Tuesday, May 29, 2012

LET THE SKY FALL has been blurbed--twice!!! (And a celebratory contest!)

Since I'm revealing the cover for LET THE SKY FALL tomorrow (yes--TOMORROW!!!!) I wanted to use today to share the amazing blurbs its gotten, since one of them is on there and I don't want it getting overlooked as you're all staring at the HOTNESS. (of which, there is a LOT)

I have to say, these blurbs are especially meaningful to me--and not just because the authors are hugely successful authors (though they are) or because they described my book exactly the way I'd hoped people would (though they did).

See ... the thing is, I've been EXTRA nervous about LET THE SKY FALL.

Not only is it my "accidental YA"--and a story I never thought I'd have the writing chops to pull off--but it's also the most personal book I've ever written. Sure, it's about two teenagers who control the wind--but beyond that, there's a whole lot of Shannon in there.

The setting is the area I grew up in, and there are so many moments and details and references that I ripped straight out of my own life. And even though 99.9% of readers won't know that or be able to recognize those things, *I* know they're there. So letting people read this book feels very exposing,

So when my manuscript went out to these amazing ladies there was an even bigger moment of, Oh-Holy-Crap-What-If-They-Hate-It-PANIC!!!

And there were MANY stunned-happy tears when these blurbs arrived:

"Charged and romantic—a whirlwind of a love story.” 
—Becca Fitzpatrick, New York Times bestselling author of the Hush, Hush Saga

"Funny, fast-paced, and slyly romantic, Shannon Messenger's YA debut dazzles.” 
—Kiersten White, New York Times bestselling author of Paranormalcy and Supernaturally


*sniffles more*

Becca and Kiersten--if you're reading this--THANK YOU for taking the time to read my book and for liking it enough to blurb it. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to properly express how much it means to me!

And to celebrate, I'm giving away a some of these ladies' amazing books! 

**Contest Details removed because the contest is over**