Tuesday, August 5, 2014

EXILE Paperback Release Day Celebration!

You guys! YOU GUYS! 


And I know this probably isn't the release day you're all waiting for (only 91 more days until EVERBLAZE releases--EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!) But I'm always super excited when my books finally release in paperback, because when I was growing up, paperbacks were pretty much the only books my parents could afford.

Even better: the shiny paperback only costs $6.99--and considering it's 592 pages that is a HUGE BARGAIN!!!!

Even, EVEN better? Those shiny paperbacks also include THIS, which I KNOW you're all excited about:

Yes, that's right! 

As if you needed more reasons to pick up a copy, I'm also hosting a special swag giveaway to celebrate, since I don't think hardcover release days should get to have all the fun. So here's how this works:

If you pre-ordered the paperback version of EXILE any time before August 5, 2014--OR if you purchase a paperback copy between now and August 10, 2014--fill out the form at the bottom of this post by 11:59pm pacific time on August 11, 2014, and I will send you these:

(in case you can't tell, that's a signed EXILE bookplate and a limited edition signed Verdi art print postcard)

If you buy more than one copy of the paperback, you can definitely get more than one set of swag. Just make sure you fill out the form separately for each copy, so I know how many to send you. 

And please note, this giveaway is only available for people who buy the paperback during the designated time period. (If you've bought the hardcover or ebook, I've already done giveaways for that--sorry if you missed them!) Also: no proof of purchase is required. I like to keep my contests on the honor system, so if you say you bought it, I trust you. But remember: every time you lie, an alicorn loses its wings, and do you really want that on your head???

International entries also totally count. I will mail swag anywhere you live. But this is only for a very limited time, so don't miss your chance.  And don't forget to fill out the form* (you must fill out the form in order to get your swag).

Also: don't forget, I'll be on tour all next week, so if you're near LA, Fresno, Reno, Portland, or Seattle, check my events page and come see me! And that also means I won't be able to send out your swag until I get back. But I promise they'll go in the mail as soon as I'm home!

And... I think that pretty much covers everything. But if I missed something, let me know. You can ask questions in the comments. Otherwise here's the form you need to fill out: (and if you can't access the form for some reason, you can find it HERE). 


*You must be 13 or older in order to fill out this form. If you're not, please have your parent or guardian fill it out for you.

  (Form removed. Giveaway closed. Thanks to all who participated)


  1. Just ordered! Thank you, Shannon!:)

  2. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! *hyperventilates, fangirls, dies* NEED. IT. RIGHT. NOW!!!!

  3. Darn! I already have the hardcover, and my parents probably don't want me to buy both versions...but I MUST READ THE FIRST CHAPTER OF EVERBLAZE!!!!!!!!!!!

    I already have the hardcover but i don't car I NEED THIS ONE
    Correction: 90 more days till EVERBLAZE!!! i already pre-ordered it last month!!!!!!
    AHHHHHH *Fangirl moment*
    Ok i'm done! sorry for all the rambling!! I'm just soooo excited!!!!
    Thank you Shannon!!!

    1. You*
      Sorry i type way too fast!

  5. Um.

    I think my copy is missing a few pages. Because it just ENDS. Like *that*. And I can't accept you would have done that to me, Shannon. Because you wouldn't, right?!

    1. Yikes--that has to be a printer error. I have a box full of author copies and they all have the sneak peek of EVERBLAZE. That's how I was able to take the picture. Errors do happen. I'm sure the store would let you make an exchange

    2. Unless you're just hassling me for leaving chapter one on such a cliffhanger. In which case, yes, I WOULD do that to you. *evil laugh*

  6. Hi- Just had two quick questions-
    1. Is there going to be a release party for Everblaze and if so is it open to the public and if so when and where is it going to be? (If you don't know that yet, please post it when you know!)
    2. I see on some book bloggers blogs that they have a picture of the book that they are reviewing from the internet. Is that copyright or whatever? Or can I do that too?


    1. There will be a launch party for Everblaze and it will definitely be open to the public. As for when and where, it's too early to say. I'm waiting to get my tour schedule before I can book my local SoCal events. And I won't have that until closer to release. I will definitely post date/time/place for all my fall events on this website, as soon as I have that information to share. :)

      As for your other question, I'm not sure what you mean. As far as I know S&S isn't doing ARCs for EVERBLAZE. It's possible there are eARCs available through netgalley or edelweiss. I'm not registered through those websites so I can't say for sure. If that's how the bloggers are getting a copy to read and review, then awesome. But I don't know how to tell you to get an eARC. That's all taken care of through those websites.

    2. What I mean by that is on blogger's websites, when they are reviewing a book, any book, they post a picture of that book. It looks like it is from the internet, and is that ok? Or is it copyright infringement? I think that is what it is called, I do not know, I am sorry.

      Thanks for all your help!!

    3. Ohhhh!. I thought you meant they were reviewing EVERBLAZE and you were asking if you could too. Sorry! Drafting brain strikes again. :)

      And using a picture of the book cover in a review of the book is totally fine. No copyright infringement to worry about.

    4. i NEED Verdi. i've been ranting about it for about five days to my best friend. im gonna beg my mom for a pb copy of Exile and fill out the form on this site, even though i already have a hc copy of Exile (which you signed for me). i feel like a mean child, but...I NEED TO HAVE A VERDI CARD!!!

    5. whoops, i sent that as a reply. i meant to add is as another comment...

  7. :) No problem. I hope you got my MMGM email. Thank you sooo much!!

    1. I did. I'll add it to the list of links for Monday.

  8. i NEED Verdi. i've been ranting about it for about five days to my best friend. im gonna beg my mom for a pb copy of Exile and fill out the form on this site, even though i already have a hc copy of Exile (which you signed for me). i feel like a mean child, but...I NEED TO HAVE A VERDI CARD!!! (i accidentally posted this on another comment, so i copy-pasted it again)

  9. Thank you so so so much for this amazing giveaway sweetie :D YOU ARE THE BEST. <3 I cannot wait to get my swag x2 :D Still waiting for my paperbacks to arrive, though :( But hopefully they will get here soon. <3 I cannot wait to read the extra chapter :D You are awesome. (I'm just dying a little for the swag giveaway you might have for book four, as I neeeeeed them for my wall: http://www.imagebam.com/image/d1c28f340025366 Hih. <3 Where I have a lot of your amazing swag :) Sigh. Cannot wait to add Verdi too :D

  10. i wish i could get all that swag. i have two Iggys but i wish i could have a Verdi. i was really hoping i could get it for my birthday, but that's passed already :(

    1. well, it's 12:40 here, but it's posted as 9:40. can i still get Verdi?! i already got pb ordered!

    2. okay, im stupid. i just reread the entire message. it ends tomorrow. haha i knew thaaaat.

    3. LOL, not stupid at all. I just gave an extra day to fill out the form, since there always seems to be someone who forgets. :)

    4. thanks :P i am so excited for Everblaze that i've been rereading Keeper #1 and Exile.

  11. I got mine today, and it is AWESOME!!!! Thank you sooooooooooooo much Shannon!
