Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Comic Con Adventures: Being Rainbow Brite

Okay, I'm finally at a more clear headed place to give you guys a proper Comic Con update--but I don't want this to be an insanely long post, so I'm splitting it into the posts for the rest of the week. And even though I didn't actually wear the costume until the Saturday of the Con, I know you guys well enough to know the Shannon Shame is the part you're most interested in. Le sigh.

So fine. Here's the big costume reveal:


You can't really tell from the picture, but I totally had the side ponytail going (which took like 20 minutes to create--my hair was like 'Nooooo! We did this in the 80's--we're not doing it again!!!) and bright blue eye shadow and that weird white thing under my eye is a jeweled star. And I'm posing that way because it kinda helped hide how freaking short that darn skirt was.

But here's the thing about being in costume at Comic Con. Not only is it uncomfortable, and a lot harder to squat on the floor in a super short skirt--but it's like being a small time celebrity. One of the big things people do at Comic Con is take pictures of the various costumes, and apparently Rainbow Brite was a big hit. No really, I had a ton of people pull me aside to tell me I was their favorite costume of the Con.

So I'm not kidding when I say that shouts of "Rainbow Brite! Over here!" haunted me everywhere I went. I couldn't go more than five minutes without someone stopping me to ask for my picture (and you KNOW how much I love having my picture taken). I posed solo. I posed with kids. I posed with nerds. I posed with sweaty old guys. And I got hit on--a lot. Um...yeah. It was arguably the longest day of my life.

I tried seeking solace at the Random House booth--because people were less prone to pester me if I was busy talking--but it still meant about every fifteen minutes I had to pose for a picture, a fact the Random House publicity people seemed to find hilarious. But they let me stay (and gave me some awesome ARCs while I was there) because, well, frankly I wasn't leaving. Also because I was drawing attention to their booth. And at least I made some cool friends at Random House.

Oh, and the cherry on top of the experience? Saturday was the day of the Rick Riordan signing.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right.

I got to meet my favorite author--the man whose books are one of the primary reasons I write MG--dressed up as Rainbow Brite. It wasn't exactly the way I'd hoped to meet such an icon. But such is life. At least he'll probably remember me--though I can't quite decide if that's a good thing.

Anyway, yeah. It was definitely an experience, and I can't promise I'm ever going to do it again. But I did it! I got my rainbow on and lived to tell the tale. Now I'm just praying the photos won't end up on too many websites. It's already on one--and no, I'm not telling you which--so who knows how many more will add it. *cringes at the thought* *hides*


  1. Shannon, you look adorable! I'm laughing at your story of meeting Rick in costume. He probably didn't mind whatsoever based on how cute you looked :) Thanks for sharing the pictures! Can't wait to hear more!


  2. You look absolutely adorable! You should not feel any shame. :D

  3. You look so cute!! Where did you get the costume? Did you sew it?

  4. awwww, you looked super cute!! I'm sure all the pictures were awesome. And hey, you got some great...er, reactions. :D

  5. Dude, where are the boots? You should have told me you didn't have boots. I would have custom made some for you.

    Yay for you being an 80's cartoon celebrity! :) I love it and I love you.

  6. I think I once had a pair of soccer socks that looked like those. :)

  7. So cute! Sorry you got so much unwanted attention, but at least it must have made for an interesting day! And now you've got Random House friends and met Rick Riordan :)

  8. Ah, you look so cute. No wonder you were a celebrity!

  9. Totally cute! I love it. And hey, everyone should be a celebrity for a day! Just think how many little kids will look back at you in their picture and say, "Wow, I got to meet a superstar!"

  10. Okay. First of all: You. Are. ADORABLE. Second: The photos of you and Mr. Riordan will be up sometime this week right?

  11. You are frickin adorable in that costume! I imagine it must have been like a day in the life of Lindsey Lohan- minus the prison time. So glad you had a good time and got to meet your idol! that's huge! *on my way to type 'rainbrow brite comcon' into google... *evil laugh*

  12. I still maintain that you look adorable.

  13. Aww! As everyone has said, you look absolutely adorable in that costume! And, it's so awesome you got to meet Mr. Riordan.

