Friday, October 7, 2016

LODESTAR Tour Dates (aka: Where to find Shannon November)

Woooooooooooooooo! I finally have the full list of LODESTAR tour stops to share.


And since that graphic doesn't have the store addresses (or in case it isn't loading properly) here's the full list with a few more details (you can also find all of this on my events page by clicking HERE):

November 1, 2016
7:00 pm
Barnes & Noble Montclair
5183 S. Montclair Plaza Ln.
Montclair, CA 91763
**This event is doing wristbands. Call 909-399-1966 to reserve yours. And click HERE for more details on the exclusive giveaways**

November 2, 2016
7:00 pm

Barnes & Noble Rainbow Promenade
2191 N Rainbow Blvd. 
Las Vegas, NV 89108 

November 3, 2016
7:00 pm
Provo Library
550 North University Avenue
Provo, Utah 84601
*Books will be sold on site by The King's English*

November 4, 2016
5:30 pm
Boulder Book Store
1107 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302

November 9, 2016
7:00 pm
Anderson's Bookshop
123 W. Jefferson Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540

November 10, 2016
4:00 pm
Boswell Book Company
2559 N. Downer Ave. 
Milwaukee, WI 53211

November 11, 2016
6:30 pm
Red Ballon Bookshop
891 Grand Ave. 
St. Paul, MN 55105

November 14, 2016
6:00 pm
Barnes & Noble Stonebriar Centre
2601 Preston Rd. #1204 
Frisco, TX 75034

November 16, 2016
7:00 pm
Changing Hands Tempe
6428 S. McClintock Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85283

November 17, 2016
6:00 pm
Mysterious Galaxy Books
5943 Balboa Ave. #100
San Diego, CA 92111

December 1, 2016
7:00 pm
Kepler's Books
1010 El Camino Real
Menlo Park, CA 94025

December 2, 2016
6:00 pm
Barnes & Noble
2615 Vista Way
Oceanside, CA 92054

And I know a lot of you are reading that list and thinking, "BUT NONE OF THOSE ARE NEAR WHERE I LIVE!" I know. I'm sorry. I wish I could teleport and visit everyone. But alas, I have yet to manifest that ability. I also don't get to choose where my publisher sends me.  

But if I'm not coming to see you--remember, you can get the same swaggish goodies I give out at events through the pre-order giveaway, which I will be posting all the details on next week! (Not sure which day yet--but all pre-orders count, so order anytime!) 

And if you do live near my events--woo hoo, I hope you can make it to the signings! I would love to meet you!

I tend to get a lot of questions about events, so here's a few other pieces of info:
  • Every store has their own policy on bringing books from home to be signed at events, and I always defer to their wishes. If they're cool with it, I'm happy to sign any of my books that you bring. But if they don't allow that, then I can't sign them either. If you're worried, I'd call the store ahead of time and ask what their rules are. And even if they do allow you to bring books from home, it's always nice to buy *something* at the event as a way of thanking the store for hosting me. It doesn't have to be one of my books. Just something to support the store, since they go to a lot of effort to organize the event for me.
  • Yes, I'm happy to let you take a picture with me.
  • As far as I know, the only store doing wristbands is the B&N in Montclair, hosting the launch party. But if you're worried, you can always call the store to double check.
  • I'll be giving out the same swaggish goodies that will be part of the pre-order giveaway to everyone who comes to my events. So if you're coming to the event, you don't need to take part in the pre-order giveaway.
If I missed something, you're welcome to ask questions in the comments. Just make sure you ask the question on the actual blog post on my website and not on any of the places this blog feeds out to (like goodreads) because that's the only place I respond to them.

That's all for now--hope everyone has a great weekend. And check back next week for the Pre-Order giveaway!


  1. Awesome! I wish I lived closer. :)
    enjoy your tour!!

  2. I'M FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW THAT YOU ARE COMING TO THE RED BALLOON BOOKSHOP IN MINNESOTA!!! A bunch of my friends and I are hopefully going to come! It'll be so much fun!

  3. AUUUUUUUUGH I LIVE RIGHT NEAR THE RED BALLOON BOOKSHOP ON MINNESOTA!! My friends and I will definitely be there! I cantt wait!!!! AUUUUUUGH

  4. SO wish I lived closer to these cities! :( Have a great tour! I already pre-ordered Lodestar and am way too excited to read it! :) I've been reading books 1-4 to get ready for Lodestar. :) thanks for being an awesome Author with amazing stories to tell!

    1. Sorry I'm not coming to see you--but yay for pre-ordering! I can't wait for you to read.

  5. Frisco, Texas.


    I can't wait!

  6. I seriously cannot wait for Lodestar. I am SO excited!

  7. Will you release purple Iggy next week along with the giveaway? Please do because I need him for a KOTLC quilt I'm making.

  8. OH MY ALICORNS!!! Im so exited that you are coming to AZ! Me and a bunch of friends are hopefully coming to meet you!!! Oh, question, can you double sign books?

    1. Not sure what double signing means--if you mean can I sign an already signed book again, sure!

  9. Will there be books sold on site at the Boulder book store signing in CO? I just want to make sure! I don't want to drive an hour and find out that there aren't any books (What am I saying? I would come just to see you!!) Btw I LOVE KOTLC!! You are my favorite author and I can't wait to read lodestar!

    1. They will definitely have books for sale--though sometimes they will sell out of certain titles. So if you're worried, I'd recommend calling ahead and reserving a copy of whichever book (or books) you're wanting to buy

  10. Is it possible for you to sign 2 books?

  11. im so excited to read lodestar my parents keep saying if i tell them about it one more time im grounded :] [they were joking] :]

  12. hope to see you in COLORADO!

  13. Your coming to Boulder!!!!!! I'm SO excited!!! :) !!!!

  14. Hello,
    Firstly , I am so glad that the saga will be longer . You can't imagine how exited I am !! I have just one question , I live France and I wonder if one day you will comming in France ?
