Thursday, February 27, 2014

Team KEEPER Continued!

**Please Note: Thanks to deadlines, website transitions, and (keeping it real) the fact that you guys are super bad about including spoilers in your comments, I've had to close commenting on this (and all other Team Keeper related posts/pages.)


It looks like the 200 comment limit glitch doesn't apply to blog posts like this one--only to the static pages. (that's what I'd been hoping for, and why I moved the conversation over here). SO. Feel free to keep commenting away. You'll just need to click that "load more" link at the bottom of the page in order to see the comments past 200) 

So wow. You guys have already maxed out the 200 Comment Limit on the new Team KEEPER page that I just built you--which is AWESOME, btw (clearly the KEEPER fandom is growing).

But it also leaves me with the *tiny* problem of not having anywhere for you guys to comment/interact with each other.

I've looked into lots of different things, but so far I haven't been able to find anything that lets you comment anonymously (since I know some of you have parents that don't want you creating accounts or using your name) and lets the comments be "threaded" (meaning you can reply to each other in a nice, organized, easy-to-follow way)

So for now, the only solution I can come up with is to move the conversation to another new place. Like oh, hey, RIGHT HERE.

You might want to bookmark this post so you can find it again, since this isn't a "page" like the others (though I have also added a link to this post on the Team KEEPER page, in case you can't find it). And if you fill all the comments on this page, I'll just create another.


As you were and carry on. Feel free to continue your Team debates (side note: I love that you guys are calling for me to make teams for characters who don't have them yet). It's also awesome that you guys have started discussing theories about things--though please, please, PLEASE make sure you keep that discussion spoiler-free, so we don't ruin the fun for anyone who hasn't read.

Also, if you need a refresher on who the teams are:

Ever feel like you don't belong? Then you look no further--you belong with Team Sophie! You may not always have the answers, but you're brave and smart, and if you trust yourself, you can handle anything. And as for who holds your heart? Only time will tell how you decide . . .

Ever feel like the underdog? Then welcome to Team Dex! You may have people constantly underestimating you, but you'll prove them all wrong someday. And while you may be the ultimate BFF, you're hoping to break out of the "friend zone" eventually. (you might have pretty great dimples, too . . . )

Ever caused a mess of trouble--and loved every second of it? Then you definitely belong with Team Keefe!  Jokes and pranks are the highlight of your week--but that doesn't mean you can't be serious when you need to be. In fact, you care very deeply about . . . well, maybe you're not ready to admit *who* yet. But you're having fun driving the girls crazy in the meantime!

Ever feel pressure to be who everyone expects you to be? Then Team Fitz is the place for you ! You have the looks, the talent, and the family everybody envies--but that doesn't mean you do everything perfectly. And sometimes you can be a little oblivious when it comes to other people's feelings. But you'll hopefully figure it all out--eventually. . . 

Ever made a mistake and had to work to set it right? Team Biana knows how you feel! You may sometimes say or do the wrong thing, but it's only because you're fiercely protective of the ones you care about. And once you make a true friend, you're friends for life. You're also the best person to ask when it comes to style--but there's so much more to you than you're stunning looks. You're brave, smart, and incredibly talented. And the world hasn't seen anything yet!

Ever feel like no one understands you? Then find lots of people you can relate to on Team Iggy! You may be small and good at making a mess of things--but you always know when someone needs you. And you're happy to provide them with a cuddle, a purr, or a nose-full of toxic breath--whatever they need. And hey, you can rock every crazy fur color there is!

Ever feel like you're all alone? Then you'll find lots of friends with Team Silveny--plus more sparkles than anyone could ever need! You're special and one-of-a-kind and extremely loyal and caring. And no one can deny you have great taste in friends--even if they give you the craziest nicknames.

Ever found that doing the wrong thing can sometimes be right? Then you belong with Team Black Swan! Some may think of you as a rebel, but really you're just seeing the world differently. And you're not afraid to bend or break a few rules--so long as it's to help others. 

Okay, and ............ GO!


  1. Wow computer glitches STINK. You must have a lot of patience, Shannon, to do this over and over again for your fans. (including me) Thanks!!!!! I just have one thing to say... GO TEAM KEEFE!!!!!!

