Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had more than a year to plan this post and find some meaningful, articulate way to express how it feels to watch my very first book launch into the world. But... I'm not sure the words exist. Either that or my brain is just far too loopy from all the craziness surrounding release.

Seriously though, it's a bizarre mix of emotions.

There's THE HAPPY that comes with seeing my book on store shelves, surrounded by so many other amazing books that I love and admire. There's THE HOPE that it will find its way into readers hands and hearts. And of course there's THE FEAR, which I am trying not to focus on.

But I think more than anything, there's THE GRATITUDE.

Not only does this book exist because of the help and guidance of MANY people (the KEEPER acknowledgements section is epic length!). But it also wouldn't exist without all of you. This blog was where the whole "trying to get published" thing became real. In fact, you guys were some of the first people who knew I'd gone back to writing. I met my Crit Partners here. And all of you have cheered me on through all the crazy ups and downs of this journey and kept me going.

I will never be able to thank you enough for all that you've done (and will do) to support me and my writing. So I will give you the only thing I can. KEEPER isn't *mine* anymore. From today on it's yours. And I really, REALLY hope you enjoy!

(and uh.... feel free to NOT tell me if you don't) :)


Since I can't hug all of you, I will hug the only thing I can!

Oh, and if you would like to read the first three chapters of KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES, you can do so HERE. There's also still time to pre-order the signed copies with the special swag and help support Kids Need to read by going HERE. And if you live in SoCal I hope I will be at the Oceanside B&N at 6:30 tonight for the Launch Party. There will be prizes and cupcakes and rambling--and I will probably get a bit emotional. Hope to see you there!


  1. Happy Book Birthday, Sophie (and Shannon)!

  2. Happy Debut Day! Enjoy your special day!

  3. Happy Book Birthday, Shannon! Congratulations and have an awesome debut week!!!

  4. Big Congrats to you, Shannon! I hope you enjoy every second of this memorable day. I wish you and Keeper much success!

  5. Dang it...wished I lived in SoCal!! Enjoy your day, Shannon and I am so so so looking forward to reading this!

  6. YIPEEEEE! Yay, Shannon!

    My first email of the day was from Amazon informing me my pre-ordered KEEPER has been shipped. Guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend. ;)

  7. Happy, happy Book Birthday, Shannon! I'm SO VERY happy for you and PROUD of you!!! xoxo

  8. Happy Book Birthday lovely Shannon - and Baby Book is looking as shiny and sparkly as mum!! :-) Take care

  9. Congrats and Happy Book Birthday!!!
    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  10. I can HAVE Keefe? ALL TO MYSELF? (You just said it was "mine" now...right? *sees a million people in their Team Keefe gear* *sighs*)

    Happy release day!!!!

  11. yay! Happy release day! I can't imagine the emotions! Enjoy!

  12. HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY SOPHIE!!!!!!!!!!! and of course Shannon! It has been incredible to watch your journey. I've been following your blog since you got Agent Laura and now we have your book in stores. Amazing!!

  13. Happy Launch Day, Shannon! Congrats!

  14. I'm so ridiculously excited for you, Shannon. You deserve this.

  15. Happy Book Birthday Shannon!! So happy for you, and I hope you have your shades on, because your future is BRIGHT!! I know you worked hard to get to this point, and you deserve all the good things! Enjoy your special day. I plan on picking up your book at Powell's sometime this week.

  16. WHOOO HOO!!!!!!!! Happy dancing!!!! Can't believe it is finally here!! Here's wishing you much success and lots of happiness!

  17. Woo-hoo!!! Can't wait to read Keeper of the Lost Cities.

    Enjoy every second of this, Shannon. You've earned it. You deserve it. Wishing you happy, happy days.

  18. Yeah! Happy launch day! CONGRATS!!! Have fun at the launch party. : )

  19. Shannon, this book looks and sounds fantasmic, and you'll be getting another sale right after I publish this comment. :) Looks like you were up a lil' late posting this – can't say I'd be able to sleep, either. You must be beside yourself. Btw, I heard about the release through Elana's blog. I LOVE THE WRITING COMMUNITY – don't you?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh! I meant to tell you – Keeper of the Lost Cities appeared *right in the middle* of the row of Children's new releases in my Goodreads email this morning. Pretty friggin' cool!

  20. I'm so glad there is a photo of you hugging it. But really, ALL THE CONGRATSSSSSS!!

  21. Congrats!!! So excited for you! :-D

  22. Happy Book Birthday - must be very exciting and satisfying after such a long journey! Hope the school visit went well today!

  23. Found your book and devoured it! Loved every bit of it! You are a wonderful author. Congrats on being published and winning a new friend/fan!

  24. Woohoo!!!! Congrats!! So excited for you :)

  25. Congratulations on your Book Release Day!!! I'm making a trip to the bookstore definitely. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  26. You made me cry. :') Happy Book Birthday, Shannon! Here's to many MANY more!

  27. Congrats, Shannon! What an amazing day for you!

  28. Congratulations, Shannon! Happy Book Birthday! I got my copy today! Yipeee!

  29. P.S. After school today, I was telling some of my mom-buddies at the park about the latest MG book they HAD to get for their kiddos, when we were interrupted. A ten-year old girl was listening in. She asked what happened in the book. I told her what I had read on the blurb and the first couple chapters I read yesterday on-line (thank-you). She got out her little school notebook and wrote down the title very carefully.

    "THAT sounds like a GOOD Book!" she said. Tickled me pink!

  30. HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY, #1!!!! I couldn't be happier for you--truly. :)

  31. Congratulations! How exciting to be living your dream!

  32. Congrats, been excited to read this!

  33. Congratulations! What a thrill to see your book on the shelves!

  34. That's super awesome! Congratulations!!!
