Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Another Epic Milestone

There are a lot of surreal, exciting, amazing, unbelievable moments on this crazy journey I'm on (and thank goodness because they help balance the hectic, sleepless-night-inducing, terrifying ones). But yesterday was a BIG one.

I wish I could show you the absolutely GORGEOUS ARCs for LTSF that my amazing publisher sent me--but alas, I'm not allowed to since we haven't revealed the cover (which I am ALSO dying to show you). But I can't stop staring at them. Nor can I stop staring at my bookshelf, where BOTH of my books are now on display, which is so incredible I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it.

And then, there was this inside the ARC:

I ... I can't believe I already qualify for an "also by Shannon Messenger."

I also can't believe that these crazy stories that filled my head and refused to leave until I wrote them down are slowly making their way into the world. I've already gotten some amazing, tear-inducing emails from some early readers telling me how much they enjoyed it. And after BEA a LOT more people will have them.

It's scary and stressful and half the time I feel like there's an avalanche coming for me and I'm going to be clobbered any second. But I also get to hug my book--MY BOOK--and dance around with it and take embarrassing pictures to send to my agent and editor (oh, you know you'll do exactly the same thing!). And that is worth every single second of the stress--and then some.

So if you need me, I'll be twirling with my ARCs like the biggest nerd on the planet. And then diving back into book 2!

(Also, I'll be at Mysterious Galaxy tonight for the YA or Bust signing with Stephanie Perkins, Gayle Forman, and Nina LaCour. If you're in the area I hope to meet you there!)


  1. YAY!!! Congrats. I looks lovely. What a big moment.

  2. Shannon, you're awesome. And dance away--you deserve it! Congrats on this huge step!

  3. "I ... I can't believe I already qualify for an "also by Shannon Messenger.""

    That is wild. But amazing! =)

  4. YAY, I can't wait until I get to twirl with your book! How exciting!!!

  5. TOO FREAKING COOL FOR WORDS!!!!! Congrats, #1!! :-)

  6. Congrats to you. Looking forward to meeting you at BEA.

  7. So exciting!! I can't wait to dance with my own books someday...

  8. Soon it'll be a very long list! Yay! Take care

  9. ooo So very exciting indeed. Can't wait to see the cover! Yay for you!

  10. Ha! Don't worry, Shan, I would be freaking out, too!

    Dying to see the cover, myself!

  11. "Also by Shannon Messenger" freaking cool!! Love. It. Congrats!

  12. Congrats Shannon! So excited for you. Can't wait to see the cover. As soon as I get our stats, I'll fill in a request for an ARC.

  13. So exciting! Can't wait until you can reveal the cover!

  14. CONGRATS! Congrats! And more CONGRATS to you! Can you tell I'm excited for you?? You deserve all the great things that are happening in your life. I look forward to reading your books and telling others about them.
    : )

  15. I'm dancing with you, Shannon!!!

    **twirl, twirl**

  16. That is sooo freaking awesome!! I'm dying to see the cover too!! How cool your signing with Stephanie!! Hope you all have a blast. And congrats again!!!!!