  2. BTW--I know on the Team KEEPER page there were quite a lot of you speculating about Dex and Sophie being cousins. All I can say about that is that yes, *technically* you could call them cousins, in the sense that Edaline (Sophie's adopted guardian) is the sister of Juline (Dex's mom). But that is quite different from being actually related. Remember, Sophie doesn't know who she's related to, since she doesn't know who her biological parents are.

    And of course I've talked a bit about why Fitz acted the way he did in EXLIE (if you missed the post you can find it HERE

    As for Fitz calling Dex, "Deck" in book 1, that was actually an honest mistake. In the beginning of KEEPER, Fitz honestly didn't know who Dex was, partially because he's two grades ahead of him at Foxfire (how many of you guys know the names of all the kids two grades lower than you?) but also because yes, in the beginning of the series, Fitz definitely was a little ... snobbier. It's one of his faults that has been improving since Sophie came into their world and helped him branch out a bit. NOT to say that Fitz is perfect (nor to imply that I'm Team Anyone). Just wanted to clarify that yes, I do let characters show their imperfections and make mistakes, so they can hopefully grow and learn and become better people.

    Oh, and for those of you sharing Black Swan conspiracy theories, all I can say is, "No comment." *evil smile*

    1. Grrrrr!!!!! But I must know! Please! Just one hint!

    2. Shannon, I don't know when you start planning your tour for Everblaze, but when you do can you please come to somewhere near Kansas City, Kansas? Please? I really want to meet you!!!

    3. IKR??? When are you going to come to NORTHERN California. Somewhere in the Bay Area? Please!!!! I'm dying to meet you...

    4. Dudes, I live in a small town in New Mexico. Do you know how many awesome authors come or ever came here? None. That's why she should come here, there should be a first time for everything:)

    5. Hey I understand. I live in a small town too. Yeah I admit it's in California but we get no good authors here. (Authors who write books I have never heard of.) I wish that authors would come to the small towns too instead of just the huge well-know cities.

    6. Thanks for clearing that up! :)

    7. Guys, i'm wwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy over here in D.C. Team Fitz all the way!!!

    8. Yeah, I live in California, in the bay area, and I really want to meet you! But I live in a smallish town, but I can definitely drive all the way over to a big city if I need to! I soooooo want to meet you!!!!

    9. Well i technically live in the suburbs around KC so i could go to other places in Kansas too so long as it's eastern Kansas.

    10. I live in Kansas too! :D

    11. Can you tell us when we'll find out?

  3. Thanks Shannon! I really enjoy your books and I am writing a book of my own (it's about demigods). I posted earlier on the other blog so yeah.... Anyway, I'm Team Sophie all the way (if you can't tell from my other post). Thanks again!!!

    1. That's right! TEAM SOPHIE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!


      P.S. I AM SOOOO TEAM SOPHIE TILL MY DEATH!!!!! ( I may or may not have said that on the other page....)

  4. Thank you Shannon! COMMENTS. YES. (I just got my one friend who's as book obsessed as I am to read KotLC, and she said: "How did I not read this before?!?)
    I'm probably either team Iggy or Sophie.

    1. 7 months still seem like decades away though!!!!!! Hope I can hold on until then! Team Foster-Keefe!!!!!

    2. YES. SEEFE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I hope I can hold on till then? I'm nearly during over here waiting! Countdown 7 months AAAARRRRRGHHHH! :{D

    4. Foster-Keefe! *pumps fist in the air*

    5. YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHH LETS GO TEAM KEEFE!!!!!! *ahem* sorry excitement overload. No but seriously Sophie needs to go with Keefe.

    6. I know that a bunch of people have said that Keefe is a "bad boy" but he acts like that cuz that's how he deals with hard things. It's just sort of who he is. Also take note that his dad is like disgusting plus his mom also. I don't know about you but if I had parents like that I would freak out. Keefe handles it by joking around and teasing other people. (especially Sophie) So i'm going to ignore the "bad boy" comments and say GO TEAM KEEFE!

    7. I know! SEEFEE!!!!!!!!!

    8. I agree with the person that said some stuff about Keefe being a "bad boy." Except I don't know exactly what team I'm on.

