Wednesday, January 8, 2014

LET THE SKY FALL SuperFan Giveaway

Since LET THE STORM BREAK comes out in less than two months (OMG HOW IS IT COMING UP THAT SOON?????)--*and* I'm in a very brief break from the deadline cave--I thought it was high time I put together a contest to reward fans of the series. And so, I give you, The LET THE SKY FALL SuperFan Giveaway!!!

Here's what's up for grabs:

In case you can't tell, whan't you're looking at is a signed hardcover of LET THE SKY FALL, drawn on by me, AND a signed ARC of LET THE STORM BREAK. 


(and yes, I realize the title is different on the ARC of LTSB--there's been a slight title change since they were printed)

Since this is kind of a special prize, I want to make sure it goes to a true fan of the series (hence the giveaway name). So I'm going to make you guys put in a *little* extra work to enter--but I've still done my best to also keep it as simple as possible. So here's the details.

To enter, you MUST complete these two simple steps.


You must either:

  • Tweet / Instagram / FB / tumblr / google+ / ANY OTHER WAY YOU ATTACK THE INTERNETS with a photo of LET THE SKY FALL somewhere in the wild (could be your own personal copy in your hands, or a shiny copy on display in a store or library--doesn't matter to me. And if the store you go to is sold out, you can always request they bring in another copy. In fact, I would love you FOREVER for doing that!)
  • Tweet / Instagram / FB / tumblr / google+ / ANY OTHER WAY YOU ATTACK THE INTERNETS with your own LET THE SKY FALL fan art (Anything goes here--feel free to be as creative as you want)
  • Post a review of LET THE SKY FALL on amazon / goodreads / B&N / your blog or website

You only have to do one--though you are welcome to do as many as you want. I'll reward you with an extra entry for everything you do--you'll just need to tell me what you've done so I can count your entries accordingly. Which brings me to:

  • Fill out the form at the bottom of this post, along with links to anywhere you posted the pictures. Form must be filled out by 11:59 pm pacific on January 17th, 2014.

Step two is an absolutely essential step, because it's the only way I will see your entry. So don't forget to fill out the form. And International entries ARE accepted. 

I'm pretty sure that's everything, but if I missed something you are welcome to ask in the comments. 

* Form has been deleted, since the giveaway now closed. Thank you to all who entered!*


  1. If I do the same option of step 1 multiple times will, I get multiple entries?

    1. Yes. Just make sure you give a link to each one when you fill out the form! :)

  2. It’s hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks Obat Kanker Ginjal - Obat Asam Urat