  14. You look great. I would have stopped you and asked for a photo if I were there!

  15. Awesome! You already have a fandom!

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing the picture! You look adorable!

  16. I predict a 100% increase in blog followers that happen to be British Rainbow Brite fans. No such thing as bad publicity right?

    So what's next year's costume going to be?

  17. I've seen quite a few TV clips on Comic Con. I've been looking for you in them, he, he!

    Very cute costume. I can see where it would draw a lot of attention. :)

  18. I'll pretend like I didn't find the website where at least 1 is posted. *pretends* *giggles*

    Have I ever mentioned I'm terrible at pretending stuff?

  19. Awww! I love you as Rainbow Brite. And I snort laughed about meeting Rick Riordan.

    So goes life. :)

  20. ahahahaha Shannon. I HAVE THAT SAME COSTUME. hahahaha. I wore it for halloween one year in college. I'm like doubled over laughing right now =)

    Can't wait to see you in a couple daysssssss!!!!!!!

  21. Maybe you should make your head shots you as Rainbow Brite. That way, when your book gets published, people will see it and be like "OMG! Rainbow Brite from Comic Con WROTE A BOOK!" In fact, I think your pen name should be Rainbow Brite.

    Trust me, I was almost a marketing major. This is GOLD. Or, you know, RAINBOW.

  22. I showed my daughter your picture and now she wants to be Rainbow Bright for Halloween! You're an inspiration!

  23. ...I'm linking this to my sister, who grew up passionate over Rainbow Bright:)
    Very cute.

  24. Nicely done. That's way fun. Kudos for going through with it. So did Riordan have any comments on the costume or were wild costumes passé enough that he didn't feel the need to say anything?

  25. Yay!!! *Clapping!* You look amazing as Rainbrow Brite!!! You look just brilliant!! Yay for you for getting into the spirit of things!! yay!!! Brilliant!

    Take care

  26. But where are the moon boots!!! *cries* Rainbow's boots are epic!!! Still you look adorable.

  27. OMG! One of my all-time favorite breakfast cereals was Rainbow Brite. I cried and cried when they quit making it (and I was in high school at the time!). You looked great - no wonder you were the star of the day! :-)

  28. You are ADORABLE!!

    So glad you got to meet Riordan - how exciting :)

  29. You are adorable!! And I want to know which website that was. *bats eyelashes*

    So awesome that you got to meet Rick! As Rainbow Brite!

    *giggles* Long live Shannon Shame...I mean, er, Comic Con. ;)

  30. There's no shame in being so awesomely cute and popular. I mean, people wanting to pose with you? How cool is that?

  31. You look great. Glad you were such a hit. It's so cool you got to meet Rick Riordan. How awesome!

  32. I did a quick Google search (I couldn't help myself) and you weren't the only Rainbow Brite there...but if I do say so, you look WAY better in your costume than the other two did!

  33. You look adorable, shame-free. (I told you short skirts work ;)

  34. You were adorable! Sorry I only was able to speak with you briefly.

  35. OMG!!! You look great!hahhahh You really do.

    Catching up on my blog reading and I can't believe I missed this!!!
    I would wear that every day if I could...ok ok at least the socks.

  36. Omigosh how funny--I got a picture of you! You were at the Random House booth, too--ha. Heather Zundel pointed it out to me on my blog when I posted the pictures. Anyways if you want you can see yourself at www.strudelcookies.blogspot.com. That costume was awesome!

  37. +JMJ+

    Back in 1987 (or was it 1988), my cousin dressed as Rainbow Brite for her brother's big costume party bash. She won the prize for best costume, of course! =)

    There is something very fun about Rainbow Brite.

    But if I ever go to ComicCon, I think I'll go as Jem! LOL!

  38. In an interesting note...I just stumbled across a pic of you on a local (to me) blogger's report of ComicCon

    was one of those deja vu moments. :)


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