    9. OK time for some reasons why you should join Team Keefe - the most amazing Team out there - and not any other one. (All right i'm being bias, i admit it)

      1. Fitz doesn't like Sophie that way and thinks of her as a little sis. He also was mean to Dex and treated Sophie horribly. I know, I know I'm going against what Shannon said, but I don't think that Fitz still had any right to do that to Sophie. Underneath those good looks I don't think he has a good heart.

      2. I don't really have any problems with Dex... Scratch that. I think Dex is a little over-possessive of Sophie. He gets jealous really easily and whines a bit to much for my liking.

      3. Keefe cares for Sophie and is always helping her look to the bright side of things. The parents like him and even Silveny. And he almost never complains.

      I rest my case.

    10. I think Keefe liked Sophie when he first met her, but then (using his empathic powers) saw she wanted Fitz. And then Dex and a bunch of other guys started to like her. And Keefe felt that. So he's pulling back a little.

      He always jokes about her fan club. But maybe that's because that's how he reacts when he's in pain.

      TEAM KEEFE!! He deserves it!

    11. Please let Keefe be with Sophie and not with Biana!!!! Biana can have Jensi! Yeah I think that Keefe actually does like Sophie for serious deep down under that shell of jokes and teasing.

    12. Hmmm... these are things I will ponder on.

    13. no way team fitz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    14. Then ponder away my friend and join the ranks TEAM KEEFE!!! And definitely not team Fitz! (no offense to Fitz fans)

    15. *Sniffle* I felt like crying when I read all your comments, and (being a total Team Keefe-er), I...well, maybe I actually did cry? Yeah... :'(


    16. Woooooh!!!!!! I totally agree Cora! If Keefe doesn't go with Sophie i will cry. Also I aree with the person who commented on Keefe not being a "bad boy."

    17. 7 months is soo long! EVERBLAZE I NEED YOU.

    18. Ditto!!!! NEED EVERBLAZE RIGHT NOW!!! AHHH! *pants* ahem... until then. SEEFE FOREVERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Alright AWESOME!! New page it hasn't even been what two months three maybe?! I LOVE the books. Also, THANK YOU! I knew Sophie and Dex weren't cousins! So I can freely state without any worry of anyone telling me 'No there cousins! Go Fitz!'... GO TEAM SOPHIE - DEX !

  6. YAY!!! I love this series. plus... TEAM SOPHIE ALL THE WAY!!!!

    1. Thank you sister GO TEAM SOPHIE!!!!!!
      *Exaggerated High Five*

    2. Sophie is the best!

  7. I'm totes Team Keefe!!!

  8. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefe...............:P


  9. Okay does anyone have any theories on who's Sophie's parents are? I heard someone said that they thought she was Jolie and Brant's daughter but wouldn't Sophie be dead in the fire now if she was??? And Jolie and Brant weren't even married yet right? I do agree that Jolie is probably part of the Black Swan though.

    Maybe Sophie's parents died already. But even if they weren't and Sophie finds them again there's no way she would give up Grady and Edaline... or is there?

    1. Leave Grady and Edaline!!!! No way... I would be so sad if she did. As for her parents they were probably part of the Black Swan right? What if her dad really is Prentice? Well we don't know that many people involved with the Black Swan so we don't have much selection on who her parents are yet.

    2. I bet that Alvar is part of the Black Swan!!! Think about it. Alvar is really good at vanishing so he probably broke into the school and gave Sophie all though pins and clues!!! And he doesn't like talking about the Black Swan either!

    3. I'm willing to bet that Sophie doesn't have parent's at all. The Black Swan probably created her DNA to fit their needs!

    4. Yeah but all people still have a mom even if their DNA was created right?

    5. Ya, that's what I was thinking. I thought her real human parents were actually her parents? I will have to read that part again.

    6. I think that if Sophie found out she had other parent she'd probably be really mad. She already resents the black swan for creating and changing her. Also, Jolie and Brant might be with the black swan and have helped create her, but I don't think they are her parents. Mr. Forkle confirmed Alden's theory about her and how she was created.

    7. Maybe Jolie isn't dead. Maybe the Black swan faked her death

    8. Ooh! Nice plot twist! But maybe Jolie and Brant did have a child and then gave it to the Black Swan for "safe-keeping" and when Jolie "died" (or did she???) then they decided to use the DNA of that kid to clone it and then Sophie has an older sister who looks just like her and they implanted Sophie's human mom with the embroyo of Sophie's cloned older sister? Yeah, that's confusing...

