Sunday, June 3, 2012

Where's Shannon: The BEA Edition!

Pretty sure you guys know this by now, but if you need me, I'm not here. 

I'M IN NEW YORK FOR BEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Hee. Can you tell I'm EXCITED????)

Not only have I never been to NY before, but thanks to my amazing publicity team at S&S I have a CRAZY-awesome schedule. If any of you are going to be there, here's some of the places where you can find me:
Sunday 6/3: I'll be on a panel with Lenore Appelhans, Jenny Han, Tonya Hurley, Carmen Rodrigues, and Siobhan Vivian at the S&S Teen Blogger party, talking about LET THE SKY FALL, among other things. (this event is invitation only, so you know who you are if you're going). 
Monday, 6/4, 5:00 pm NY Grand Central Library: I'll be on a panel with fellow middle grade authors Brandon Mull, John Stephens, and Rebecca Stead. (yeah, I'm as amazed as you.) Event information is HERE
Tuesday, June 5th, 10:30 am - 11:00 am: I'll be signing ARCs of KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES in the Javits autographing area, booth 8. You can find details on that HERE.  
Tuesday, June 5th, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm: The Apocalypsises: Meet the authors of 2012's Must Reads.  Javits Center: Room 1E02/1E03. Details on who will be there and why you want to stop by can be found HERE.   
Wednesday, June 6th, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm: ABFFE's (Mostly) Silent Children's Art Auction. Details are HERE.
Thursday June 7th from 11am - 11:30 am: I'll be on a panel with Sharon Creech, Lauren Oliver, and Judith Viorst discussing "Writing Strong Female Characters in Middle Grade Fiction" in the Javits on the Uptown Stage. More details can be found HERE. And I'm told I'll be signing KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES ARCs afterward. 

Insane schedule, right???? 

Hope to see some of you guys there!!! (and PLEASE don't take it personally if I don't recognize you--I am SO bad at that!!!)

Anyway, with all that craziness I naturally won't have time to blog. But I promise an update--hopefully with photos--as soon as I'm back (and recovered from the chaos). And I'll try to tweet/FB updates throughout the week so keep an eye out for those.


  1. Have fun Shannon. And enjoy this special time as part of your debut. Wish I could go.

  2. So fun! I'm going to BEA as press for work, so I'll try to stop by your booth and say hola as a fellow MMGM-er :)

    -Gina C

  3. Sounds like you're going to have an absolute blast!! Enjoy every moment :)

  4. Sounds very cool to participate as an author :)

  5. Where, exactly, will you be signing on Thursday?!?! I'll be there that day and want to be sure to grab a copy!!!

  6. Woohoo! So looking forward to BEA and getting to meet another bloggy acquaintance in person!

  7. You're there RIGHT NOW. Woohoo! Best of luck, Shannon.
