Thursday, October 19, 2017

Another Option: The Changing Hands NIGHTFALL Pre-Order Deal!

Okay, yesterday I posted the regular NIGHTFALL pre-order giveaway (if you missed it, you can find it HERE).

But I also promised I'd let you guys know about a different option offered by the amazing team at Changing Hands Bookstore--and here it is!

It you pre-order NIGHTFALL from them (and only them) before 7pm MT on 11/6/17 : you'll get this:

In case you can't tell, that's

- a hand-signed hardcover of NIGHTFALL (which can be personalized if you wish)
- a limited edition family portrait art print postcard
- a limited edition Iggy art print postcard
- 8 character stickers
- an 8x10 art print of the Keeper characters
- 5 silicone character-name bracelets (one of each shown)

(Please note, you will get these same goodies if you come to the event at Changing Hands that night and buy NIGHTFALL)

(And since I know you guys tend to panic, I'll also add that the extra bracelets and postcard will also be at the Launch Party at the Grove in LA on 11/7/17)

To order, you can call Changing Hands at 480.730.0205, or go to their website HERE and note who you want the book personalized to in the 'order comments' field. And make sure you do it before 7pm MT on 11/6/17 or you'll miss your chance.

(in case that link doesn't work, go to and search for NIGHTFALL)

A few other things to keep in mind:

- Changing Hands will ship this offer internationally as long as you pay for shipping. Call them for an estimate.
- The edition of NIGHTFALL is the regular edition.

- If you have any questions, please call Changing Hands.

- Once again, this is a SEPARATE THING from the pre-order giveaway posted yesterday.


  1. You've probably gotten this already, but I can't make the link to Changing Hands work. I just went to their website and ordered, but I thought I'd let you know the link doesn't work.

    1. So weird--it's working for me every time I test it so I don't know how to fix the issue

  2. Ditto to the Cheri's comment, but I've also got another question. This will sound really silly but what is a US email (from your other post)? Is it a google account/gmail account? Or something else?

    1. Oh and uh what is a personalized book? How much is one? (Sorry for the question bomb).

    2. The other post isn't talking about a US email. It's a US mailing address. meaning the prize pack only ships in the USA. And a personalized book means that I sign it to you, instead of just signing it

    3. And I believe the price from Changing Hands is $19.99 + tax and shipping but you'd need to contact them

    4. Okay, thank you!

  3. The link didn't work for me either and I'm not sure where on the changing hands website to order the book.

    1. Under the search field enter NIGHTFALL. And if that still doesn't work, call the store

  4. will i need to fill out a preorder form like the other giveaway if i buy from changeing hands?

    1. Nope--the swag will come with your book when Changing Hands ships it

  5. I havent recieved my Changing Hands book yet and I preordered it a few weeks before the book came out. The website says the order is complete, but that's the only thing it will tell me. Do you know when the book is supposed to come?

    1. This is something you need to contact Changing Hands about. They would know when/if they shipped your order.

  6. I got my book from changing hands but the giveaway did not come with it.

    1. Also something you need to contact Changing Hands about.