    9. What if there are more elves like Sophie that were designed before she was as preliminary experiments? Or they could be made to help Sophie defeat the pyrokinetics. Or maybe Sophie's human family has to help her defeat the pyrokinetics. Or maybe the whole struggle was a plot by the Black Swan to test her abilities. Or maybe Sophie is the original experiment who wasn't supposed to defeat the pyrokinetics but does in the end any way. Or maybe Sophie was actually created by the pyrokinetics but was taken away from them by the Black Swan. Or maybe the Black swan have humans working with them who will help Sophie save the world. Or... Or... No that's all the theories I've got right now.

    10. What if Sophie developed another talent and was a pyrokinetic?

  10. There should be a Team Biana, a Team Marella, a Team Gildie and a Team Bronte. (hahaha :) team bronte)

    1. Oh yeah definitely a Team Bronte. Ignore that he's probably thousands of years older than Sophie. She should go with him!!! I bet those huge pointy ears are really attractive... JUST KIDDING!! GO TEAM KEEFE!!!!

    2. And a team Wylie!!

      I don't want him to end up with Sophie (he's 20, for crying out loud!), but we need a team Wylie.

    3. What if Wylie was part of the Black Swan? He's old enough to be of use to them.

    4. Team Prentice! (not that Sophie should end up with him but Prentice seems cool to me!)

  11. Raise your hand if you love KEEPER!

    *waves hands around in air crazily*

    1. Wooooooo!!!!!! *raises both hands*

    2. Oh yeah!!!!!!!! *waves hands like a crazy person* (out on sidewalk holding sign that says HONK IF YOU LOVE KEEPER) *cricket cricket* I forgot! My neighbourhood doesn't have anyone driving down the street. Man, when I get a car, I'm going to make that sign again and put on the sidewalk so I can HONK like crazy. WHO'S WITH ME?!?! :{D

    3. LOL, agreed. *Honk honk*

    4. YES! Fancy keeper license plate when i can actually drive and i have my own car. Or maybe a magnet or a bumper sticker would be better. You should make some of those Shannon!

    5. Haha, next year when I get my car... Wow that sounded weird, I didn't realize how old I'm getting. But any way, I'm so going to put Team Keeper on my license plate:)

  12. Shannon Messenger's blog is my home page. So whenever I log on to do homework or something, I always get distracted! :(

    1. Same for me! But I don't really mind being distracted by something this awesome!

    2. Yeah... I'm "supposed" to be doing homework right now...

    3. Actually I am too... Oh well...

  13. Shannon, will you do a sketch or something for Fitz so he'll have a picture? I want to see him so badly!

    1. We're probably just going to have to wait until the Everblaze cover... :(

    2. yeah, knowing Shannon and her sense of mystery, we probably will...

    3. YES Her mystery's are most mysterious......

    4. Yes. Shannon is a very mysterious lady.


    1. Finally! A team Fitz fan!

    2. Team Fitz FOREVER! (Mostly Team Sophie-Fitz!)

  15. XD I just realized something. I've been a big fan of Keeper ever since I purchased the book when it first came out, and I've been pronouncing Keefe's name wrong. I thought it was something like Kee-fee.

    1. Haha, I always do stuff like that:) One time I thought ADHD was some sort of Tv.

    2. You pronounced Keefe's name like that too! Thank goodness! I thought I was the inly one.

  16. Just out of curiosity, what other books do you guys recommend? I figured I would like any book that a fan of Keeper likes! :)

    1. Try the Emerald Atlas by John Stephens it's pretty good!!!! Also the second one is called The Fire Chronicle and the third one is called The Black Reckoning but it's not out yet. It will be published in August this year. Enjoy!!!!!!

