Friday, October 3, 2014

EVERBLAZE Official SoCal Launch Party Details

Wow--we are basically one month away from the release of EVERBLAZE!!!!

(*cue all the jumping and flailing and scrambling and panicking*)

So keep an eye on this blog--and the rest of my social media--because I have ALL KINDS of fun updates coming for you, including the pre-order swag giveaway you're all so eagerly waiting for, and my Fall tour dates.

But while that's all getting finalized, I wanted to share one event that's already set: The Official EVERBLAZE Lauch Party!!!!  Here's all the deets:

And in case that graphic isn't loading for some reason, here the details are again in plain text:

Monday, 11/3/14
7:00 pm
Barnes & Noble Montclair Plaza
5183 Montclair Plaza Ln.
Montclair, CA 91763

And yes--you're reading that date correctly. The official Launch party IS the day before EVERBLAZE comes out. So that means--if you come--you can buy your copy a day early!!!!! 

As if that weren't incredible enough, let me give you another AWESOME reason to be there. Everyone who comes to the official launch--and buys a copy of EVERBLAZE--will also be given one of these amazing Black Swan mirrors:

For those who don't live in SoCal, I *will* be raffling off a few of these mirrors at each of my tour stops. Plus there will be a few online giveaways during the weeks after release to give everyone a chance to enter for one. But this Launch Party is the only time they'll be given out to everyone at the event. And they'll be given out first come, first served, while supplies last. So if you're worried about getting one, better get there early. :)

There will also be some very special RAFFLE PRIZES! And CUPCAKES!! And SWAG. And BOOKS!!! So many shiny copies of EVERBLAZE!!!! And I'll be signing ALL of them!!!!! Who doesn't want to be a part of that?????

It'll be the perfect way to kick off launch week, and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! I hope to see you there! Mark your calendars for 11/3/14. It's going to be EPIC!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away in the comments section below.

And ....  that's it for now. But like I said in the beginning--stay tuned. I still have lots more events and giveaways and amazingness coming your way!! The next few weeks are going to be so much fun!  

((Team KEEPER Group Hug))


  1. I HAVE AN IDEA!!!!!!
    You should come to Georgia!
    Seriously! We love Keeper over here! (And I kinda just want to meet you.)
    *returns Keeper hug*

    1. Aw, I would love to come to Georgia and meet you. Hopefully some day I'll get invited to a Georgia book festival, or my publisher will send me there on tour. :)

    2. Publisher must approve visit to Georiga. Or there will be riots in the streets.
      XD Just kidding.

    3. maybe you could come to beaverton oregon someday too!

  2. Congratulations Shannon, I am so excited for you.
    I wish if you could do a tour in Egypt...

  3. SO excited for your new book!! I was hooked from the first page of Keeper, Exile was a flawless sequel, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us with Everblaze! I can't wait to see who Sophie "ends up with", I can't pick one of the boys myself because I love each character dearly. I hope you have a chance to come to Idaho sometime; I would love to meet you someday :)

    1. Aww, thank you so much! I would love to meet you someday, too. Here's hoping tour schedules someday align and I'll be in your area. :)

  4. Very exciting time for you. Congratulations. Have a wonderful time at the launch. It's a bit too far from Sacramento for me to make it.

  5. Looking forward to your book with great anticipation. I hope you have a great time with your launch! In fact I'm rereading the first two books now so I don't forget anything. I would love to live inside your creative mind for a day. I'm holding onto my original copies for my great granddaughter who will be reading them in a few years. Congratulations on your upcoming release.

  6. EEEEE!!! I wish I could be there...but I'm so happy for you! (And me, because I get to read EVERBLAZE in a MONTH!!!) I'm soooo excited. Whenever a package arrives at my house, I secretly hope it's EVERBLAZE even though I know it's not.

    My friends and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! (TEAM FOSTER-KEEFE FOREVER)

    1. #teamfoster-keefe!!!!!

    2. Yes Team Foster-Keefe!!!

    3. Don't forget Glitter Butt!!!! Team Foster-Keefe won't be complete without the sparkly alicorn!!!

  7. Stuck all the way over in Jamaica but best of luck with the launch! Will be looking out for the giveaways and saving to buy more books.

  8. What if you preordered a copy already? can you still get it then?

    ( It would be awesome if I could get it signed!!!!!!!!)

