Tuesday, October 1, 2013

EXILE Launch Day Celebration!!!!!!!!!!!

It's here! It's here! After a year of ever-so-patiently (and fine, sometimes quite impatiently waiting, on my part, anyway) EXILE finally launches into the world today. I can't believe it's finally here!!!!

It's one of the hardest books I've ever written--and one I'm especially proud of. So I hope you all love it as much as I do. I AM SO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU READ.

Which is why I've also put together a very special giveaway, to thank you all for the love, support, and enthusiasm you've shown for the KEEPER series this last year. Those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter have probably seen me post pictures of the prizes, but in case you missed it, here's what's up for grabs:

What you're looking at are hardcovers of both KEEPER and EXILE, drawn on in silver sharpie by me.   Each one is done by hand, so they're all slightly different from each other--but the essence of the drawings is what you're seeing above. And I'm giving away three sets of them (meaning three people will win both a sharpied-up KEEPER and EXILE--along with their regular shiny dust jackets).

Since this is a rather time consuming prize (I'm not nearly as fast of an artist as I'd like to be) I'm going to make you guys put in a *little* more work than my usual, "leave a comment to enter" kind of contest, because I want to make sure the prize goes to someone who really wants it. But I've still done my best to also keep it as simple as possible. So here's the details.

To enter, you MUST complete these two simple steps.


You must either:

  • Tweet/Facebook/Tumblr/Instagram/Pinterest/Blog/ATTACK THE INTERNETS with a picture of EXILE somewhere in the wild (could be your own personal copy in your hands, or a shiny copy on display in a store or library--doesn't matter to me. And if the store you go to is sold out, you can always request they bring in another copy. In fact, I would love you FOREVER for doing that!)
  • Tweet/Facebook/Tumblr/Instagram/Pinterest/Blog/ATTACK THE INTERNETS with some sort of KEEPER/EXILE fan art you've created. (Anything goes here--feel free to be as creative as you want)

You only have to do one--though you are welcome to do both (or to post your picture in more than one place.) I'll even reward you with an extra entry for every picture you post--you'll just need to tell me what you've done so I can count your entries accordingly. Which brings me to:

  • Fill out the form at the bottom of this post, along with links to anywhere you posted the pictures. Form must be filled out by 11:59 pm pacific on October 15th, 2013.

Step two is an absolutely essential step, because it's the only way I will see your entry. So don't forget to fill out the form. And yes, I'm requiring a link instead of going on the honor system this time, and for those wondering why, it's because I'm a nerd. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my book babies in the world or seeing the amazing things you guys create, so I want to make sure I see every single one. Rest assured, I will geek out about each and every one of them.

International entries ARE accepted. And I'm pretty sure that's everything, but if I missed something you are welcome to ask in the comments. I'll do my best to reply as soon as possible--though I'm on tour right now, so there may be a slight delay. 

And speaking of tour, if you live in the midwest, make sure you check my EVENTS page. I have all kinds of awesome events this month and I would love to meet some of you!!!! 

**Form has been removed, since this giveaway has ended. Thank you to all who entered!**


  1. *Eyes bug* *Stares* Must Attack internet! *races to do so*

  2. Anon is going nuts. Excellent idea Shannon and congrats.

  3. Congrats! I'm so glad it's finally out. It is an amazing book!

    Your doodles are soooo pretty!!!
    ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
    I gotta get me one of those.... ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
    "Internets, I have just one thing to say to you: Prepare to be ATTACKED!!!!!!" \(^o^)

  5. Those are gorgeous! A copy of Exile is waiting for me at the library, and another is on the way from Amazon. The anticipation! (^__^) Shannon, have you ever sketched either Keefe or Fitz?

  6. Belated congrats on Exile's release. Loved seeing you on Tuesday!