    2. Kingdom Keepers !!! Those are awesome books.

    3. Anything by Rick Riordan! Also everyone should read Harry Potter.

    4. Ya!!!! I am so with you on that person right above me!! Harry Potter is the best book EVER! Next to Keeper of course, and I do love Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan too. And I just read The Paladin Prophecy by Mark Frost, and the second one is called Alliance, that was a really good book too. But it stinks because the end was really cliff hanging and I have to wait a year until the next one comes out:( Brotherband by John Flanagan, and Cassidy Jones are really good books too. And if you need any more, you have no idea how many more books I'v read and could tell you about:)

    5. Hey Anonymous above me, Have you read the Kane Chronicles By Rick Riordan? You should if you haven't. They are just as good as Percy Jackson!

    6. Sweet, thanks for telling me Anonymous right above me:) I will have to check it out since I am looking for a book to read right now.

    7. I don't think that Harry Potter was THAT good. I got too bored of the books to finish the series. Yah I know I'm weird. But I LOVE The Kane Chronicles.

    8. From original person:

      I LOVE Harry Potter + Rick Riordan! And thank you sooo much for all the comments above! I will definitely check out those books. :)

    9. Saying Harry Potter isn't that good is like saying your arms aren't that useful.

    10. EXACTLY! Sometimes I love to imagine a world where Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood, and Foxfire come together into an amazing magical school! And all my favorite characters from all three worlds go to that school and I'm best friends with all of them. It's pretty cool! :)

    11. That's awesome, I do that all the time! I also always have conversations with all of them in my head:) I have told off all the mean kids in those books too. It's pretty fun:)

    12. OMG... I do that too!!!!!!!

    13. Just a suggestion...but the any one who likes Percy Jackson should read a series of books called "Pegasus" . They are really good!!!!!

    14. I agree to the person above me!!! Pegasus is such a good series, and you should read the chronicles of Narnia!!! They are old but one of my favourites. And Rick Riordan, Brandon Mull's FableHaven Series, the hobbit and the lord of the rings, and divergent and the hunger games!!!!

    15. Omg....Anonymous above I have read like all of those books . They are all really good!!!!!

    16. I love Lord of the Rings, Narnia, the Hobbit, and the Hunger games. I didn't like Divergent though, it was weird and depressing. I have never read Pegasus, but I am now that everyone says it's good:) Rangers Apprentice is a good series too, and if any one likes a mystery book the old Nancy Drew books are awesome. But you don't have to read them in order or anything, especially since there are like fifty books:)

    17. Nah... I don't feel like Harry Potter is worth reading. But Pegasus and Rick Riordan are great books!!!!

    18. Another good series of books is The Books Of Elsewhere .

    19. You haven't read anything until you read Harry Potter. Harry Potter is:
      1,090,739 words
      3,363 pages
      199 chapters
      17 hours and
      14 minutes
      8 movies
      7 books
      1 story
      Tell me that isn't worth reading:)

    20. They aren't really fantasy books,but i love the Theodore Boone books.

    21. Me too! Team Fitz all the way

    22. I suggest the Uglies series, or Sherlock Homes, or any book by Gail Carson Levine.

    23. Just don't read Harry potter no offence to Harry potter lovers but those books were just idk but I love John Stephens books and of course Rick Riordan but Nico was awesome in the MoA quote"no offence to you guys but percy is the strongest demigod I know" unquote but DO NOT READ HOUSE OF HADES it will ruin your thoughts of him...

    24. But House of Hades was amazing! My favorite of that series will always be Mark of Athena, but i still really liked House of Hades.

    25. I read The Hero's of Olympus and I used to love Nico until House of Hades. I can't believe that Rick Riordan did that! I was so mad, I am still considering if I should be excited for the next one to come out. I still say that everyone should read the Paladin Prophecy by Mark Frost, and Harry Potter, those are my two favorite series next to Keeper:)

    26. I Was mad too!!!!! Sooooooooooooooooo Mad!!!!*Gerr*

    27. Heroes of Olympus is awesome

    28. Kane Chronicles are da bomb people! Forget about Heroes of Olympus. I'm getting tired of all the cliffhangers in Heroes of Olympus and Nico made so mad in House of Hades. Harry Potter is too repetitive so yeah... glad i'm not the only one who thinks that! Read The Emerald Atlas and there's always good old 39 clues!

