Thursday, April 11, 2013

Arizona Invasion!!!

Yes--that's right. If you live in the Phoenix/Tempe area, I AM COMING TO YOU! And so is the hilarious and awesome Debra Driza, who's brave enough to embark on this adventure with me.

If you would like to witness our shenanigans, you can find us here:

Changing Hands Bookstore
Saturday, April 13th, 
7:00 pm
6428 S. McClintock Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85283
Full event details HERE.

And really, you don't want to miss out. We'll have candy. And prizes. And awkward hugs! (Plus I'll have swag for everyone who buys a book!) 

(and if you can't make it--but would still like to buy a signed copy--call Changing Hands and order one before the signing. They'll ship anywhere you'd like!) 

Hope to see some of you there!


  1. Um, I'm more excited about the awkward hug then I am the swag and you KNOW how excited I am about the swag.

  2. I'm going to try my hardest to make the Teen Book Con in Houston. I mean it's 45 minutes away from me, just the other side of town! But I have some minor scheduling conflicts that I'm trying to rearrange. Hope to see you there!

    BTW: Your website has drastically changed.ha I like it.

  3. Hope it was fun!!
