Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pretty in pink!

A few of you have already noticed this, since I am horribly remiss on keeping you guys updated. (sorry!) But yes, if you've seen this cover on amazon and goodreads, it IS a real cover:

This is actually the shiny new color scheme for the paperbacks of LET THE SKY FALL--isn't it PRETTY??????

I thought I could never love anything more than the hardcover color scheme, but I gotta admit, I love this just as much. Maybe even more.

But if you prefer the other color scheme, have no fear. It will still be available on the hardcovers. They're only changing it up for the paperbacks to make sure they don't print too "brown."

And if you're like me and now dying to get your hands on the pretty pink/purple version, you can pre-order them HERE. They'll release into the wild on December 3, 2013.


  1. I liked the cover just as it was! But whatever, as long as the story doesn't change :P

  2. LOL. They're both awesome. So, I told my 12 yr old son to read Keeper of the Lost Cities last week, and he came back begging for more. How's that for awesome?

  3. Both covers are pretty! Can't choose between them..

  4. I'm currently about half way through this book and loving it. And I've got to say, both covers are beautiful! But the pink is kind of perfect, so I might have to pick the paperback over the hard back. To bad I'm reading it on my kindle.

  5. Congrats Shannon! It's a pretty cover. Now you've got two awesome ones.

  6. That's pretty cool! It kind of looks like a sunset. :D

  7. Wow....but why are they changing it...?
    I just finished this, and I really liked it! even though it was romance, and I don't normally like romance novels...But I loved your first book so much, I had to try this one ^_^

  8. Don't know if I saw the old cover?? I probably did, but anyway, I love this one!

  9. The purple pink is not for me but it's great that they're trying something new for the paperback. Thanks for commenting on my WOW post yesterday about the sequel.