    29. I like cliffhangers . All good stories have them.

    30. I love cliffhangers, that's how the writer gets the reader in to it. You don't want to write a book that wraps everything up at the end and then write another book after you told everything you could. I tried to read the Kane Chronicals and got through the first book, it was alright but I didn't like it good enough to read the whole series.
      P.S Harry Potter is not repetitive, I know people that say it's lame after just watching like the first movie and you can't do that. You have to read them before watching them. So don't judge Harry if you haven't read all the books and then watched all the movies. Sorry for my Harry Potter nerdness peeps, but it is the flat out truth.
      P.P.S If any one is a tomboy like I am you might like reading Alex Rider:)

    31. Harry Potter... Nah not for me. I read all of them except for the last one cuz I couldn't force myself to read it. Kane Chronicles is a definite yes though. You guys don't know what you're missing!!!! No cliffhangers in Harry Potter :( But the #1 book is gonna always be Keeper of the Lost Cities for me!

    32. I think that the heroes of Olympus is epic!!!!!!!

    33. Have you read the other two books by Shannon?

    34. Kane Chronicles = Amazing epicness. Heroes of Olympus = *scratches head uncertainly*

    35. The Septimus Heap series is awesome, the Emerald Atlas series is really good, and so are all the Rick Riordian books!!! But Keepers is by far at the top of my list!

  17. Ugg... I want to read Keeper again but i loaned one of my friends both book one and two.

  18. How does every one pronounce Alden? I always said Al-den, but I heard the audio person say it like El-den which way is correct?

    1. Little known fact about audiobooks: they don't always consult the author before they record them, so sometimes the pronunciations aren't the same as the way the author hears them. But that's the nature of books--and something that's awesome about them. So many things are up to the reader as far as how they want to hear/imagine them.

      If you're wondering, I always hear Alden's name as Al-den (where Al rhymes with Hal).

      But I've heard people say it all different ways, and that's totally fine. However you want to hear it.

      (I know some people have also asked me about Oralie, since I guess the audiobook for KEEPER says it like Or-a-lie--where lie rhymes with eye. In my head it's always Or-a-lee, where lee rhymes with free. But again, however you guys want to hear it is up to you.)

    2. Awesome:) sometimes its annoying not to pronounce names right. When I don't say them right through the whole book, then find out how it is actually said It changes the whole character for me. I don't know if other people do that, but I do;) But any way, thank you for your wisdom!

  19. Sometimes I imagine that I am a really powerful telapath and I am friends with Sophie.......I know lame right...but I don't really care. :)

    1. me too... and sometimes I imagine my self as an empath...

    2. YEAH!!!!!! I do too! It's not lame! (Even though I wouldn't admit it if you weren't all Keeper fans!) :)

    3. Dido. Sometimes I pretend that I'm an anomaly and I'm friends with Sophie and the gang.

  20. Any one is on team Sophie-Dex say I......

  21. So I have this whole idea for the Keeper fandom to called Foxfire and everyone who is a fan of Keeper is a prodigy. Who's with me!

  22. Replies
    1. Yes! I would love to be a prodigy at Foxfire! :)

    2. Then it is official fellow prodigies! All who are just that cool to be fans of Keeper are now "Attending" Foxfire

  23. So... what are the latest theories on the Black Swan?

    1. What if some of the Black Swan is human?

  24. Finally after days of soul searching through the team Keeper fan page, I finally found the team I most belong to. I'm officially Team Sophie, because in a way I relate to her so much. Now I officially have to embody her spirit, along with sooner or later the Red Ranger (don't judge.)

    1. I also relate to her in a way. I think a lot of people do.

    2. I know right, but for me, its more then that because with everything going on in my life. Being single and knowing that in time, someone will hold my heart. Plus lets not forget Brave, smart the whole 9 yards. Some of the things my mom used to describe me.

    3. I'm sooooo Team Sophie!!!

  25. If you attended Foxfire, and was an elf, which power would you have?

    1. I would be a Froster!!!

    2. Empath! But it would hurt to know that someone hated you.
      Being a telepath would be annoying with all those voices going on!

    3. I'd want to be a Froster or an Empath:)

    4. Telapath !!!!!!!

    5. TELEPATH!!!!!! Totally.

    6. my friend would be a telepath too

    7. Fire power! (I'm a rebel)

    8. So far there are these talents/powers:
      Telepath, Pyrokinetic, Froster, Empath, Vanisher, Phaser, Guster, Technopath, Mesmer, Inflicter, Descryer(I forgot how to spell it), then there was edaline's power and elwin's power i forgot. Anyone know more?

