Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Annual Black Swagday Giveaway

Wow, I can't believe we're already to Black Friday weekend--seriously where has the year gone??????

But deadline panicking aside (MEEP!), it's also time for my annual Black Swagday Giveaway!!!  

Since this is the time of year where everyone has gifts on their minds--and I personally feel that signed books are THE BEST gifts anyone can give--I have a nice handy way for you guys to make your gifts even more special.

If you buy any of my books (Keeper of the Lost Cities, Exile, Everblaze, Let the Sky Fall, and/or Let the Storm Break) this weekend--which just so happens to be the biggest shopping weekend of the year, between Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday--and fill out the form at the end of this post, I will send you the corresponding swag pack below.

If you buy any of the KEEPER books, I'll send you this (for each book purchased):

And in case you can't tell, that's:
- a signed (and personalized) bookplate 
- 4 Team Stickers
- 1 5x7 character art print (featuring the awesome illustrations by Courtney Godbey)
(*whispers* if you buy more than one KEEPER book, I *might* throw in some other goodies as well... #justsayin')

And if you buy either of the SKY FALL books, I'll send you the corresponding swag you see in this pic (for each book purchased):
So if you buy Let the Sky Fall you'll get: 
- a LTSF signed (and personalized) bookplate
- a LTSF bookmark
- a LTSF sticker

And if you buy Let the Storm Break you'll get:
- a LTSB signed (and personalized) bookplate
- a LTSB bookmark
- a LTSB sticker 

All of this swag is exclusive--only available here--and hand signed by me!

And there's no limit on how many I'll give away. Everyone who fills out the form between now and 11:59 pm pacific time on Monday, December 1, 2014 WILL get the swag. I'm also not requiring proof of purchase. If you say you bought it, I believe you. But remember, every time you lie, an alicorn's poop stops sparking AND WHAT WOULD THE WORLD BE WITHOUT SPARKLY POOP??????

It also doesn't matter where you buy the book (though supporting your Local Indie Bookstore guarantees you a life of sunshine and happiness) or if you buy the paperback or the hardcover (ebooks and audiobooks count too!). And you're welcome to buy as many books as you want! (Just make sure you fill out the form separately for each book, so I know to send you more prizes).

Giveaway is also open internationally!!!

**Please note** This giveaway ONLY applies to books purchased between 11/26/14-12/1/14, and does NOT include books previously purchased. Of course I super-appreciate if you've bought my books before now, but I've also done previous giveaways for many of those purchases that you would've had a chance to take part of (sorry if you missed them). So this is only for new purchases, and if you are desperate for the swag you could always buy a book to give as a gift (what better gift could there be, really? Plus then you can get your friends/family/teachers hooked on the books so you have someone to talk about them with) and keep the swag for yourself--I won't tell! :)

*****UPDATE***** Since I wasn't able to be as active a part of the special Indies First campaign happening on Small Business Saturday this year (*grumbles about deadlines*),  I will be slipping in some extra goodies into the envelopes of anyone who bought their book from "Your Local Indie." So if that's where you bought your books from--YAY--and make sure you check the right box on the form!

Um... I *think* that covers everything--but if I missed something, of course feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments. 

***Form has been removed because this giveaway is now closed. Thank you to all who took part!***


  1. This is a great idea Shannon. My birthday is Saturday, I'll see if I have enough to buy a book over the weekend.

  2. Oh! I already bought Everblaze and it would be weird to have two of the same book in a series! :( Can you have a fanart contest giveaway some time soon? I've been practicing drawing Sophie and I think I got it down.

    1. Yah! I'm totallllly with you on having a fanart contest giveaway! Shannon? *hint hint nudge nudge* Please? For the sake of your fans? XD *desperate puppy face*

    2. Don't worry guys, I do have other giveaways coming up over the next few months. This one just isn't really about getting it for yourself. It's for all the people buying gifts for other people right now, who want to make those gives a little bit more special (In line with the whole "season of giving" and all). :)

  3. I'm going to ask my mum to get me Exile for my birthday (Saturday!) in order to complete my set of Keeper books, so I'll be sure to show her this giveaway. :D btw, you have an amazingly pretty signature.
    Also, I preordered Everblaze and filled out the form for the swag but I haven't gotten mine yet. Is there a reason for that?

