Wednesday, September 5, 2012

KEEPER Launch Party Details!

Yes--the time has finally come for me to freak out tell you about some of the exciting things I have planned for the release of KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES. Specifically the terrifying Launch Parties!

And yes--I mean parties plural. I figured, I was already worrying that no one would come to one launch party, so why not double the stress????? :)

No, really, what it came down to is that there's one Indie Book Store that not only holds a very special place in my heart, but is a large part of the reason KEEPER exists. So I couldn't imagine not doing my launch there. BUT, when I started telling SoCal friends and family that the launch would be in Arizona, well... lets just say they were less than happy with me (I'm now very glad I didn't have a destination wedding--it would not have gone over well).

SO, I'm doing TWO launches in TWO different states in ONE action packed week---and then probably collapsing or fleeing to Mexico.  Should be good times!

Here are the details for both events:

SoCal Launch Party
When: Tuesday, October 2
Time: 6:30 pm
Where: Barnes & Noble Oceanside
2615 Vista Way
Oceanside, CA 92054

Changing Hands Launch Party
When: Saturday, October 6
Time: 5:00 pm
Where: Changing Hands Bookstore
6428 S McClintock Dr
Tempe, AZ 85283 

I really hope some of you guys can come. In fact, I will love you forever. Like, SERIOUSLY.  I am begging hoping you'll decide to make me the happiest person ever (seriously, EVER) and come hang out. 

There will be rambling! And nervous giggling! And awkward moments where I can't decide if I should hug or handshake so we do that sort of clumsy half step-dancy thing!

Who DOESN'T want to be there for all of that????????

And since I am not above bribing you because I love you guys, there will also be exclusive swag and prizes! (Some pretty awesome things, if I do say so myself.) I'm also working on getting food and other yummy things. I'm not sure what the stores will allow, but I'll do what I can to have a few treats.

So mark those calendars! I'll update with any additional details as I figure them out and do my best to remind you guys (warning: I will probably be a bit obnoxious about this--I am SO SCARED no one will come). You can also find info on all my upcoming events on my Appearances Page.

Hope to see some of you there!


  1. I know the fear of no one coming. You have a lot of friends though, so I bet you'll have a great turnout. So excited for you Shannon! Wish I lived near to you so I could come too.

  2. If I could come, Shannon, I would. I live in North Dakota. If I still lived in Arizona (I grew up there), I would totally support you. I know how it feels to be SO scared nobody will show up. I did a book signing a month ago, and I was terrified. But you know what? It turned out way better than I thought. People showed, and I sold all my books. So you'll do great. Try not to worry, and I'll be with you in spirit cheering you on. :)

  3. I'll be there in spirit!! LOL!! Awwww ENJOY and huge huge huge congratulations!! Take care

  4. I actually can come to that-looking forward to picking up a SIGNED copy!!!!

    1. YAY--THAT IS AWESOME! Can't wait to meet you! *dances* :)

  5. Man oh man....wish I could be there!! You will rock it, I know. And those nerves? They will make you all the better and help you really me. Goooooo Shannon!!!

  6. You know I'll be there!! :) :) I'm putting it on my calendar...NOW!

  7. Ohhhhh! How fun! I so wish I could be there! We have THE MOST AWESOME indie (just for kids and teens) bookstore in Minneapolis--WIld Rumpus Books. Come there! On a book tour maybe? It has real live animals (some of which are CATS) parading around the store. It's simply the best. store. ever.

  8. Sorry, Arkansas is a little to far away. But I'll be thinking of you!!! (And ordering my own copy!)

  9. OMG!!! You're coming into my area!!! OMG!!!

  10. So cool! I wish I was closer!! I'd love to come.

  11. I wish I lived near, so that I could come. It'd be so awesome to meet you in person!

  12. Hi, Shannon! I wish I lived near one of your launch locations, because I would so be there. I'll be sending good thoughts your way. I'm sure both launches will be very successful! : )

  13. Nice! But, unfortunately for you, EAST COAST FTW! Altough, most book stuff happens in California. or, if on the East side of the US, in Florida, or the South. It's really annoying. I mean, I live in MD, right next to DC actually. Why aren't there more signings and whatnot in DC?! I would totally make the 40-minute drive to DC. Anyway...

    SO sorry I can't come - I really do want to :(

  14. I'm going to do my best to make it to Oceanside. It's hard for me to get down that far on a school night, but I'll do everything I can to be there to celebrate with you!
