Tuesday, June 25, 2013

LET THE STORMS BREAK Cover--and top 3 questions answered!

In case you missed the post over at MTV's Hollywood Crush, the cover for LET THE STORMS BREAK (aka: LTSF #2) has now been revealed!!!

ISN'T IT PRETTY?????????

They also released a short tease about the story (which does contain a *slight* LTSF spoiler, so if you haven't read book 1, be careful!):
Vane Weston is haunted. By the searing pull of his bond to Audra. By the lies he's told to cover for her disappearance. By the treacherous winds that slip into his mind, trying to trap him in his worst nightmares. And as his enemies grow stronger, Vane doesn’t know how much longer he can last on his own.
I know that's not much of a tease--but the book doesn't come out until 3/4/14 so we can't give TOO much away yet. In the meantime, if you would like to make me very happy, you can add it to your Goodreads shelf HERE.

And I have gotten quite a lot of questions about the cover, so I thought I'd go ahead and tackle the top three of them today:
1. Is this cover based on a scene in the book (like LET THE SKY FALL's cover)? 
YES! Though just like the cover of LTSF, there were a couple of creative liberties taken with the scene--but nothing important.  

2. Audra's red dress! How? Why? When?
Well, I can't really answer this without giving away spoilers, but I promise, this isn't a case of "a pretty dress for the sake of having a pretty dress on the cover." Audra really does wear that dress at some point in the book, for very specific reasons--and those of you who know her, know that she's uncomfortable for every second of it. Vane, on the other hand, is quite a fan. ;) 
3.  HOW CAN I GET AN ARC???????????
Not *really* a cover related question--but I still adore you all for your enthusiasm. :) Honestly, I am so honored that you guys are excited to read LTSB and I can't wait for you to be able to. But at the moment, *I* don't even have ARCs. I hear it's up on Edelweiss, and that a few people have been approved, but that's one of those things I have nothing to do with and no knowledge of how it works. And I have gone ahead and added an ARC request form to this blog (you can access it HERE) but again, I won't be the one deciding who gets them. That's up to S&S. I *can* promise that I'll do a giveaway at some point. Just not yet, since, yanno, I don't even have them. :)

Thank you guys again for all your excitement about LET THE STORMS BREAK!!!! 

*smooshy hug*


  1. I know I've told you this already, but you've hit the cover jackpot. It's beautiful.

  2. I agree with Ashley - you've definitely hit the cover jackpot! Absolutely cannot wait to read this. Thanks for the 411!

    Shannon @ Twilight Sleep

  3. I love the cover and I can't wait to read it!

  4. What a great cover. I love it!

  5. So wonderful! I'm making this my Waiting on Wednesday post for tomorrow. I can do Divergent's last book next week.

  6. Ahhhh, SO gorgeous!! I can't wait for this book to come out. Loved LTSF, so excited to see what's next for Vane and Audra!

  7. Beautiful cover - I saw it elsewhere as well, the other day. :) Maybe yesterday? I dunno. LOL.

    Congrats on your book release!

  8. Congratulations! I can't WAIT!
    It's funny, if you look over to the right on this page, you see all of the shiny books with your name on it. You are indeed a lucky author! I hope you have many more in the future! Your talent definitively deserves it!

  9. I love it. Congratulations.

  10. Pretty creepy with that dark twister in the background!

  11. I am SO excited for this to come out, and I can't believe I have to wait until March!! I'm gonna lose my mind! I LOVE this cover just as much as I love the Let the Sky Fall cover!
