaaaaaaaaat bad....... at least you looked beautiful doing it! Right? Love your hair too, plus I mean come on your AWESOME at tons of stuff like writing my favorite books (Keeper books) ! So I mean you can't be good at everything, leave some stuff for the rest of us Shannon! ;) <3


Yay-I love comments! Thank you so much! (But please remember to keep your comments spoiler-free. Also, I try to keep this a happy, positive place. Any arguing or intense debate--on any subject will be removed. Let's keep this a safe, fun space.