Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The EVERBLAZE Superfan Giveaway!!!

IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE--the giveaway you've alllllllllllllllllll been asking me for. The time I give away THESE:

In case you can't tell, those are six (yes, SIX) signed hardcovers of EVERBLAZE, all featuring original black swan drawings done by me. Which means there will be SIX winners who will get one, (and yes the books can be signed and personalized if you would like)

Since these are very special, very time consuming prizes for me to make, I want to make sure they go to true fans of the series. So like I've done in the past, I'm going to make you guys put in a *little* extra work to enter--but I've still done my best to also keep it as simple as possible. AND, the advantage to this is, if you really really really want one, there are a lot of ways for you to get a TON of entries and increase your chances of winning.

So here's how this works.

To enter, you MUST complete these two simple steps.


You must either:

  • Post a review of EVERBLAZE on amazon / goodreads / B&N / youtube / your blog or website / ANYWHERE ELSE YOU POST YOUR REVIEWS. And no, this doesn't mean you have to write a glowing, five star review (though of course you are WELCOME to). All that matters is an honest review.
  • Tweet / Instagram / FB / tumblr / pinterest / google+ / or ANY OTHER WAY YOU ATTACK THE INTERNETS with a photo of EVERBLAZE somewhere in the wild (could be your own personal copy in your hands at home, or a shiny copy on display in a store or library--doesn't matter to me. And if the store you go to is sold out, you can always request they bring in another copy. In fact, I would love you FOREVER for doing that because it helps get books back on the shelf faster!)*
  • Tweet / Instagram / FB / tumblr / pinterest / google+ / ANY OTHER WAY YOU ATTACK THE INTERNETS with your own KEEPER series fan art (Anything goes here--feel free to be as creative as you want. You can post drawings, quotes, crafts. baked goods, anything you dream up.)*
You only have to do one--though you are welcome to do as many as you want. I'll reward you with an extra entry for everything you do (and every social media platform you post it on--each one counts for an extra entry). The only requirement is that it must be NEW. If you've posted fan art, photos of the book, or reviews in the past--thank you! But if you want it to count for the contest you'll need to do something new during the contest time period (December 3-14, 2014).

*feel free to tag me in any of these things, to make doubly sure I see them.

Once you've done whatever you'd like to from the list above, you'll need to let me know what you did so I can count your entries accordingly. Which brings me to:

  • You MUST fill out the form at the bottom of this post, along with links to anywhere you posted the pictures/reviews. Form must be filled out by 11:59 pm pacific on Sunday, December 14, 2014

Step two is an absolutely essential step, because it's the only way I will see your entry. So don't forget to fill out the form. And International entries ARE accepted. 

Winners won't be posted anywhere, nor will they be contacted prior to mailing. You'll know you're a winner when your prize shows up. So triple check to make sure you enter your mailing address correctly because it'd be a shame for your prize to get lost in the mail.

I'm pretty sure that's everything, but if I missed something you are welcome to ask in the comments. 

**Form has been removed because this giveaway has closed. Thank you to all who entered!**


  1. I'm doing this. I'm doing this as much as I can. But not by myself. My 13 yr old daughter is the superfan. I have to confess I haven't read your books yet--but I love them for how much she loves them. You have to know that this series is the only thing my girls continually discuss--the only thing my 13 yr old daughter doesn't argue w/her 10 yr old sister over. They both love it. It's something that helps them build their relationship, and I LOVE YOU for that.

  2. I will be entering so many times that it will probably count as cheating.... ;) (Seriously, though I AM SO EXCITED!!!

  3. Could I do an edit of an animated photo to use for fan art? Drawing is a weakness

    1. You can do anything you want--it doesn't have to be a drawing. Any way you want to show your love for the series counts as "fan art" in my book. :)

  4. Is there a certain hash tag or something for instagram? Or so we just tag you? Or... I don't really know.

    1. There really isn't. I didn't want to put too many rules because that makes everything confusing, and I'm making you provide me with a link when you fill out the form, so you don't HAVE to tag me or hashtag it. But if you're worried that I'll somehow miss it, tagging me is a safer bet. On instagram and twitter I'm @SW_Messenger. And the most logical hashtags would be #Keeperofthelostcities #ShannonMessenger and/or #Everblaze :)

  5. I know "Fitz" isn't Fitz's full name. It's short for something. I read it on Goodreads. Tell us what it is, Shannon! Tell us!!

    (Even though I know what it is other people don't. I'm a huge Fitz fan, as you can see.)

    I think it's awesome. And please, please, please use it in KEEPER 4. I'm begging you!!!

    1. It's cool right?!?!? I love it! I think it means "son of the king,"

  6. Sooooooooooooooooooo EXCITED!!!!!!!! These are beautiful!!! I wish I was as talented as you!

  7. When you sat "Attack the Internets" do you mean the post has to be public for everyone? Because my mom doesn't allow me to post things on our Google+ on "public". I can post Google+ to some of the people in my circles. But does that count as "Attacking the Internets"? Thank you!

    1. It can be somewhere private. I just say "attack the internets" because there's always a platform I forget about and then someone is like, BUT WHAT ABOUT SNAPCHATAGRAMERATOR????? :) And if you don't have any accounts, you can also have your parents post it through one of theirs, that counts too

  8. The covers look amazing! There is one thing I've been dying to know: What IS the Great Gulon Incident??

  9. Hi, I filled out one form for 6 entries and I was wondering if I was actually suppose to fill out 6 forms for each entry?

  10. When are you going to post the winners?
    Are you going to email the winners?

    1. I don't post winners names (to protect people's privacy) but I did email all six winners late Sunday night and put the prizes in the mail on Monday.
