Tuesday, January 8, 2013

KEEPER 2 Title and Cover REVEALED!!!!!

I am SO EXCITED that I can finally share this with you guys--the wait has been TORTURE. 

I'm not going to bother saying anything else, because I know you're all just going to scroll right down to look at THE PRETTY--and I don't blame you!!! Go. Bask in the AWESOMENESS!



Ta Da!

ISN'T IT GORGEOUS??????????????????


*stares more*

And obviously you can also see the title for book two:


dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn.

I have a feeling I will never be able to stop myself from calling it KEEPER 2 (habits are hard to break). But EXILE is a perfect title.

And in case you can't already tell, that is NOT the same boy that's on the cover of book 1. 

That, my friends, is KEEFE!


(Which does NOT mean that I am Team Keefe. I am Team Sophie. BUT KEEFE ON MY COVER IS STILL INSANELY AWESOME)

For those of you trying to guess what's going on in the scene--or what that BEAUTIFUL creature is--you can find a few clues in the blurb for the back of the book (warning: there are some *slight* book 1 spoilers in this--though nothing you don't learn in the very first 2 pages of the book):

Sophie Foster thought she was safe. Settled into her home at Havenfield, surrounded by friends, and using her unique telepathic abilities to train Silveny--the first female alicorn ever seen in the Lost Cities--her life finally seems to be coming together. 

But Sophie's kidnappers are still out there. And when Sophie discovers new messages and clues from the mysterious Black Swan group, she’s forced to take a terrifying risk—one that puts everyone in incredible danger. 

As long buried secrets rise to the surface, it’s once again up to Sophie to uncover hidden memories—before someone close to her is lost forever.

In this second book in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, Sophie must journey to the darkest corners of her luminous world in a sequel that will leave you breathless for more.

If you think that sounds as awesome as I *hope* you do--or just want to make me happy--you can add KEEPER 2: EXILE to your goodreads shelves HERE. You can also like the facebook page for the entire KEEPER series HERE.

And ... that's all for now. Ff you need me, I will be here. STARING AT THE SHINY.


*still staring*



  1. WOAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love the cover!!!!!! It's KEEFE!!!!! AHHHH!!!! It's so pretty!!!! It'll look awesome as a book jacket. And the title - I'm a little surprised that it's only one word! I thought you'd folllow the ___ of the ___ ___ pattern - but I LOVE "Exile". YAYYYYY, Shannon!!!!!!! :)

  2. Wow! The cover is gorgeous! Congrats!

  3. Love the cover Shannon and the blurb sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read your book!

  4. Whoot!!! It's gorgeous!! I love the color palette. And yes, I totally noticed the difference in the boy - first thing, actually. Hmmm... You are so making me wonder. I can't wait to continue reading this story. Thanks for being so awesome, Shannon.

  5. Wow, the cover is veeeery pretty and cute, Shannon! Love it so much!
    Woah I have to read this series too pretty soon =D

  6. Love the cover and blurb. Sigh, waits patiently for release.

  7. Great cover! Can't wait to read it!

  8. Omg!! Yesss. It is gorgeous Shannon :D I love love love it. <3 SO PRETTY!! And the title is amazing :D Ahh. I want this book right away. Want it very, very much <3 But oh. I'm worried about Keefe being on the cover. Okay, yes, I adored him, but I'm not hoping on him as a romance interest. That's what Fitz is for :D And oh. I very very very much hope that there is a lot of Fitz in this book. <3 There must be. Right? :D

  9. Beautiful cover and way cool that Keefe is there!

  10. It really is beautiful! Heehee. Looking at it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Congrats on the book cover. And the title. But of course, most of all the book!

  11. I love the alicorn!! (Is that weird?!) So great, Shannon!! :)

  12. WooooooooooW! So VERY cool! I LOVE! And I cannot wait for October!Oh and all my little friends who are actually the "right" age for this book are so excited after getting KEEPER for Christmas. (Their moms got awesome book advice from yours truly.) They are going to squeal when I show them the new cover. Okay, I squealed a little myself! :)

    And if it was my book, I would sit there staring at the shiny for a very long time,

    Congratulations!!! Very heartfelt congratulations!

  13. Beautiful--so happy for you, Shannon! :)


  14. It is SO PRETTY/GORGEOUS/ETC. I love it! I'm so happy for you.

  15. GAH! Now I'm even MORE impatient for October to get here!!!! I need to steal a time machine :)

  16. A UNICORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (My spirit animal) I love love love the cover. Congrats Shannon!

  17. Love it! It's so gorgeous! (And YAY for Keefe on the cover with Sophie! I adore his character)

    Congrats :)

  18. Such an awesome cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wants the new shiny*

  19. WOW! Great cover and title! CONGRATS!

  20. AHHHH! *Heart attack* *comes back to life and stares* AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! This is AMAZING! I.CAN.NOT.WAIT! *Flails a bit*

  21. Hi! Congratulations! I really love the cover it's so cute *-*
    I want to ask you something: Is this book going to be translated in spanish soon?

    1. Hi Bella!

      Thank you so much. And honestly, I wish I knew, but foreign translation is one of those things an author knows very little about. I know Spain did buy the rights to print a Spanish edition of book 1, coming from RBA Libros. But I don't know when that will be hitting shelves. As soon as I know I'll post it on my blog, but at the moment I have no idea. Sorry!


    2. Okay! Don't worry, I go to my favorite bookstore every week so I will look for your name in the new books shelf! I have a book from this editors and has a really beautiful (I wish they keep this one because it's so pretty!). I think they will do an amazing work!

  22. SO PRETTY. Congratulations!!

  23. Can't wait! Gorgeous cover!!! Love the title too :)

  24. **screams with delight**
    I LOVE it!!! I cannot wait to read it :D I absolutely LOVED book 1 (I'll be reviewing it soon, and I'll post a link so you can read it when i do...)
    OCTOBER??? I can't wait that long!!

    (Still mentally screaming over the awesomeness of the cover, but now also crying because of the long wait...)

  25. It is a beautiful cover! I've just become aware from another author that you write MG -- for some reason I thought you wrote YA. Will have to check out your first book! I'm trying to review more MG. Wishing your book much success when it is released!

  26. Beautiful! Eight-year-old Kendon says, "Hey--is that Fitz?" We read through your post, and now he's concerned about Fitz. LOL ... must keep reading #1! Thanks for sharing. It's gorgeous. And WHO DOESN'T LOVE UNICORNS?

  27. Gorgeous cover! Oh my gosh, I can't wait to read Exile now :)

    I just recently finished Keepers and absolutely fell in love with it. So adorable and so much fun!

  28. This cover is just amazing and jaw dropping. Can't wait for the release. Thank you for sharing.

  29. I'm reading Book 1 right now and Keefe is one of my favorite characters. Nice to see what he looks like! Such a beautiful cover. You must be so proud! I hope there will also be a Book 3. ;) My daughter noticed I was reading a lot lately. Can't put your book down!!

  30. Another great cover! And, Keefe, well, I can't wait to see what he's up to.

  31. GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Shannon, are you going to let me read and *blurb* it????

  32. I LOOOVE THE COVER!!!!!! <333
    I.. want to see Alden too! :(

  33. Yes, it is a wonderful cover! Congratulations!

  34. Awesome!! Congrats!! I can't wait to read it.

  35. Wow! I love it! Who is the cover artist?


  37. It looks so cool i wish i could read it right now
    Why is Keefe on the cover?

  38. I luv the book cover and I don't know if anyone else noticed but damn Keefee is cute!!!