    1. Yes, it's because they just went in the mail on Monday so it should arrive any day. There was a delay because I was on tour for the last three weeks

  4. When will you be able to ship them?

    1. These will go in the mail next week, once the giveaway ends.

    2. When will they get there if I live in Nebraska?

    3. If you need them by an exact date, it depends on the date. But in general, yes, the mail does go to Lincoln Nebraska, and it should get there in a couple of days after I send

  5. I haven't gotten my Everblaze pre-order swag yet. Any idea when they will be sent out?

  6. Like I just said In a comment above. They went in the mail on Monday (as in 2 days ago) I'd put a warning in the post about that giveaway that there would be a delay because I was gone for tour. You should get it very soon

  7. I'm hoping to get EVERBLAZE over Thanksgiving break when I go to Lincoln, Nebraska's capital, to see family. I hope I find it at the Barns and Noble Bookstore.

    Wish me luck! And if I get it I'll ask my mom if I can fill out a form.

    1. Woo hoo--good luck! If they're sold out can usually ask them to order it for you. But hopefully they'll have it in stock!

  8. What extra goodies would you give if we buy more than 1 book?

    1. It depends on which book you get, (hence why I didn't show pictures because it would get to confusing). But I have extra goodies that match either KEEPER or EXILE or EVERBLAZE, so whichever books you get would have some matching stickers and whatnot

  9. Man... I want some Keeper of the Lost Cities swag. Already have all the books though. Making sure to maintain the honor system.
    Thanks for the giveaway! Hope there will be more soon!

    1. Aw, thank you for keeping the honor system! And like I said, you could always chose to get one as a gift for someone, and then keep the swag for yourself. #justsayin'

    2. Thanks. Maybe I will...

  10. Shannon, your awesome!!!

  11. I'm so glad I can buy these books for gifts and keep the swag. Thank you for doing this great giveaway. Any chance the Everblaze books that u drew on will be in a giveaway soon?

    1. Yep. That one should be sometime next week :)

    2. Great! I hope I get one! Thanks for giving me a heads up!!!

  12. Hi!!! I LOVE Keeper Swag and was wondering if my form went through? Thanks so much for being an amazing author your books have made such a difference in my life!!!!!! I totally look up to you as an author!!
    Your biggest fan,

  13. I just finished LET THE SKY FALL. And I died, because now I have to wait until Christmas to get LET THE STORM BREAK! That's WEEKS!

    And thank you to my brother for so conveniently losing my copy of KEEPER so that I can get another one and the swag! :) I hope he loses LET THE SKY FALL, too! *evil laugh*

    TEAM FOSTERKEEFITZDEXIANA-BLACK SWAN FOREVER!!! (Oh my quintessence...I can't seem to make up my mind about which team to join, can I?)

  14. I'm getting Everblaze tonight!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I did it! I turned in a form Shannon! Are you proud of me?

  16. Hey. It's me again :) my mom is going to BlueWillow today, so since you are adding a bonus for indie bookstores, I canceled my previous order so my mom could get the book there. Of course, I'm also getting a couple more of your books as gifts. So I'm buying 3 more additional books, but I don't know what to do about the book that I canceled and will end up getting at Blue Willow. And just to clarify, I will get 4 books in total for BlueWillow, but one had a form filled already before I canceled it....I hope this makes sense

    1. I think it does (and WOO for supporting Blue Willow--I love them!) Let me know what name (or email address) you filled out the form the first time with and I'll delete that one. And then make sure you fill out the form four times for the other books you bought (and make sure you let me know who to personalize the bookplates to) and we'll be all set. THANK YOU! :)

    2. Thank you so much! My full name is Kimberly Anderson and one of the forms is for an ebook but I told you in the comments that it was an ebook. So technically speaking, there should be 5 forms, but one is from Amazon and 4 from Blue Willow

  17. Me again, I got ur stuff in the mail today and I just wanted to say that it's AWESOME!!! And thank you for doing this!! It's pretty amazing and I love it.
    Thanks again!
