Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Welcome to the world, EVERBLAZE!!!

I can't believe it's finally here--EVERBLAZE's launch date!! The day I hand my beautiful book baby over to you guys...

...and hope you love it as much as I do. And I cannot thank you enough for all your excitement and support leading up to this day!

((Team KEEPER Group Hug))

 I can't wait for you to see where Sophie's journey takes her. And I hope you laugh and cry and stay up too late, and come up with all kinds of crazy theories about what will happen next, because that means I did my job right.

I know many of you will read quick (in fact, some of you got your copies a couple of days early and already finished--which is extra amazing since this book is more than 600 pages long). And I KNOW that means you're going to immediately want book 4, and obviously you'll have to wait a bit (or, um... a year. *cue all the wailing*). But I promise book 4 will be worth it--I'm hard at work making it the best it can be. And in the meantime, you have EVERBLAZE to read again! (after all, it's a 600 page book, surely you missed a few details!) :)

If you've been following me here for a while, you know that I usually run a contest around launch time--and I swear, that contest IS coming. But not until I'm home from tour. So keep an eye out for that in a few weeks. And if you're in Colorado, Utah, Texas, or Arizona, I hope you'll come see me at my events! Here's where I'll be (or if that doesn't load, check my EVENTS PAGE):

I also have lots more fun extras and whatnot to share in the weeks and months ahead. Book 4 may be a year away, but there are LOTS of things to reveal in the meantime. So stick around and stay tuned. And in the meantime, to show you how much I *heart* you, an EVERBLAZE themed word cloud, with the most commonly used words in the book. :)


  1. *bouncing up and down, up and down* AWESOME!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read it!


  2. Congrats Shannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Give me a sec to fangirl.

    I'm good now.
    I love how you jus so conveniently placed the release on a day I don't have school so I can actually buy it when it comes out.
    I looked at the word heart, and the first thing I thought was, Dex's name should be bigger.
    This is what happens when you love a character that much.
    But Sophie 's name should take up the whole thing.
    Or maybe you should just put your name on the heart like, THE WHOLE DANG THING, cause you are awesome!
    Seriously, I'm not just saying that!

  3. Congrats Shannon. Sorry I can't come see you but you know us your international fans will be rooting for you and your books.

  4. WOO!! Congratulations; it's gorgeous! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. :)

  5. Congrats!

    My copy arrived from Barnes and Noble last night. Won't get to it for a couple of weeks yet, but I have it

  6. YESSSS!!!!! Sophie better get together with Fitz. OR ELSE. Like, Sokeefe is just.... well, I don't think Keefe really likes sophie more than a friend. I NEED Fitz and Sophie to get together. I SOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them together!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    1. Yes they would be awesome together

    2. Fitz and Sophie.... totally! They are so meant for each other! (:

      Team Fitz FOREVER!!!

  7. Yay! Congratulations. I hope I can get to it soon.

    You don't even know how excited I am.
    Oh my gosh.
    Those :DDDD's didn't even express a 1/4 of my excitement for this.
    I'm going to go in a corner and fangirl. So hard.
    Shannon, congratulations! I'm really excited that we're already at the 4th Keeper book and the third Sky Fall, and I really hope that many more people find your books, you amazing woman you. :P I hope your day goes soooo much better than me trying to eat with chopsticks. (By the way, I can't eat with chopsticks.)

    *passes out from excitement*

    1. Easy there superfan. Take a deep breath.

  10. Congrats! It's been fun and inspiring to follow your journey.

  11. Congrats!
    I'm going to die of impatience mine is still shipping to me : ( SHIP FASTER!!!!!
    Love your books! : )

  12. I'm so happy! When I saw the word cloud I was sort of surprised to see the word Fintan there, but what really made my skin crawl was when I saw Brant's name on it. *Shiver* Man! He creeps me out! I was sorta sad to see Keefe's name bigger than Dex's though because that means that Dex will continue to be sad because Sophie is hanging out with Keefe more than him! :( But I haven't read the whole thing yet, so we'll wait and see! How was the Everblaze release party? Can you post any pictures? I've been dying to see what the cupcakes looked like! Were there lots of people?
    Team Keeper group hug!

  13. So....I just finished EVERBLAZE.

    And I honestly just died inside.


    (And, by the way, ever since I ate one of your mom's cupcakes last night, I've been craving cupcakes. Huh.)

    1. Lucky! I promised my mom I'd wait until Christmas. :-( I'll never make it! (dies)

    2. You finished EVERBLAZE in a day?!?!? I finished EXILE in 2 days!!!!!

  14. *hyperventilates, screams* I'm SO SO SO SO SO SO excited for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been dying this whole past year waiting for this! MINE IS THE IN THE MAIL AND THE SUSPENSE IS FREAKIN' KILLING ME!