    9. Telepath, technpath or empath!

    10. I'd want to have multiple powers like Sophie!

    11. Multiple powers... Nah. WAY to much pressure and expectations on one kid's shoulders. Empath? Definitely. Man it would be so much fun to annoy my friends with that power. *sighs wistfully*

  26. Dude, (and by that I mean Anonymous right above me.) I thought a Froster sounded awesome, and Dex was all saying how it was bad. I would like to be a Froster or an Empath.

  27. I am teams Sophie and Fitz, but not team Sophie-Fitz. Sophie is awesome, and I relate the most to Fitz, but I don't necessarily think that they have to be together.

    P.S. I have a cat named Fitz, which made me like Fitz even more.

    P.P.S. I think that there should be a team Tiergan. He's the coolest mentor ever!

    1. yeah, Tiergan is really awesome

  28. Go Team KEEFE and FOSTER!!!!!!!!
    Dex is great and all but he acts super possessive over Sophie.
    Then there's super jerk Fizt (no comment)
    After that there's super awesome Keefe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Did any of you guys pronounce Keefe like Kee-Fe?
    I did

    1. I pronounce Keefe like Key-F. I am still trying to decide if I like Dex or Keefe better:)

    2. You have to pick team Sophie-Dex!!!!!

    3. i didnt. but do u pronounce biana bee-ana?

    4. I pronounce Biana like that.

    5. That's how I pronounced it....

  29. I was thinking, and maybe if some of us awesome Keeper fans live in the same area, we could have a Keeper fan club! It would definitely help spread the word........ Does anyone like that idea? (and if so, do you live in CA where I live?)

    1. I live in california...

    2. Me too... in northern California.

    3. I live in northern CA, too!

    4. Really? Cool what city?

  30. I think its a good plan, but I live in New Mexico.

  31. Well, maybe we could create an online fan club! We could even have a website! I know of this cool website called where you can create your own website for free. We could have fanfiction and everything!:):):):)

    1. That's a awesome idea!!!!!

    2. We should call it Foxfire!

    3. That's a Fantastic idea!!! I think its a good idea to call it Foxfire, but it would be funny to name it Black Swan:)

    4. That sounds awesome! Maybe we could have the home page be called Foxfire, and then have another page called Black Swan where we share conspiracy theories, and then have another page where we write fanfiction, and fanart, and, well, we could pretty much do any thing we want to do!

      By the way, I've been on, and one of us needs to create an account so that we can actually make a site. It's really easy, though. All you have to do pretty much is enter your email so that can send you announcements and stuff. (and if you want to, it's really easy to unsubscribe from their emails)

      So, does anyone want to be the official creator of the KOTLC fan website?

    5. That is an *awesome* idea!

    6. INGENIOUS GUYS!!!!! Let's definitely do it! But when I'm around computers they basically blow up so don't trust me with making the website!!!

  32. I can do it. It may be a few days until i get it fixed up, but i will let you know when i am finished

    1. Unless someone else really wants to sponsor it?

    2. Well, if the password is made known, anybody can add on to it!

  33. i can't wait to see how many of these questions get answered in Everblaze! I have my theories, and I really want to see if they are right..

  34. I LOVE the Keeper series! I just found this page recently. So this is my FIRST Comment! :D :D :D TEAM FITZ

    1. Haha, get ready to have the debate of your life then:)

  35. So, Instead of Team Sophie-Fitz or Team Sophie-Keefe (and so on), how about we put the names together like ship name! (example, Percabeth:D) Like.... Sofitz! Just a thought

    1. Lol for Percabeth.And go team Sophex


    3. That's awesome!!! Still haven't decided between Keefe and Dex though.

    4. Yes! Sofitz!!! :D

    5. Ooh! Sofitz... I like that!! :D GO SOFITZ

  36. I think Keefe cares for Sophie more than he shows. Anyone with me?

    1. Yeah... same with Fitz, and definitely Dex.

    2. Agreed! He actually wishes that Sophie really LOVVVVEEESSSSSSS him like he says she does.

  37. Shannon- do you know the date that EVERBLAZE is coming out? Thanks.
