Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Welcome to the world, LET THE WIND RISE!

I know I probably say this every time one of my books launch into the world, but I seriously can't believe the day is finally here!  I heard there were a few early sightings over the weekend, but now--officially--LET THE WIND RISE is out in the world!

SEND IN ALL THE EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the third--and final--book in the Sky Fall trilogy, and I know so many of you have waited SO long for this day to come. Deadlines got away from me a bit, and we ended up having to delay the book for a whole year (after leaving you on a cliffhanger for book 2--SORRY). So I worked extra hard to make it worth that wait, and I have to say--I know I shouldn't pick favorites between the three books in the series, but .... this one is my favorite.

(shhhhh, don't tell LET THE SKY FALL and LET THE STORM BREAK)

I've never written an "end" to a series before, and I honestly had no idea if I knew how to do it. But i'm so incredibly proud of the way this book turned out. It's slightly bittersweet knowing I'm leaving Vane and Audra behind now. But I love where I've left them. It's the ending I always knew was coming, and now I can step away and let them be.

I hope you love it as much as I do. And I hope to meet some of you at my upcoming events. Here they are again, in case you missed it when I shared this the last time.

And now, we commence the countdown to LODESTAR! Only about 6 more months to go--AHHHH!


  1. Yay! Congrats Shannon!

  2. Congrats!!

    My copy arrived in today's mail. Can't wait to dive into it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Could you possibly come to Ohio sometime? Specifically Cincinnati?

  5. Can't wait to read! And can't wait for Lodestar!