  15. OH. MY. FOSTER-KEEFERS. It came in the mail AS SOON as I got home from school today!!! SO HYPED!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEK!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for being the BEST author ever of the BEST books ever!!!! And, of course, congratulations!!!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I bid thee farewell, for I must venture to the Lost Cities and stalk your characters.

    1. I call going to Fitz's house first!!!

  16. I have a theory on who Sophie's Parents are (I haven't read Everblaze, is it revealed in there???) I think it's Jolie Ruewen... Because it would make sense if Jolie's a part of Black Swan and Edaline and Grady thinks Sophie acts like Jolie. Am I right????

    1. They do look exactly alike. Definitely a possibility. And I haven't read it either!

    2. In the preview Sophie admits to Fitz that she has a few theories on who her parents are and that's why I started to think about the possibilities!

    3. Could be...but that would be creepy, because it would mean Grady and Edaline are her grandparents, and Dex is her second cousin!! And Brant would be her father... *shudder* But yes, I agree that Jolie is part of the Black Swan. It just seems like the only answer. And seriously, I NEED to know what is up with Prentice!!! I'm DYING here!

    4. But she was just an altered DNA right? So she doesn't actually have parents does she? But she might be a reincarnation of Jolie. With Shannon Messenger you never know what'll happen. ;-)

    5. She actually have parents because in the preview of Everblaze Sophie admits to Fitz(Aw...) that she never wants to know who her real parents are and that she herself has some theories

    6. Brant doesn't have to be her father....

    7. She really doesn't have any real parents! Really!

  17. Also Shannon, have you went to the site Fanfiction yet. You totally should because Fanfiction is the site where fans of books write their own story based on it and where they can write what they think would happen or their take of the story. Your series have a place in the site and it has 10 stories. You can find it by searching in Google 'Keeper of the Lost Cities Fanfiction', you might find it amusing or flattering, I personally ithink t's amusing, no-one and I mean no-one can compare to YOUR writing!

    1. I agree that they can't compare to her writings. Although I wish the fandom would grow. I love reading them since we have to now wait a year for the next book.

    2. What's your favorite mine is Past meets Future and Power Freak

  18. Guess who hasn't read Everblaze and is about to die of anticipation? ME!! :-( :-( :-( I envy the lucky people who already read it. :-(

  19. What is the color of the book when you take the jacket off? I mean KEEPER was Dex's eye color and EXILE was Keefe's eye color. Is this book Fitz's? I hope! his eye's are amazing!!

    1. It's actually purple

    2. Really?!? I can't decide whether to yell "DANG IT" or "YAY" because I really wanted it to be teal but purple is my favorite color. It's so confusing! But purple does go better with the colors that the cover artists used.

  20. Shannon, sorry for the rush but.....(takes a deep breath).....YOU NEED TO WRITE FASTER!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT A YEAR FOR THE NEXT BOOK!!!!! I ALMOST DIED WAITING 162 DAYS FROM WHEN I FIRST GOT KEEPER TO WHEN EVERBLAZE CAME OUT!!!!! (takes another deep breath) Okay, I'm better now but you really need to hurry up. Oh! HAPPY BIG HERO 6 RELEASE DAY!!!!!!!!! It's the latest Disney movie!

  21. I was probably the happiest person alive when I got this in the mail...
    My heart was beating so fast as I read the book. So MANY PLOT TWISTS!

    The characters are amazing, and their relationships to family and friends are growing more and more. I actually think I liked Dex's character a little bit better in this book than in the others, because he chose to do the right thing in the end. I'm still a Biana/Keefe team, though.

    Most of the book I couldn't breathe.
    I cried so many times.

    Thank you, Ms. Messenger.


  22. AMAZING!!!

    A few minor errors (spelling and punctuation)

    But AMAZING!!!!! Plot twists, cliffhangers, oh my gosh!!!!
    And Keefe being funny...

    I've already read it three times and am currently in the process of being read to (My reading teacher will freak if I tell her that)

    Although I have a question, will there be an AR quiz for this? There currently isn't one, and I was wondering if there will be one.

  23. AHHHH the book was AMAZING!! For all who havent read it, YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED!!!


    OKAY! I LOVED Fitz even MORE when he told Sophie about Mr. Snuggles!! *faints and dies inside* :3

    1. Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Is Mr. Snuggles Fitz's stuffed animal or something? If it is that's so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I thought he couldn't get even more adorable than he already was!!! Who knew?!? To bad I can't read EVERBLAZE until Christmas. Stupid moms. (not really my mom's awesome)

    1. Lol, yea stuffed dragon. :)


      Mr. Snuggles was a stuffed animal that Elwin gave to Fitz in the last book when Fitz was all upset and stuff, and he sort of threw it under his bed at first but he kept having nightmares and he remembered when Sophie first got there and her stuffed elephant Ella helped her so much, so he took it out and cuddled it and now he can't sleep without it anymore.

  25. Shannon Messenger, when will you come to France for a book signing for " keeper of the lost cities" ? could you answer me quickly, please? thank you very much (in advance).
