Friday, June 22, 2012

Where's Shannon--The ALA Edition!

Yes, that's right--I've only barely recovered from BEA and yet I'm off again for a weekend in Anaheim at ALA.

THANKFULLY, my schedule is muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch less hectic this time, and involves no, "Shannon doing scary official things she could easily screw up." So phew--I might actually get to relax this time! (well... as much as I'm capable of relaxing...)

I can confirm that S&S WILL be giving out KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES ARCs at booth 2600-2601 (more info on what giveaways they'll be doing can be found HERE).

As for me, I'll mostly be wandering the exhibit floors and would love to say hi if you spot me--don't be shy. I'm also happy to sign any ARCs. And I'll have pretty bookmarks with me!!! (also, warning: I get OBLIVIOUS in crowds, so please don't take it personally if I walk right past you. Just throw an ARC at my head).

I'm also *planning* to be at the following evening meet-ups--for at least part of the time:

The Middle Grade Meet-Up
Friday, June 22nd 7:30 PM 
Hilton Anaheim Lobby

YALSA Mix and Mingle
Saturday, June 22nd, 5:00 PM
Mortons, Anaheim

The Great YA Blogger Meet-up
Saturday, June 23rd 8:00 PM
Degrees Wine and Patio Bar at the Marriott

Hopefully the convention center will have better cell service than the Javits and I will be able to Tweet and FB more updates. Either way, expect a full report when I'm back next week--along with some contests for the awesome ARCs I manage to grab.

In the meantime, have a great weekened!


  1. I was supposed to be there. Sigh.

    Enjoy, though, Shan! I know you'll manage to have fun, even without me.

  2. Wish I could go but I don't know how it works. I'm an hour away from Anaheim.
    ariannecruz07 @
    blog: Arianne Cruz

  3. I wish I could go, it sounds like a lot of fun. :) Still, two conferences so close to each other - how do you do it? You're simply amazing! :)


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