Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just when I think this week can't get any cooler...

I keep waiting for all of this to feel less surreal (and to stop talking about it CONSTANTLY and probably driving you all crazy!) but... stuff keeps happening that is just so overwhelming it's like... THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVER HOW CAN I NOT GUSH ENDLESSLY ABOUT IT???????

So... sorry guys, you're welcome to ignore me if you've had enough. But I just. can't. help myself!

I mean, how can I not get all choked up/insanely excited when a PM announcement pops up in my inbox with MY BOOK DEAL IN THERE???????

From Publisher's Marketplace:

Children's: Fantasy
Shannon Messenger's debut middle-grade series KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES, about a girl who discovers there are secrets buried in her memory that others would kill for, and has to figure out why she is the key to her brand-new world before the wrong person finds the answer first, to Liesa Abrams at Aladdin, in a six-figure deal, in a pre-empt, in a three-book deal, for publication starting in Fall 2012, by Laura Rennert at Andrea Brown Literary Agency (North America). 

Obviously I knew it was coming. But still--when it finally did, yesterday? It was ... a "moment." And there was a lot of staring at the email and thinking.... OMG THAT'S ME!!!!!!!!

Also surreal? More than 100 people have already added my book on Goodreads in the last 4 days.  


I... I don't even know what to say about that. Or about Goodreads giving me a real "author page" of my own. Or about the discussion someone started, where they suggested my book--MY book--was going to be a top book--and so far no one has argued with them! (no agreement, either. But hey--I'm GOOD with no arguing!!!) (And btw, there are whole new realms of panic and pressure that come with that suggestion. Holy High Expectations, Batman! *bites nails*)

And then there are the hundreds and hundreds of comments, tweets, emails, FB posts, text messages, and phone calls I've gotten from all of you, filled with so much love and support I really don't know how to process it all. I'm doing my best to reply to them, because seriously they mean SO much to me. And I'm back from LA now--after spending a crazy few days researching a scene and connecting with some amazingly awesome people--so hopefully I'll be able to catch up on the rest. But if I miss yours accidentally--I'm so sorry. Please know that I read it, loved it, and so so SO can't thank you enough for it. 

I also know I keep promising you a contest--and I PROMISE I have one coming for you. But I'm saving it for Monday because my brain is totally floopy right now and I don't trust myself to organize the last final things.

Plus, a few of you are calling for something... else... to happen first. 

Not sure how many of you have really been following my blog long enough to know this but... a LONG time ago I made a certain deal with my followers that when I sold my book I would post a clip from the humiliating performance I gave a long time ago on a low budget game show (the story behind that can be found HERE.)

Well... the time has finally come. I scored five extra months with the whole not-being-able-to-announce thing (there were SOME advantages to that.) But alas, I can stall no longer. 


There will be bangs of doom. There will be humiliating YouTube Clips. There will be SHANNON SHAME GALORE!!!!! 

And then... I will probably flee to Mexico to start a new life as a maraca player. Ole!


  1. What a thrill that must have been!! Hard to even imagine. I've added your book on Goodreads - it was so fun to see it listed!! :)

  2. Congratulations on the book deal!!! SO, so excited for you!!!

    Enjoy this moment, and I HAVE got to remember to come back tomorrow. I must see the bangs of doom. (I remember having some of those myself)

  3. Shannon - GUSH ALL YOU WANT LADY! You earned it!!!

  4. You are totally entitled to jump around and scream in delight and share it all with the rest of us.

    (I'll be here tomorrow.)

  5. Now I REALLY can't wait for tomorrow!

    Congrats again!

  6. I don't do phones, so I haven't bothered you that way, but don't think it's because I heart you any less. I just hate phones.

  7. You've held it in for months and months. You're well entitled to squee and jump around, Shannon. :)

  8. Wow! I've been neglecting the blogosphere lately, so this is news to me. Congratulations, Shannon! At the risk of sounding sappy, you are truly an inspiration, and I can't wait to read your book!

  9. Ha! The pay-up on your "deal with the universe"--cannot wait!! :-)

  10. You've instantly made me glad I never tried to get on a game show :) I have a high school friend who has tried for years to be on one. I'm sending her the link to your story. I've never been so anxious to see a TV clip!

  11. Apparently it's time I made a deal with the universe. Not sure what would be the most humiliating, though. I'll have to keep watching your blog for ideas. ;)

  12. You must be beyond excited...I get excited just reading what you have to say about it.

    And I will continue to enjoy reading about this wonderful experience for you. Some of us just don't have the same gift and are thrilled to live it through your posts.

  13. You're entitled to gush - it's incredible news!

  14. OH MY GOSH, CONGRATS on the hugest scale!! That's so frockin' rockin'. :) I'm so excited for you. <3 it!!
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  15. It sounds super overwhelming. *hides*
    But so awesome! :)
    Congrats again, I'm soooo happy for you!
    (By the way, the captcha here is foxable. I don't know exactly what it means, but it sounds awesome. So next time you feel overwhelmed by the 'holy high expectations, batman!' - hehe - just tell yourself how foxable you are. You'll feel better. :D)

  16. Ahhhhhh!!! CONGRATS!!! That's fantastic news ;o)Whooooooo *throws confetti!!!*

  17. Yay! I can't wait to see it!

    And I remember the "dreaded vlog" after getting an agent. I love your "deals." :D So entertaining!

  18. You were on a game show? I am totally making fun of you...unless it was like Jeopardy. Then I will just be mad.

    I'll take Impossible Acts to Follow, Alex.

    Answer: The nicest, somewhat crazy but always willing to help everyone, soon to be biggest bestselling debut middle grade author EVER.

    Question: Who is Shannon Messenger?

  19. So honored to *know* you. Congratulations by the millions. And yes sprinkles and confetti for you all around. Also the champaigne!

  20. Deals with the universe cannot be ignored, you poor thing. But I'm sure the book deal will balance out the humiliation. Mexico is nice this time of year. ;)

  21. Shannon, your news is so exciting! Congrats!

  22. So awesome, Shannon! Huge congrats!!! And of course people are adding it on Goodreads. With a blurb like that, most of us can't wait to get our hands on it. I know I can't!

    Best of luck, girl.

  23. Congratulations!! I'd say seeing your deal in PM is exciting--which is probably the understatement of the century! :)

    The story sounds great! No wonder so many people have added it on Goodreads--me included. I can't wait to read it!
