Monday, February 4, 2013

The Epic LET THE SKY FALL Pre-Order Giveaway of Amazingness!!!

Holy cow, you guys!

We are one month away from the release of LET THE SKY FALL.


(and not even a full thirty-day-month, since February is a weird short month, but I'm trying not to think about that because it TRIGGERS THE SHANNON PANIC!!!)


ANYWAY, since this is a brand new series in a brand new age category, I wanted to do something a little bit special to celebrate the release and thank anyone who takes a chance on me and my little YA. So I've put together a special Pre-Order Promotion/Giveaway where everyone wins something!!!

Yes, that's right, EVERYONE!!! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And I wanted there to be as many prizes as possible, so I'm doing tiers of prizes--ALL of which are open internationally.

Here's the breakdown:

EVERYONE who pre-orders a copy of LET THE SKY FALL and fills out the form below before 11:59pm pacific time on 3/4/13 will win this:

 a signed LTSF bookmark AND a signed LTSF bookplate, (which can also be personalized)
(and pardon my lame photo skills--they're even prettier than this in real life)

Additionally, I will draw TWENTY-FIVE lucky winners (yes, 25!!!) who will ALSO win one of these:

Special LTSF scrabble tile necklaces handmade by me
(again, the picture totally doesn't do them justice--and yes, they include the chain!)

And finally, one especially lucky grand prize winner will ALSO win a $50 amazon or B&N gift card (winner's choice)!!!!! 

(I... don't have a picture of that because it's kind of boring to look at)

Even better? I'm NOT making everyone email me proof of purchase in order to enter. That's WAY too much work for everyone. So the ONLY person who will have to email me proof of purchase will be the grand prize winner (who will have 7 days to send it to me after I notify them that they're the winner.) Everything else will be on the honor system. But PLEASE don't cheat and fill out the form if you haven't pre-ordered the book. Every time you do that a cupcake fairy loses her sparkle and HOW COULD YOU DEPRIVE THE WORLD OF SPARKLY CUPCAKES???? 

Also, I know that some of you lovely, lovely people may have already pre-ordered LTSF, and I would certainly never want to punish you for that (in fact, I *kind of* want to hug you). So if that's the case, you are welcome to fill out the form. All pre-orders count!

I ... think that covers everything. But if I missed something feel free to ask away in the comments. And THANK YOU guys for all the awesome support. Methinks it's going to be a crazy month and I am so glad I have you with me. 


Okay, here's the form. And if for some reason it isn't loading, click HERE. Remember, you HAVE to fill it out if you want to win the prizes (and, yanno, pre-order the book). Don't just leave a blog comment, it won't be counted with the entries!*



  1. So excited for this! @_extraordiMARY got me all worked up. :)

    1. Awww, thank you!!! Mary might be my best fangirl ever. She is THE BEST. :)

  2. Replies

    2. It's okay, I have a tendency to die then come back to life. Not as a zombie, though, cause I've never been one for the walking dead. :p Just so you's know, I've Pre-ordered this book, and honestly CANNOT wait. So to ease my pain of waiting, I've started a daily countdown on my facebook. :p I might pass out when the day comes when I hold this amazing epic epicness in my hands O.O Thank you for writing such great books that I can both relate to and learn from! *Air hug*

  3. *resist making meep sounds* You continue to be the best. I'm not just saying that as your Saved By the Bell dressed cheerleader either.

    1. LOL. B for B, ba ba ba B go ... Let the Sky Fall? Hm, that needs work...

  4. Excellent idea. How do you do it all Shannon? Can't wait for this book.

    1. I... don't get to sleep nearly as much as I'd like. Though this time I'll be enlisting the Hubs to help with the mailing. Shhh don't tell him. It'll be a surprise! :)

  5. Congrats Shannon! I'm looking forward to this.

  6. *happy squeal* This is SOOOO amazing. I'm going to pre-order it soon! :)

  7. WOO HOO!! I pre-ordered from Amazon because that cover is just too beautiful to not have a real hardcover copy of it. I usually read on my Nook but this book is just too, too pretty. I'm excited to read it! Loved the sample chapters!

    1. Awwwwwwww, that is AWESOME! (And I know, the cover is SO pretty. I don't feel braggy saying that since I don't get to take credit for making it. That was alllll S&S) :)

  8. Geez louise, missy! You are probably the darn most giving author on the planet. Many thanks and love and appreciation, but I dare say you are probably the most appreciative out of all of us, if this giveaway is any indication. ;) I preordered my copy ages ago - can't believe it's finally almost here!!

