Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Happy KEEPER-Paperback-Day--AND AN EXILE ARC (plus swag) GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!!!

There's a reason I've had "Paperback writer" stuck in my head all week--and not just because it's so darn catchy. (For those who don't know what I'm talking about, educate yourselves HERE)

As of today--I NOW OFFICIALLY AM ONE!!!!!!

(Well, maybe not *technically*--since I believe the actual definition of a "paperback writer" applies to authors whose books come out only in paperback. BUT IT'S CLOSE ENOUGH, OKAY???) :)

Which is my nerdy, roundabout way of saying...

*herald trumpets blast*


I realize KEEPER has already been out in the world for about ten months now (wow, where does time go?) so this may feel like old news. But I gotta say, I'm almost more excited about this than I was on the hardcover release day.

Growing up, my family lived on a VERY tight budget. And since I cranked through books like nobody's business, paperbacks were pretty much my lifesaver (paperbacks and libraries. I would've been lost without both). So it makes me VERY happy to finally have a paperback version of KEEPER out there in the world, to make it a little easier on families like mine.

Even better: it only costs $6.99.

Even, EVEN better, they're just as shiny and gorgeous as the hardcovers--same gloss and everything:

Even, EVEN, EVEN better, it has this at the end:

Even, EVEN, EVEN, EVEN better, I'm having a contest to celebrate--and I'm giving away one of these:

plus TWENTY FIVE of these:

There. aren't. Enough. Exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To enter, make sure you fill out the form below by 11:59pm PDT on 8/18/13. I won't have time to post winners (or contact the losers) so you'll know you won if the prize shows up in your mailbox--like a fun little surprise!!!! (And I'll let you know once they've been sent so you know to keep an eye out). International entries welcome!

Usually I like to keep my giveaways nice and simple. But since I know there's quite a lot of you hoping to win this ARC, I thought it was only fair to give you guys a few chances to get extra entries, and then it's up to you if you want to bother taking advantage of it. 

All the instructions are in the form below (and if you can't access the form for some reason, you can find it HERE). Just fill it out to enter.
And.... go!

Contest form removed since the contest is now closed.
Thanks to all who entered!


  1. Congratulations! It's almost hard to believe this is your first pb release because it seems like you have so many books out there/ in the works! That's so cool though. ^.^

  2. You are the best Shannon. Thank you for the perfect giveaway :D *Fingers crossed.* And ahh! Happy paperback release day :D I cannot wait to get my two copies of it. <3 :)

  3. Keeper will always have a special spot in my heart. Mostly cause that's how we met. Yes, I understand you wish I wouldn't be SUCH a Bayside cheerleader. But it is how I am!

    In all reality I am THRILLED that it is in paperback. This way I can talk it up to even more!

  4. So happy for you Shannon! Thanks for the giveaway. You know the perfect way to share happy news and treat us fans all at once.

  5. Awesome! I love my hardcover copy and I've be thrilled to give one to my nieces!

  6. Congratulations on the paperback! What an accomplishment. :)

  7. The chances that I'm gonna win this are slim...still, it's fun to dream right? Congrats on the paperbacks!

  8. This giveaway is AMAZING! I have had this on my list forever and have been hoping to get it this summer. How wonderful that it is going to be in paperback! Yeah! I have heard fabulous things about this series. Thanks so much- this is an awesome contest. :)

  9. Awww, #1, you are always giving something away. :)

    Hope things are going well with you. I'm SO HAPPY that you're books are such HUGE hits!

  10. Wahoo! Yay for paperbacks! I'm soooooo excited about EXILE, I don't know what to do, haha :o)
    Congratulations on making it to "paperback writer" (and yeah, it so counts)!!!!

  11. Awesome! Huge congratulations!! It's hard to believe it was really 10 months ago that it released in hardcover--that's like almost a whole year! Crazy how time flies.

  12. Congratulations on the paperback release and upcoming EXCILE, looks wonderful.

  13. OMG! keeper came out in paperback. congrats! I am like so happy for you. I am so happy for you I am jumping up and down. :) So excited for exile!

    from A

  14. I received my prize in the mail. I put the sticker in my copy of Keeper. :) Thank you, Shannon!
