Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So...THIS happened!


ITS A REAL BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nope--that's still not enough exclamation marks:



And of course I HAD to take a bunch of dorky pictures of myself, celebrating:

(oh, you'd do the same thing--you know it!)

(I have QUITE a lot more of these--but I think you guys get the idea)

(and yes--yes I AM wearing my: I am a SERIOUS ARTIST black turtleneck sweater, but... that's mainly because it was FREEZING yesterday)

(FREEZING to a Native SoCalian = anything overcast and below 65 degrees F--just FYI)

I honestly can't even begin to describe what it feels like to hold my book--MY BOOK--for the first time, and flip through the pages and see my words in print and my name on every page and the font they chose and the chapter headings and... *sniffles*

Just trust me when I say it's AMAZING. 

And it makes me even more grateful and excited that someday I get to share it with all of you. I PROMISE I will have an ARC contest and give one of the Preciousssssssssss away--but not quite yet (SORRY!). The thing is, I realized something else when I saw my baby in print.

It's ... thick.

Which I LOVE. 

I love nothing more than a book that lets you sink into it for more than a few quick hours. But it's also a very good visual representation for the gauntlet I'm currently running trying to get through Book 2. 

Thick books = A WHOLE LOTTA WORK

That's not to say that thin books AREN'T a lot of work. But trust me--thick books are beasts. And I'm currently at a point in the draft for Book 2 where sadly, if I wrote shorter books, I'd be done by now. But I'm not. I have a LOT of work ahead of me. And... not a lot of time to do it in, thanks to needing to get started very very soon on LET THE SKY FALL BOOK 2. 

So I don't have time at the moment to organize an epic ARC giveaway--and my blogging may be a bit sporadic for a bit (in fact, I'm taking the rest of the week off). I'll do the best I can to be as regular as possible--so PLEASE don't stop coming by--but I can't promise I'll be posting every day. At least not until I get to "The end."

*rolls up sleeves and dives back in*

(Well... after a little more time doing THIS:)

*is--arguably--THE BIGGEST NERD EVER*


  1. So exciting! I can imagine the photos on your computer. Lol

  2. WooHoo! So excited for you. Spend some time enjoying staring at your beautiful ARC. And then roll up those sleeves. Good luck with book 2.

  3. LOL. Congrats! It's such a wonderful feeling holding your own book in your hands, isn't it! I even stroked mine against my cheeks :o) hehe

  4. LOL, you look awesome with your book. Congratulations! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. (Although I doubt I will snuggle with it. I'm reserving book snuggles for the day when my work gets published.)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yay! That's SO cool. I had to delete my previous comment because I couldn't spell 'that' lol. Congrats, Shannon. I love your cover too. :)

  6. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! There's your baby!!! How wonderful!! Awww it's thick and shiny and new and just lovely and very thick!!!

    Happy happy happy dance for you!! Take care

  7. Oh you two look gorgeous together!! I can't wait until your book and I can look gorgeous together, too!

  8. I'll always prefer longer books, MG, YA, or otherwise. If I love something, I want as much of it as I can get. Are you allowed to say how many words it is? Or pages?

  9. AHHH so beautiful. But above all, I love all the pictures of you hugging it. How awesome. Huge congrats, Shannon! Can't wait to read it :) :)

  10. Congrats! OMG yes I'd totally dork out and take a ton of pictures. This is amazing.

  11. YAY for you!!!!! I agree...Never enough Exclamation marks when its something like THIS! So happy, so happy, so very happy for you! (I am enjoying your moment, imagining what it will be like in the foggy future when I hole my own paper and ink version of my baby!)

    Congratulations, Shannon! And please know we are rooting for you as you work to get books 2 finished. :)

  12. Oh how awesome. Your ARC looks damn good on you :-)

  13. Aww! It must be so exciting to get your ARC. It's so pretty.

  14. That is one big baby!

    I think we need to add a few more days to February--such a short month--so you can get everything accomplished. I'll get right on it!

    Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Your exclamationpointitis is catching!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  15. That last photo, eyes closed and hugging the book, says it all. I'm so excited for you!

  16. Congratulations!! Your book cover looks awesome! Makes me want to read it. I can only imagine how you feel right now. You are where I wanna be. :) Great job! A lot of sweat and tears went in that book, I'm sure! But it was all worth it, right? So happy for you!!

  17. It's beautiful, and yes, I will do the same thing when mine come next month. But only if I have pretty make-up on like you :)

  18. Ah!! Congrats :) That is very, very exciting. And you're adorable!

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  19. Congrats! The book looks awesome. Your pictures are too cute!

  20. AAAHHH! Congrats, Shannon! That must be such an amazing feeling!!!

  21. Totally what I'd be doing if it were me! Congrats again on getting the best book cover EVER!

  22. I'm crying. Seriously. Are there even any words printable that can describe what that feeling truly is... I mean other than: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So happy for you Shannon! I look forward to your contest... but More to you BOOK BIRTHDAY.

    Happy writing!

  23. Super exited for you!!!! and the book too of course.

  24. it looks AWESOME! Congrats on your new 'baby':) I can't imagine the joy of holding that bundle in your arms.

  25. Oh these look so great! I cannot wait to read it.

  26. So cute, in a non-sickening way. You deserve to celebrate!

  27. Oh, Shannon, it's awesome!! And I love it that it's thick!!!!!!! Wow, wow, wow. Such great news! Thanks for the fun pics. :-)

  28. The cover looks great. CONGRATS!!

  29. What a beautiful, beautiful ARC! The pictures are totally understandable. ;)

  30. That's so awesome! Good luck working on Book 2 and I can't wait for the ARC contest!

  31. Wow! Absolutely amazing! And yeah-I most def would do the same thing!! Thank you for sharing the pics. So-SO awesome! And lol on the turtleneck author attire:)

  32. Oh my gosh!!! Love that it is so thick....means we can stay in the world you've created for long time.

    Thanks for sharing your pics...............!!!!

  33. Want!

    (ps, what lippy are you wearing? LOVE IT!)

  34. So Happy and Excited for you Sweetie!!! Can't wait to see it in person!
    You are so Beautiful holding your First book!! :) Love you, Aunt Julie

  35. It's beautiful, Shannon! I don't think you used nearly enough exclamation marks or posted nearly enough pictures! Congratulations.

  36. How exciting! Loved the last picture!

  37. Congrats! I bet it feels great to actually hold your book after all that time you spent trying to get it there =)

  38. AAwww. I'm totally going to go all *nerdy* when my book comes out next month, too. I totally understand and thanks for sharing. :)

  39. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! I'm so stinkin' excited for you! What a lovely ARC that is!! CONGRATULATIONS! It's beautiful!

  40. Wahoo, congrats on your book Shannon! I'm new here btw.
    And Yes, we would all do those poses. I just found your blog from Jennifer Rumberger's post (your on her top six fav blog list)

  41. Exciting. This is the shiniest moment of the whole process. Enjoy!

  42. What a great moment for you! That has to be an entirely wonderful feeling, congrats!
    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  43. Congrats!! :D
    Don't worry, if/when I write/finish my book, and get an ARC, I'll be acting just like that!!

  44. SO exciting! I would be taking TONS of pictures too. You can never have enough pictures of your first published book. Squeal! Good luck with your current work in progress. Can't wait to get my hands on one of those thick books.

  45. Yay nerds! Yay ARC's! Yes, very, very, very exciting. A whole lotta congrats to you and a happy dance. :-)

  46. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Congrats!!! :D

  47. You: adorable! Plus, OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! Yayayay!

  48. Congrats! Seems like a good novel, have to read it when it comes to Europe (if it does?).

    Kisses from Finland,
