Friday, March 2, 2012

KEEPER'S FIRST BLURB!!!!!!! (and a contest to celebrate!)

A few of you might have seen me tweet this picture from the SCIBA event I went to last weekend: 

This is me with Amber Benson (yes, Tara!) and Lisa McMann 
(otherwise known as: two super-cool S&S Aladdin authors--with a Shannon standing nervously in the middle!)

And you might notice that I do not have my arm around Lisa McMann in the photo--and there IS a reason for that. See, poor Lisa had already had to endure a couple of awkward Shannon-hugs that evening, so I decided it wasn't right to make her endure any more.

Which may make you wonder why I was hug-molesting poor Lisa McMann.

Well... there are many reasons:

- I'm ... kinda a HUGE Lisa McMann fangirl 
- She's arguably one of the nicest authors out there
- But mostly, it had to do with this:

“A delightful and dangerous adventure with complex characters and relationships you'll root for to the end of time.” 
-Lisa McMann

In case you can't tell--that is the first official blurb for KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES!!!

Nope--that's not enough exclamation marks:


Though, mostly... I get a bit teary every time I read it.

I mean, having someone say something nice about my book will always be an AMAZING thing. But to have it be from an author I've been admiring and fangirl-ing for YEARS--an author who writes both middle grade and YA with the kind of ease and skill that I aspire to, is just...

There. Are. No. Words.  

(That does not mean I didn't ramble--mostly incoherently--to poor Lisa at the event, thanking her for taking the time to read KEEPER and giving such an amazing blurb. But I will spare you that because it's bad enough poor Lisa had to suffer through it. I'm just happy I didn't cry!)

And just so you guys can fully understand why this blurb means so much to me, I've decided to give away some of Lisa's amazing books to one lucky commenter, so you can see for yourself why having her like my book is such an incredible compliment.