    1. Well, the problem is, you probably won't have it by the Launch party. Pre-orders usually don't arrive until the release day (or sometimes even a couple of days later). And since is the day before release, I doubt you'll have your book to bring. But I will be doing a pre-order swag giveaway (you'll see the post in the next couple of weeks) where you can fill out a form and I'll mail you a signed bookplate to add to it. As for the mirrors, those really will be limited to people who buy the book that day at the launch party (part of our way of thanking the store for hosting the event). But like I said, I'll be doing some online giveaways with the mirrors over the next few weeks, so you could always enter to win one then :)

    2. okay thanks for the info :)

    3. Also: you are still welcome to come to the launch even if you don't have your book with you. There will be cupcakes and other raffle prizes we're giving away, that won't require a purchase. And if there happen to be mirrors left, then I'd be able to give you one. I'd just have to wait until the end to make sure everyone who buys a book that day gets one first. :)

  9. When are you going to do a event at the Barnes and Nobles all the way here in Temecula?

    1. The B&N in Temecula doesn't do a lot of events, so arranging them is very difficult. I believe I'll be there at the end of January, but that might change. Otherwise I'll stop by and sign whatever stock they have once I get back from tour. :)

  10. Are you by any chance coming to Las Vegas?

  11. DANG I so wish I could be there! Still, I'm DYING for Everblaze! Fingers crossed you come near me!

  12. YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY I can actually come!!!! So happy 4 u Shannon :) could you have the 4th book launch party in the B&N in Huntington Beach??/ *nudge, nudge, wink ,wink*

  13. Totes love your books! Been driving my mom crazy to order it from amazon. Im an 11 year old gifted child who has been blessed by your book.(Real reason i got exile at first was because of seeing Keefe on the cover XD) you gonna come to Jacksonville? Totes know my mom might bring me...i root for fitz and keefe XD not much Dex though. Some of me does. Cant wait for Everblaze!

    1. Team Keefe all the way!!!!!! I'm not really into Dex either because THEY ARE COUSINS!!!! It's awkward enough that Dex drops hints of liking Sophie, but then comes the part when they're related!!!!! :| Go Team Keefe!!! :)


  14. Why must Montclair be THREE HOURS away from Fresno?! If only I could ditch school early to drive allllll the way there! This is sooooo exiting! Those mirror are sooooo pretty. I know I shouldn't be complaining because Montclair is so much closer to be than say Georgia, but the first time I saw it I thought it WAS in Fresno, until I read where it was. So it's like double disappointment. So close...... yet so far. How Are you doing the giveaway? And when?

    1. Not only are you going to be there, but cupcakes are too?! Why is life s unfair?
      *Sad tears*

  15. PLEASSSSSSSSSSE some to Fresno! I was so sad to miss the first book signing there over the summer. Can we have a Everblaze party in Fresno too?

    1. Aw, I'm not sure when I'll have time to get to Fresno again, but hopefully next year I'll make it back.

    2. Hopefully you can come next year! I'm dying to see you too. :'(

  16. Can you please come to Canada? My friend gave me the first book of the Keeper series and now I'm hooked. I'm dying for you to come sign my book!

  17. Come to NJ! We have a whole group of people who love this series!

  18. I love all of these books so much!!!! these are the best books I have ever read!!!!!!! I wish you would come to canada :) I can't wait for EVERBLAZE!!! :)

  19. I don't go to many bookstores and buy books there. I go to XD Iibraries and online e-book stores. Last year, I begged my parents and they bought me Exile for Christmas. So that means I'll have to wait for Christmas to come this year or beg my parents so much they'll HAVE to buy it. Teeheehee. XD

    I am a total fangirl about this series and am sooo happy there's going to be a book 4. Book 5, Shannon? I hope so! :D

  20. I wish you would come to walnut creek California. I can't wait to read Everblaze

  21. You have to come to Grand Rapids in Michigan sometime. That would be EPIC!!!!!!!

    GO TEAM KEEPER!!!!!:)

  22. I am planning on going to the release party and would like to bring my whole Keeper series for you to sign, is that all right?
    p.s. I started to hyperventilate with joy when I saw that the release party was in California.

    1. Yay, can't wait to see you! And I'm honestly not sure. Most stores will let you bring books from home, so long as you buy at least one book while you're there.

  23. Hey Shannon Messenger! hahaha the name is Alice and I'm going to like have this insane fangirling session but omg, I just absolutely LOVE your books they are the ultimate bae I live in China but I was born in America so no, I don't have an accent sorry to disappoint . Please please please don't tell me Everblaze is your last book, all of them leave me breathless (as well as a suspicious look from my brother when he sees me smiling like a stupid idiot). Your books are fab, your characters are perfect, and who's gonna win the lucky girl by the end of the series? haha I'm so torn between team Keefe and Team Fitz, Dex kind of weared off in the middle somewhere. What do the other people think? You should totally have a voting poll to see which boy is the most shipped with Foster. LETS GO KEEPERS!!!!
