Friday, February 7, 2014


I don't usually do title reveals for my books, since I feel like they tend to come across as a *little* anticlimactic compared to something like a cover reveal. So I generally just wait until I can share all the awesome at once.


I have gotten many, many, MANY emails and messages from you guys begging for me to share something--ANYTHING--I can about K33P3R. And I hate leaving you guys in suspense (well ... okay ... torturing you guys is a *little* bit fun ...) So, when my editor told me I was allowed to share the title, I thought, "Okay--LET'S DO THIS!"

And so, I give you (if you haven't already cheated and scrolled down)...




(In case the graphic isn't loading, the title is EVERBLAZE)

Now, before you ask, you should know that this is it. This is ALL I can share right now. I can't show you the cover (though I *can* say that you're going to love it) or tell you who's on the cover (though I *do* think you'll be happy) or give you any plot description for the book (partially because, um... I'm still revising it. THINGS ARE STILL CHANGING).

But now you know the title. And I hope you love it as much as I do. Because I really, REALLY love it--and not just because this is the first time with this series that *I* came up with the title (though that *is* a bonus). But mostly because EVERBLAZE is actually the original title I gave KEEPER (book 1) all those years ago, before anyone had decided they wanted to publish it. 

After it sold, my editor decided we should change the title because she knew that no one would know what Everblaze is at that point (since it was the first book in the series). But now that we're up to book #3 and you guys know how mega-epically cool (and um... dangerous) those unstoppable neon yellow flames can be, I can finally have my book called EVERBLAZE. 

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!


*runs away with flailing muppet arms before you can drag any other secrets out of me*


  1. What an awesome name!!! For ages, I've been waiting on the edge of my seat for any clues to the name of book 3. Now, all I have to do is be patient and wait until it comes out…

  2. That's a good hint at the story and my daughter and I are thrilled to know it! And looking forward to the cover...

  3. Love the title! Can't wait for it to come out!

  4. Excellent title! Although I also enjoy picturing you like the muppet flailing gif, if I'm being honest.

  5. Great title! And I'm glad you got to use the title you made up! :)

  6. At the point where you said we should be happy with who's on the book 3 cover, I'm mentally exhausting myself, "IS IT FITZ.. IT MUST BE FITZ.. IT MUST.. OMG IT HAS TO BE.. *STARES*" LOL ;D And I loooooove the title ;)

  7. Lol I SOOO agree when she said you guys are going to enjoy the cover im over here like ITS FITZ YUSHHH :D I literally cant wait for this book to come out!

  8. YAY!! I love it!
    EVERBLAZE! dum dum DUM!
    I think it should be Fitz on that cover! He needs a profile picture for the Team Keeper page!

    Now I'm all into knowing why it is called EVERBLAZE.
    Shannon, I can keep a secret! :)

  9. Yay!!!! I'm so excited! When will the cover be released?

  10. I literally CANT WAIT for this book.... CANT WAIT....

  11. I'm so excited...I'm shaking XD.....*prances around in excitement*

  12. I was staring at the screen for a whole minute before doing a crazy maniacal happy dance around my house. And for the Team KEEPER!'s doing that 200 thingy again, so...I just hope you can fix that if it isn't too much to ask? Also, I'm totes Team Keefe!!!

  13. YES!!!!! I can't wait

  14. I'm so excited for the next awesomeness!!!!!!!

  15. omg! big fan! keep writing more keeper books! i love them so much, i sleep with them! (on my windowsill) but ms.messenger, you are so cool! man, i wanna grow up to be like you and write good books :) but i agree, GO TEAM KEEPER! he he. Quiddich reference anyone? but i think these are better than harry potter. GO KEEPER!

  16. I am SOOOOOOOOO exited! I have read both book one and book three like twice each and I am like totally team Dex! Wait, is that the Iffel tower that Sophie and Fitz are falling from in book three? Did they go back to try and find the kidnappers? Or did the kiddnapers find them? Any way I am just so exited and I liike totally LOVE keeper of the lost cities and I decorated my room with keeper of the lost cities stuff and all my school binders! I wish that I were an Elf!!!!!!!!
