Tuesday, March 4, 2014

LET THE STORM BREAK Launch Day Celebration

Wow, I can't believe LET THE STORM BREAK's launch day is finally here.

These last few years have been a crazy whirlwind of a ride (see what I did there? Yeah, that probably won't be the only wind pun in this post) and I can't believe my fourth book (second in my YA series) is now hitting shelves. No wonder I haven't slept in 2 years!!!


Anyway, I know you all have so very many books you could choose to read, so I wanted to do something to show how much I appreciate those of you who give that time and love and support to Vane and Audra and all their adventures. (and the haboobs!)

So I've put together a very special giveaway, with three very special prizes,  I think you're really going to love. Here's what's up for grabs:

In case you can't tell, whan't you're looking at are signed hardcovers of LET THE SKY FALL and LET THE STORM BREAK, all featuring original artwork drawn by me. Three winners will win one of each book, which can be signed and personalized if they would like*
*If you're wondering if you can request which drawings you win specifically, the answer is unfortunately "no." That would make things way too complicated. But I promise, they all look awesome, and I made them each different so you'd know you have a prize that's truly unique.
Since these are very special, very time consuming prizes for me to make, I want to make sure they go to true fans of the series. So like I've done in the past, I'm going to make you guys put in a *little* extra work to enter--but I've still done my best to also keep it as simple as possible. So here's the details.

To enter, you MUST complete these two simple steps.


You must either:

  • Post a review of LET THE STORM BREAK on amazon / goodreads / B&N / youtube / your blog or website / ANYWHERE ELSE YOU POST YOUR REVIEWS
  • Tweet / Instagram / FB / tumblr / google+ / ANY OTHER WAY YOU ATTACK THE INTERNETS with a photo of LET THE STORM BREAK somewhere in the wild (could be your own personal copy in your hands, or a shiny copy on display in a store or library--doesn't matter to me. And if the store you go to is sold out, you can always request they bring in another copy. In fact, I would love you FOREVER for doing that!)
  • Tweet / Instagram / FB / tumblr / google+ / ANY OTHER WAY YOU ATTACK THE INTERNETS with your own Sky Fall series fan art (Anything goes here--feel free to be as creative as you want.)

You only have to do one--though you are welcome to do as many as you want. I'll reward you with an extra entry for everything you do (and every social media platform you post it on)--you'll just need to tell me what you've done so I can count your entries accordingly. Which brings me to:

  • Fill out the form at the bottom of this post, along with links to anywhere you posted the pictures/reviews. Form must be filled out by 11:59 pm pacific on Tuesday, March 18th, 2014*
*I'm giving you more time for this contest, because I know some of these things might be slightly time consuming (especially the reviews, since you'd probably, yanno, wanna read the book first) So I'm giving you two full weeks to enter. 

Step two is an absolutely essential step, because it's the only way I will see your entry. So don't forget to fill out the form. And International entries ARE accepted. 

I'm pretty sure that's everything, but if I missed something you are welcome to ask in the comments. 

**Form has been removed because this contest is now closed. Huge thanks to all who entered** 


  1. I know I've been away awhile but 4th book? Holy cow, I've been missing all the fun. Congratulations x 4!!!! <--even used 4 exclamation points.

  2. Happy book birthday! I had a question: are we allowed to post reviews for Let The Sky Fall instead? I will most definitely do a review of LTSB, but my copy is coming in April :-(
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Wow--I had no idea they made you wait that long. Yes, in that case, if it's a new review of LTSF (as in not one you posted months ago) that totally counts. :)

  3. Happy release day!

    My copy is coming from B&N as we speak!

  4. Congrats, Shannon! So excited for your release! Can't wait to read it.

  5. I totally love you.

  6. I am so in love with your series!!! I love your drawings, I love the tornadoes you sign your books with and I want to meet you and get a signed book but this is even better because of the artwork and the time and love you have put into them!!! I would definitely cherish these if I won them!!! Thank you for the chance!!!

    1. Oh my goodness, I am getting so excited Fingers and toes crossed!!!

  7. Congratulations!!! :D
    Can I do what My Bookworm Blog will do? I inquired a local bookstore here and the customer service told me that their copies are reserved as of the moment -- so I need to wait for the next batch of orders :(

    1. Sure--as long as it's a new review (or an old review posted somewhere it hadn't been posted before)

  8. OMG these covers are great. I was lucky enough to be sent a copy via the publisher and it was finished!! So good luck to all those who have entered.

    1. Oh, these ones are finished books too, and will come with their dust jackets. They just ALSO have my original artwork on the actual hardcover. :)

  9. Argh, my comment just got eaten. Just sayin' CONGRATS for your releases (I've been out of it for a while I guess!), and that your cover paintings are beyond AWESOME. Great job, and hugs!
