Monday, December 16, 2013

DONE!!!!!!! (And MMGM Links for 12/16/13)

Okay, it's 2am and I have just drafted for 17 hours--straight. So I might be a little loopy (and a lot weepy) but it's all okay because I finally typed the two words I thought I was never going to type again:

Yes--K33P3R is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Well, except for all the revision it needs--that draft is a hot mess.)

Anyway, needless to say, my brain is SHOT right now. I'm not even sure if I'm typing real words right now. So it's highly possible these links are a mess. But... here's the MMGM fun:
- Jennifer at 5 Minutes for books shares sports themed books that aren't just for sporty kids. Click HERE to see what they are. 
- Rosi Hollinbeck is shining a light on GLORY BE and YANKEE GIRL--with a GIVEAWAY. Click HERE for details
- Birdie Reader is spotlighting for THE BULLY BOOK. Click HERE to see what she thought. 
- Dorine White is in stitches over SEW ZOEY. Click HERE to read her review. 
- Mark Baker is cheering for CLASH OF THE CLASS CLOWNS. Click HERE to see why.  
- Kim Aippersbach has two features for you, on THE DARK IS RISING and CHRONICLES OF PRYDAIN. Click HERE to read her reviews.
- Michael Gettel-Gilmarten is singing praises for A SONG FOR BIJOU. Click HERE to see why. 
 - Media Sharif is spreading some love for ODD, WEIRD, & LITTLE. Click HERE to see what she thought. 
- Shari Larsen is highlighting HOW TO SURVIVE ANCIENT SPELLS AND CRAZY KINGS. Click HERE to read her feature. 
- Natalie Aguirre has a guest post from author Anna Stanizewski on marketing a series--with a GIVEAWAY!!!  Click HERE for details.
- Jennifer Rumberger always has an awesome MMGM feature on her blog. Click HERE to see what she's talking about this week.   
- Pam Torres always has an MMGM up on her blog. Click HERE to see what she's spotlighting this week.
- Deb Marshall is a MMGM regular. Click HERE to see what she's featuring this week. 
- Joanne Fritz always has an MMGM for you. Click HERE to see what she's talking about this week. 
- The Mundie Moms are always part of the MMGM fun (YAY!). Click HERE to see their newest recommendations. And if you aren't also following their Mundie Kids site, get thee over THERE and check out all the awesome!    
- The lovely Shannon O'Donnell always has an MMGM ready for you! Click HERE to see what she's featuring this week.
- Karen Yingling also always has some awesome MMGM recommendations for you. Click HERE to which ones she picked this time!   

If you would like to join in the MMGM fun, all you have to do is blog about a middle grade book you love (contests, author interviews and whatnot also count--but are most definitely not required) and email me the title of the book you're featuring and a link to your blog at SWMessenger (at) hotmail (dot) com. (Make sure you put MMGM or Marvelous Middle Grade Monday in the subject line so it gets sorted accurately) You MUST email me your link by Sunday evening in order to be included in the list of links. (usually before 11pm PST is safe--but if I'm traveling it can vary. When in doubt, send early!)

If you miss the cutoff, you are welcome to add your link in the comments on this post so people can find you, but I will not have time to update the post. Same goes for typos/errors on my part. I do my best to build the links correctly, but sometimes deadline-brain gets the best of me, and I'm sorry if it does. For those wondering why I don't use a Linky-widget instead, it's a simple matter of internet safety. The only way I can ensure that all the links lead to safe, appropriate places for someone of any age is if I build them myself. It's not a perfect system, but it allows me to keep better control.

Thank you so much for being a part of this awesome meme, and spreading the middle grade love!

*Please note: these posts are not a reflection of my own opinions on the books featured. Each blogger is responsible for their own MMGM content and I do not pre-screen reviews ahead of time, nor do I control what books they choose. I simply assemble the list based on the links that are emailed to me.


  1. CONGRATS, Shannon! Now get some sleep. : )

  2. 17 hours! Holy Guacamole! That is impressive. Congratulations on finding the end.

  3. Awesome. Congratulations.

  4. Congratulations, dear Shannon, congratulations to you! *cue confetti cannon*

  5. Congrats! Take a break then move unto revisions. Happy Holidays.

  6. EEEEKKKK! Congrats Shannon! I'm so excited! CANNOT WAIT!

  7. Congrats! Can't wait for the next book :)

  8. Whoo hoo! Can't wait to hear more about it. I'll be eagerly awaiting the cover reveal.

  9. Whoo hoo! Can't wait to hear more about it. I'll be eagerly awaiting the cover reveal.
