Wednesday, September 12, 2012

News! Photos! Updates! Oh my!

Wow, I am SO BEHIND on updating you guys about all the STUFF and THINGS that have turned the last few months / weeks / days (who can tell anymore--it all feels like one big never-ending blur--kind of like this sentence!) into a whirlwind of AIYEE!!!!!!!!

(and warning, there will be a lot of exclamation marks in this post!)

First up: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is me, at the SIBA Trade show in Naples, Florida last week, signing one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen--FINISHED COPIES OF KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I still don't really know how to process it. I had no idea that's what I'd be doing there, and then I got to the signing and they were unpacking all these beautiful, shiny hardcovers and it was like EXCUSE ME WHILE I HAVE A MOMENT HERE, PEOPLE! It's amazing I didn't cry! (and yeah, I totally did later in my hotel room when I got to really page through one)

While I was there I also got to do a super fun panel with Adam-Troy Castro, Ellis Weiner, and Irene Latham:

(Huge thanks to Irene for taking the picture, which I totally stole from her awesome blog)

AND, I got to have one of those, "wow--this two series at once thing is REAL" moments when I had to change badges to say "Shannon Messenger: Let the Sky Fall" and sign these:

*stares at the stack of ARCs, trying not to worry about people hating them...*

I've also been really bad about announcing the events I have coming up, so let's fix that right now! I have two events this weekend that I'm SUPER excited about:

Bridge to Books
September 15th, 10:30am
McKinley School, 325 S. Oak Knoll Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101
A middle grade event with Lisa McMann, Margaret Peterson Haddix, and Helen Stringer. Admission is free and books will be available to purchase on site from Once Upon a Time Bookstore. But you will need to register online. Info can be found at

SCIBA Children's Books and Literacy Brunch

September 16, 10:30 am
Hilton San Diego/Del Mar
I'm so honored to be a speaker, along with the amazing Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian and Diane Lang. Full event details can be found HERE.

I've also updated my Appearances page, so you can find all the details about all the other things I have coming up HERE.

Another thing I've been TOTALLY remiss about is revealing EXCITING FOREIGN THINGS! 

In case you can't read that, the quick sum-up is: Germany, Spain, Italy, and Brazil! I seriously don't know how to wrap my head around the fact that my books are going to be published in languages I can't understand, but I am so honored and humbled and grateful at the warm welcome my characters have gotten. And should I have any more news on that front I promise to keep you guys posted.

Hm... I'm pretty sure that catches you up--and even *I'M* sick of me and all my giddiness by now--so I think that's enough for today.

But I will be revealing something else--something I am SO INSANELY EXCITED ABOUT on Friday so check back for that. And thank you for reading all of this and sharing in my excitement.

In fact I want to take a second to thank all of you for your amazing support and patience with me. I know I've been a bad blogger, and I know I've gotten really bad about replying to comments and emails and lost touch with so many of you. But I promise I'm still here and I'm still reading everything you guys say and I am hoping to get better about some of those things soon because I really miss interacting with you guys. In the meantime, THANK YOU for understanding and supporting me and generally just being there as I try to keep my head straight through all of this crazy chaos. (also: come hang with me on Twitter--that's the one place I'm pretty good about staying current with my replies).

I knew this year was going to be an adventure and I'm trying to keep up with it all as best as I can. But I really appreciate you all sticking by me as I muddle through. I know I'm not doing it all perfectly, but I'm trying my best. And I could not do this without you guys!

((BLOG HUG!!!!!!))


  1. Oh my gosh!! I love that gorgeous cover of Keeper of The Lost Cities (I will definitely grab a copy asap in October) and Let the Sky Fall! :) And what are you revealing on Friday? *curious*

  2. Very exciting! And looking forward to Friday!

  3. The books look beautiful, both of them! Congrats on these exciting times. :)

  4. So happy for you! Congratulations. I think you have every right to be giddy and weepy with joy.

  5. How couldn't you get teary-eyed at the sight of those gorgeous covers! Congratulations to everything.

  6. Oh, Shannon how awesome!!! Ooh, can't wait to read LTSF!!! Keeper of the Lost Cities rocks!!

  7. Pretty, shiny books! Congratulations, Shannon, you and the books look fantastic.

  8. So very awesome!!!! Yay for Shannon and all her happy news! :) (And I can't wait to get my hands on those books myself!)

  9. The dust jacket on the hardcover looks even shinier than the ARC I have in my hand right now! Yes, I've finally started reading it.

    1. EEP! Hope you enjoy! (and remember, you are WELCOME to not tell me if you hate it) :)

  10. Hardcovers are something so, so special.

    This post is full of such great stuff!

  11. Awesome Shannon. So excited for you. Enjoy it all!

  12. The hardcover copies are so pretty and shiny!

  13. Woo Hoo! CONGRATS!! Shannon, I am so excited for you!!! : )

  14. Congratulations! You deserve the exclamation points.

  15. Saw you featured in today's PW Children's Bookshelf. You are on a roll!

  16. Shannon, they are beautiful! I'm so excited for you. Enjoy every second of your journey. :)

  17. Your life is such an exciting whirlwind right now, #1!!! Love it! :-)
