Tuesday, September 27, 2016

LODESTAR Official Launch Party Details

Here we go again, guys.

We're about five weeks away from LODESTAR launching into the world.


And like always, I have TONS of updates coming up, including the pre-order swag giveaway details and my final tour dates and locations. (you can actually find most of the tour info already on my events page if you're curious, but I'm still waiting on a couple of pieces of info so I'm waiting until I have EVERYTHING until I make an official post.)

I've also be sharing character art on social media--and have teasers coming up next month--so if you aren't following me on Instagram, you might wanna click HERE so you don't miss out)

And for those of you in SoCal (or thinking of visiting SoCal in November), here's the info for the official Launch Party:

And in case that graphic isn't loading for some reason, here are the details again in plain text:

Tuesday, 11/1/16
7:00 pm
Barnes &Noble Montclair Plaza
5183 Montclair Plaza Ln.
Montclair, CA 91763

And this year we're doing things a *little* differently. Since the signing line can get CRAZY long, we'll be using wristbands to make it easier for you guys. Don't worry--walk-ins the day of the event are still totally welcome. But if you want to make sure they don't run out of books and you'd like a guaranteed spot toward the front of the signing line, you can call (909)399-1966 and reserve your wristband for the event. Think of it as a Disneyland FastPass--only even more magical*

*okay, it's probably NOT more magical than Disneyland--can we call it a close second?

Wristbands will be organized into groups, so the sooner you call and reserve yours, the closer you'll be to the front of the line. Even better--it'll give us a better idea of how many cupcakes to bring (since we always seem to run out within minutes o.0) And the cupcakes this year are going to be SO GOOD--more on that later--so we want to make sure we have enough.

And as if free cupcakes aren't awesome enough, everyone who comes to the launch party and buys a copy of LODESTAR will get one of these shiny Verdi on Duty buttons (in addition to all the other swaggish goodies you'll see me talking about for the pre-order giveaway)

For those who don't live in SoCal or can't come to the launch, there will be a few other chances to get one of these buttons, but getting a wristband for the Launch Party guarantees you'll get one that night! (and those without wristbands at the launch party will most likely get one too--but the only way to guarantee it is to get the wristband, so seriously, call ahead and reserve yours!)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away in the comments section below. Otherwise mark those calendars for 11/1/16.

And ....  that's it for now. But like I said--stay tuned. Soooooooooooooooooo many more exciting things are coming up over the next few weeks. 


  1. Once again, I TOTALLY wish I lived closer to you! I have no doubt it will be quite the event. Is there going to be a blog tour? Did I miss it? What can I do to help? :)

  2. I live all the way in Korea (Yes, KOREA). And I'm asking my math teacher every. Single. Day. If. It's. November. She nearly killed me today : ) But I'm waiting (while simultaneously reading three serieses -- is that a word?).

    WHY CAN'T NOVEMBER COME FASTER? Oh, yeah, because life is corrupt and any logical being would hate it, but we're also crazy inside, so we also kind of like it. That's why.

  3. I just got my wrist band!!!! *forceful exhale* Okay, I was wondering how early we should come, if the even starts at 7:00?


    1. It's really up to you. Your wristband will guarantee you a good spot in the signing line, so if you want to wait to get there until close to when the event starts you can.

  4. Replies
    1. The wristband is free, but you'll only need one if you're buying the book and want to have it signed, and for that, you'll have to pay the cost of the book (I believe it's $17.99)

  5. I am coming to your event in Frisco, and I was wondering, can I preorder the book on Amazon and bring it to be signed, or do I have to buy one at the event?

    1. It depends on the store's policy. Some stores have strict rules about people bringing books from home, since they're hosting the event in the hopes of getting sales while the author is there. So you'll need to check with them--and if it's okay, I still recommend buying SOMETHING from the store while you're there as a show of support for them hosting me. And I will say, if you're thinking of pre-ordering in order to take part in the pre-order giveaway, there's no need. You'll get all the same goodies if you come to the event. The pre-order giveaway exists because there's always way more places I CAN'T visit than where I CAN, so it's a way for people who don't have me visiting their area to get the same fun things that people who come to my events get.

  6. Thank you! I just really want to read Lodestar the day it comes out, but I don't want to break any rules.

  7. I was wondering if you could ever come to New York, Staten Island cause I would die for a chance to meet you but you never come to New York