  9. Geez louise, missy! You are probably the darn most giving author on the planet. Many thanks and love and appreciation, but I dare say you are probably the most appreciative out of all of us, if this giveaway is any indication. ;) I preordered my copy ages ago - can't believe it's finally almost here!!

    1. Awwww, you are making me blush! Thank you. Really, I AM the most appreciative out of everyone. It's so crazy to me that people want to read my stories. THANK YOU!

  10. Um hi Shannon,I did pre-order your book,but at my local store they give us a kind of slip instead of an invoice.So in case I DO win the grand prize,should I just take a picture of the slip and send it to you?
    Thanks! :)

    1. Yes that would totally be perfect. And yay for supporting a local store--THANK YOU!!! :)

  11. i've pre-ordered LtSF since last year!! super excited for it to come out. thank you for this epic giveaway :)

  12. Thanks for the cool giveaway! I'm very excited to read Let the Sky Fall. I pre-ordered it from Books-a-Million last week. Hope you can come back to TN this spring/summer. I'd love for you to sign my copy in person ;)

    1. Awww, YAY for Books-A-Million! And I'm hoping to make it to TN this year. Might not be till fall though. I have a lot of West Coast travel in the spring. Plus deadlines. ALWAYS deadlines. :)

  13. What a great giveaway! So excited to read LTSF!

  14. YAY!!! Thank you so much! I'm so excited!! I pre ordered it on Christmas day with my gift money!!! I can't wait to read it! Thanks again you're awesome :D!!!!

  15. Thanks for the contest, and for making it international - I know that is more work and expense - just letting you know I am grateful! Can't wait for the new book to come out!

    1. Aw, you're very welcome. International shipping can be obnoxious, but I have so many awesome international followers I try not to neglect you guys whenever possible. Thank you!

  16. Thank you so much for this! I just pre-ordered my copy and I can't wait to read it!

  17. Thank you SO MUCH!!! This is awesome! Just being able to get the bookplate and bookmark is awesome enough :) (although that does not mean you should toss out my name should I be fortunate enough to win a necklace or the grand prize... ;))

    1. LOL. Definitely will not toss out your other entries--but so glad you like the swag! <3

  18. I hope your hand cramps a loooooot :)

    Can't wait to read LTSF!

  19. Yikes, I can't remember if I filled in the form or not, I might have filled it in twice under the name "Selina Xu" :) If so, you can delete any of those entries. Sorry for the trouble!

  20. I've been coming here every day. I am so excited for the release! :D
    Time is going by way to slooowwww!

  21. So excited!!! Thanks, Shannon!


  22. Just pre-ordered from Amazon with *guaranteed* delivery on release date! I went ahead and ordered the hardcover instead of the Kindle edition because .... I'm wondering if there's any way to mail it to you for signature???? I'd so love to come to a book signing but doubt you'll be anywhere near me anytime soon. Is getting it signed via mail a possibility?? Don't mean to put you on the spot; just wondering. Can't wait to read :))))

  23. So I just typed out a comment, then signed in and *poof* away went my comment. Here's the gist: just pre-ordered LTSF from Amazon, which guarantees delivery on release date. So excited! I went ahead and ordered the hardcover instead of the Kindle edition because ... I'm wondering if it's possible to mail it to you for signature??? Don't mean to put you on the spot but I doubt you'll be doing a book signing anywhere near me anytime soon. Can't wait to read!

    1. Hey Steph! Looks like both your comments found their way to appear. :) Actually, the bookplates that everyone gets with the giveaway are signed and can be personalized and are designed so you can pop it right in your book and it'll magically turn into a signed copy. But if that's not enough we might be able to work something out. Just email me at SWMessenger (at) hotmail (dot) com

    2. Yep, just saw that both comments showed up! Oh well, I was just so gosh darn excited ;) Thanks so much for the reply. Can't wait!!!

  24. So excited to read it! Got my pre-order and entered my info for the contest. Just a few more days!!!

  25. Oh noes! I should have pre- ordered the Kindle Version. The Hardcover book will be delivered on March 13th. Such a long wait. I so don't like Amaz*n right now.

    Anyway, thanks for the awesome Contest! :)

  26. Just got my Amazon notification of shipment. I'll have LTSF in hand on Tuesday!!! Yay! :)

  27. Thank you SO much for this giveaway!!! I am seriously so stoked to read LTSF and have made sure we have copies ordered for the store! Can't wait to get reading!

  28. Definitely boring to look at, but absolflippinlutely fun to shop with!
