Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Event Questions--Answered!

Since we're a little less than a month away from NIGHTFALL (ahhhhhhh--it's so close) and the NIGHTFALL Tour, I'm getting a lot of questions about the events. So I'm going to do my best to answer them here--but before I do I just want to emphasize:
If you're planning to come to one of the events, the best thing you can do is call the store and ask any questions you're having, since they'll have the most current, correct information (the author is always the last to know those kinds of things). Also, if something they tell you differs from something I'm telling you, listen to them. They're the ones running the event so they definitely know better than I do. 
Okay, all of that being said, here are some answers to the questions I'm getting:

I called the B&N at the Grove about the Launch Party and was told I can't reserve a wristband until the day of the event--is that true?
Yes, I've verified with my publicist that this is true. SORRY for the confusion! (this is why I say always trust the store, not the author!) The Grove will be doing wristbands to control the flow of the signing line, but you can't reserve one until 9:00 am on the morning of the event (11/7/17). And in order to reserve one, you'll need to purchase a copy of NIGHTFALL from them. But don't worry--they've assured me that they will not run out of wristbands or copies of NIGHTFALL, so you won't have any problems attending the Launch Party that day, I promise! So no need to stress! If you have any other questions about the event, here's the number for the store: 323-525-0270.

Will the Launch Party be selling the B&N Special Edition?
YES! In fact, it's the only version they'll be selling. So if you come to the Launch and buy NIGHTFALL, you'll be getting the fancy version with the bonus art and the extra Keefe story! Not sure if the same applies to my other B&N events, so you might want to call those stores. But I can definitely say for a fact that the Launch will have them.

None of your events are near me--can you PLEASE come to my state too???
Alas, I wish it were possible to visit all of my readers on tour. But unfortunately I haven't learned how to teleport, so I'm limited to only being able to visit a select number of cities each year--and as I've said many times before, my publisher chooses the tour stops, not me. So if I'm not visiting a city near you, unfortunately all I can say is, "hopefully next year!" (But again, I don't have any control over where I'll be going when I tour for Book 7 so I can't guarantee it. Also: this is why I do the pre-order giveaway. Details on that will be posted SOON, I promise!)

Are you going to be adding any more events this year?
There are still a couple of things I'm waiting for confirmation on, and if they come through I will definitely let you guys know. But I can't say anything until then.

Will you be giving out swag at your events?
YES! Just like in years past, I'll have exclusive goodies I'll be giving away to everyone who buys a book. Swag is passed out on a first come, first served basis--and while I always have a LOT, and the chance I'll run out is fairly small, if you're worried, I would recommend getting to the event early. I'm still waiting to find out what the items will be--and I promise an update as soon as I know.  (And yes the Changing Hands Event and the Launch Party at the Grove will have extra goodies like I always have in the past as well.) Details on all of that coming up ASAP.  (And remember, if I'm not coming to a city near you, there is also the pre-order giveaway, so you can still get some fun swaggish goodies as well. I promise I will post all the details on that as soon as I have them!)

I already ordered a copy of NIGHTFALL--can I bring it to the event to have you sign it? 
This is one of those questions where you really do need to check with the store to find out their policies, because every store has different rules. I will say that in my experience, most stores will require you to buy NIGHTFALL from them in order to get in the signing line. But some just say, "buy any of Shannon Messenger's books." And some don't have rules about that at all (though I highly recommend you buy something from them to thank them for going to so much work to host my event. Bookstores need sales to continue existing, after all).

Can I bring my copies of your other books and have you sign them?
This depends on two things: 1) whatever rules the store has about bringing books from home (so you'll want to call them and ask). And 2) the size of the crowd. At events with large turnouts, I'll have to limit the number of books I can hand-sign per person (usually somewhere between 1 and 3) and that will be announced at the event. But I will also have a fancy signature stamp with me that we can use for any books you bring--that way we save my hand from becoming a claw, and save you guys from waiting hours and hours in line, and your books still look super pretty! Win-win-win!

Will you sign things besides books?
It depends on the thing, and also on the size of the crowd. In long signing-line situations, I might have to decline--or use the signature stamp. And I won't sign books that other people have written--or body parts. But I'm usually okay with most else, especially any of the art/items from my Society6 store. Click HERE to see what's available.

Will I be able to take a photo with you at the event?At events with large crowds, the store may decide to limit photos to "candids only" (meaning you could take pictures as I'm signing your book, but not a posed photo with me) in order to keep the line moving.  But we won't know that until the night of the event. And as a plea, if the event IS doing posed photos, please have your camera/phone ready to go. That makes the process go SO much faster/smoother.

What exactly happens at the event?It does vary from store to store, but generally I come out and speak for anywhere from 30-60 minutes (Q&A is always a part of that) and give away any raffle prizes. Then the store explains how the signing line will work and gets everyone organized and I sign until everyone has gotten their books signed, pass out swag, etc. I know that probably doesn't make it sound very exciting, but I promise it's super fun. Hope to see you guys there!


  1. Omg I love your books and I just got 1 question will you manifest the triplets......THEY ARE LIKE THE EPIC UNDERDOGS.....Each of them to manifest would cause the biggest uproar ever... Just lemme know u will think about it
    Die Hard fan since book 1 Jomario

    1. I'm hoping that one of them will be a vociferator!

  2. Question: Do I have to buy a book in order to get a goodie? I pre-ordered it online and it's not coming till Nov. 13... and I'm going to the Nov. 9 one...

  3. Can I bring you a gift? Will you accept it?

  4. Sooo... If I contacted your publisher and asked them to try and schedule an event for book seven in Pittsburgh (I live about an hour away from there), who would I contact? A specific person, or Simon & Schuster?
    ~Don't-you-dare-kill-Dex :)
    P.S. Never feel embarrassed about Ella, stuffed animals are the best!

  5. If I have preordered a book from Barnes and Nobles, can I still go to the event, or do I need to buy a book there to get a wristband?

    1. You'd probably have to call the store and check--you might be able to go to the event but not get the book signed (at least that's how it's worked in my experience when you don't buy the book at the store running the event.)But yeah, the best way to check would be to call the bookstore. Hope this helps!

  6. I'm so excited! You'll see me in Portland Oregon!
