Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The one where Shannon gets Speechless...

So... yesterday THIS happened:

And a day later I still have no words. Because really--THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!



I mean... how do you... ? 

I can't even... 


Just... whoa. 



*stares more* 

*still staring*

I wasn't going to mention it or talk about it or draw any attention to it because...

a) That's rather hard to do without words

b) It feels sort of... ookie. 

Like hey guys--LOOK AT THIS. Like I'm complimenting myself somehow,  even though I'm not the one who wrote the ad or knew it was coming or had anything to do with it. It's just weird posting such an indescribable thing being said about me. Well... said about my books. But I mean, I did write them so it's indirectly about me--but it's more about my books I guess. Gah--I'm rambling, aren't I? 

*goes back to staring*

But apparently a bunch of you guys saw it in Shelf Awareness and contacted me about it to make sure I'd seen it (HUGE thanks to all of you who tweeted or emailed me links) and I started to worry that I'd seem a little... ungrateful if I didn't mention it. Which I would never want. 

So I'm posting it. 

And rambling awkwardly about it. 

And you can't see it, but there's been a whole lot of twitching and fidgeting and deleting things as I've tried to put enough words together to make this awkward post. 

And I'm still having second thoughts about posting it (especially since I also feel like I probably haven't said anything coherent). But I'm posting it.

*clicks schedule before she can change her mind*

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to staring.



  1. :-O
    *stares with Shannon*
    So incredible :-D So fantastic :-D WOW *is in awe*

  2. I'm so glad I e-mailed it to you. So excited for you!

  3. So exciting, Shannon! I'm happy for you!!!

  4. That is awesome, Shannon. You worked hard and now you're on a list with some other amazing writers. That's how it's supposed to work. ;o)

  5. Holy magoly, how freaking fantastic is that?

    Well done on being Awesome with a capital A.

  6. You know what this means, right? It won't be long until you're sitting next to these guys on a writing panel :) "Hey Jo Row-dog, can you pass me that water pitcher, sweetie? Thanks."

  7. So glad you posted it!!! What an absolute thrill!!! I got covered in chills when I read it - can't even imagine how you reacted :)

  8. WHOA!!! This is ultra-cool! I mean, what middle-grade/YA writer hasn't been inspired by at least ONE of those three? And here you are with a comparison to ALL THREE!!

    So glad you shared with all of us--and a HUGE congratulations!


  9. Oh! My! AMAZINGNESS!! >_< #tossesconfetti

  10. You're allowed to sit and drool and eat cupcakes all day after seeing that!! That is AMAZING, Shannon!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO very happy for you!!!

  11. Awesome! I knew you'd get there. :)

  12. How cool is that????!! :) CONGRATS!!!! Sooo looking forward to reading your debut!!

  13. Absolutely awesome. Just about the coolest thing I've seen. Congrats.

  14. Thrilling! As if I needed another reason to want to read your books!

  15. "ookie" So using this word in a sentence today! You are still awesome, even if drawing attention to that fact made you feel somewhat ookie. :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Amazing. Way to go. Now I'm super pumped for Keeper of the Lost City this fall.

  18. Well-deserved!! That is SOOO awesome!!

  19. you're right - no words - but we can use a lot of the good ones like amazing, incredible, uber fantastic, etc. congratulations!

  20. I don't know why I'm just now visiting your blog but this is awesome! I've been to Friday the Thirteeners and have gotten so excited about your book! Definitely don't doubt that advertisement! Congratulations!

  21. EEEEEK!!! That's SO great, Shannon! You definitely deserve it, I'm so excited for you! :) And I don't think I've said this yet, but those covers are FANTASTIC. :) :) :)

  22. I saw it yesterday!!! So happy for you!

  23. Shannon,
    You SO deserve this. I am thrilled for you and can't imagine the level of excitement in your brain right now. They seriously need to push up the release dates for your books before we all pop blood vessels or something. :)

  24. You've so hit BIG TIME!!! Well done you!
    Take care

  25. I saw that too and thought "how freaking cool". And it is soooo freaking cool! Congrats!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  26. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I, for one, am glad you posted it. Because now I can enjoy it with you. :)

  27. WOOT! That's freaking awesome! :)

  28. That's amazing! Stare on, girlfriend.

  29. Dear Friend...



  30. CONGRATS! Thanks for sharing this. Very cool!

  31. It was that banner that brought me to your site. It must feel so amazing to be likened to these famous authors! Please feel free to contact me personally, or have your publicist contact me about a review and/or book tours. Congrats on top banner. :)

  32. AWESOME!! To be included on this list is such a thrill I am sure! WOW! I can't wait to read your book. :) The cover is captivating.

  33. Amazing and wonderful. Congratulations, Shannon!
