Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Long-Awaited EVERBLAZE Pre-Order Swag giveaway!!!

YAY--it's that time again!

Now that we are only three weeks away from the launch of EVERBLAZE (*pauses to flail*), it's time for the annual Pre-Order Swag giveaway!!!!!!


This is my way of trying to make up for the fact that it's simply impossible for me to tour to every city. So everyone who pre-orders a copy of EVERBLAZE before the cut-off date AND fills out the form at the end of this post*, will get this awesome EVERBLAZE swag mailed directly to them:

In case you can't tell from the picture, that is:
1 hand signed, limited edition Iggy a l'orange postcard art print
1 hand signed (and personalized, if you'd like) EVERBLAZE bookplate
1 EVERBLAZE bookmark

And yes, EVERYONE who pre-orders the book and fills out the form will get that!!!!!

But wait--there's so much more!

 I will also choose ten (10) of you at random and give you this: (yes, that's in *addition* to the other swag!)

And again, in case you can't tell, that is:
1 sheet of four EVERBLAZE stickers
4 EVERBLAZE mini cards featuring Sophie and Fitz

As if THAT weren't awesome enough, I have one more prize. Five (5) additional winners will get all of the swaggish goodies up above, plus one of these:

The shiny, super-awesome Black Swan mirrors I'll be giving out at the official launch party! (for another picture of what they look like, go HERE) These might be the coolest swag I've ever seen, so trust me, you want to win one.

You don't have to do anything special to enter for the extra goodies. I'll choose the winners randomly from all the people who fill out the form for their swag. So that's the only requirement: you must fill out the form at the end of this post. Which of course means you also must pre-order a copy of EVERBLAZE

And because I like to keep things simple, I'm not requiring proof of purchase. If you say you bought it, I trust you. I'm counting on you guys to be honest. And remember, lying makes an alicorn poop on your head--but telling the truth makes it rain mallowmelt and Prattles! :) I also won't be announcing the additional-goodies winners online. If you're one of the lucky ones who wins the extra swag, you'll find out when your prize arrives in the mail.

I'm also willing to mail the prizes anywhere--even internationally. And it doesn't matter if you pre-order an eBook or a hardcover. As long as it's EVERBLAZE, it counts. And you can buy that copy anywhere books are sold. Of course I recommend shopping local from your favorite indie and supporting a local business. But it's up to you where you want to shop.

I also know lots of you pre-ordered yours months and months ago. (which is awesome, btw.) And if that's the case, you can definitely still fill out this form and get your free swag. But you must pre-order your copy before 11:59 pm (pacific time) on 11/3/14 AND fill out the form before then. After that I'll close the form and there will be no more ways to enter.

And there's no limit on how many swag packs you can get. If you buy five books, you can get five swag packs (also five chances to be one of the winners for the extra goodies.) Just make sure you fill out the form separately for each copy you pre-order, so that I know how many swag packs to send you.

Also: since I'm leaving for tour the same day this contest ends, there *will* be a slight delay on when your swag gets mailed to you. But I promise I'll have them all in the mail before November 30th. (most likely much sooner). Sorry for the delay, I can't deal with mailing stuff while I'm traveling.

(And by the way--if you haven't checked to see if I'm touring in your area, see my events page HERE. Still a few more tour dates to announce, but several of them are there--I'm getting to go so many fun places!)

Um........... I *think* that covers everything--but if I missed something, feel free to ask in the comments.

And I just want to end by thanking all of you for your enthusiasm and support for this series. It is SO FUN watching it grow and find new readers. Thank you for telling your teachers and friends, and posting your edits on instagram, and sending me your fan art, and all of the other amazing things you guys do. Keep doing what you're doing--its working like a charm. And I can't wait for you to read EVERBLAZE.

Only three weeks left--AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, here's the form you need to enter,

*Please note: you must be 13 years or older to fill out this form. If you're not, please have your parent or guardian fill it out for you



  1. Thanks, Shannon! I am always sad no tours in Upstate NY!

  2. Already Pre-ordered! And just filled out the form! I hope i put my address in right 0.0

  3. I hope I get a mirror or stickers or mini cards!!! Thank you Shannon for everything! I love your books! God Bless you! And i hope you get more sweets to come!

  4. Wow. You have a LOT on your plate. I hope the launch is greatly successful for you.

  5. OH MY GOSHHHHHH!!!! I'm super exited! What better things could happen? Those Black Swan mirror are sooo cool. PLEASE come to Fresno for your Everblaze tour! Your Fresno Fans NEEED you!

  6. I can't wait!!!! This is so amazing! I love Keeper of the Lost Cities! Who's going to be on the fourth book cover? I vote Biana! Anyone else?

    1. I want Dex,Fitz,Sophie,Biana and Keefe all in one big friend-sies group picture. Go Team Keefe!

  7. Does that mean every where you go for the Everblaze tours gets a Black Swan mirror too, or only the ones who can go to the Launch Party?

    1. I'll be bringing a couple to each EVERBLAZE tour stop to give away as raffle prizes. But I won't be giving them away to everyone, mostly because it'd be too hard traveling with all those heavy, fragile mirrors. So there will be a chance to win a couple at each tour stop, as well as several online giveaways too. :)

  8. My son and I are looking forward to reading it! Such a good series. Good luck with your tour!

  9. So I'm confused if we pre order the book when do we get it??? And btw I love your books they are the best!!! And someone help me on my question

    1. You usually get your book (if you pre ordered it) by mail on the release date.

  10. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SOOOOOOO EXCIIITEDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I love Keeper of the lost Cities. Is it possible that there's going to be a fifth? Once I start reading I can't stop and if books stop coming out what am I going to do?

    1. I know what you mean. My life will pretty much be ruined too. :)

    2. Totally agree! After I read the second one some mounths ago I felt pretty depressed! PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!

  12. Eeeekkkk! I'm so excited! Thanks so much for writing such a fantastic series, and being so dedicated to your fans!

  13. SO EXCITED SHANNON! I am an aspiring young author and was wondering if you had any tips? Your books are very special to me and I totally look up to you!

  14. On the fourth book cover should be Grady, Elaine and Sophie!!! Or a group picture! Dex, Wonderboy, Keefe, Biana and Sophie!!! Thanks so much for writing these books and being weird like me! Your books have everything that I love! Adventure, a GREAT heroine, and three cute guys!!! Also a lot of love and the true meaning of friendship!
    P.S. TEAM DEX!!!

  15. I hope it rains mallowmelt and Prattles soon. :) Can't wait for Everblaze to arrive!

  16. Is there any chance I can preorder .... my daughter kept asking & asking for me to order it for her & I finally came to order & see it's closed ☹️ Shannon, is there any way I can still enter this? Thank you for your amazing books. My daughter has loved everyone of them & flown through reading them. As a parent, I can't thank you enough for your creativity & commitment in continuing to publish such great books.

    1. There's no way to take advantage of this giveaway, since it's 2 years old and all the swag was limited edition and long gone. (Everblaze came out in 2014) But there is a giveaway going on for pre-ordering book 5, which you can find if you paste this link into your browser: http://ramblingsofawannabescribe.blogspot.com/2016/10/woo-hoo-its-finally-time-for-lodestar.html
