Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Epic Milestones!!!

Sorry again for disappearing on you guys last week--those copyedits were a LOT more work than I expected. Here's a TINY glimpse of what my week looked like:

This represents THREE WHOLE DAYS--no, that is NOT an exaggeration--of me mapping out my book page. by. page. trying to figure out where I lost two months of "book time" in the revision and then finding places to fit it back in. Holy Headache, Batman!

And don't even get me started on the "stetting" and grammar correcting and fact-checking for consistency. Seriously, copyedits are NOT FUN.


Copyedits are done, fed-exed off to S&S, and I got word from my editor that she got them--and that it even looks like I did them right!!!!!


Another milestone officially passed! I'm now one. step. closer to KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES becoming a REAL BOOK!

*dances more*

And speaking of milestones, I had another one happen this weekend. I have been going to SCIBA events for a couple of years now (love SCIBA--SUCH a great organization!). But I was always sort of attending unofficially, since SCIBA events are technically designed to put book sellers, teachers, and librarians in touch with published authors--which... I wasn't. (I will be eternally grateful to SCIBA for letting me come anyway). Well, this time, in light of my news--even though I wasn't officially on the program because, uh... my book won't be out for about a year--they wanted me to know that I had crossed over to being "official" now. So they gave me one of THESE badges this time:

(Sorry--took the pic on my iPhone so the resolution's a bit iffy)

Yeah, the red ribbon totally clashed with my outfit--BUT I SO DIDN'T CARE. So, so, so, SO cool getting a real author badge for the first time. Can't wait till the day I can also see my name in the program as one of the "participating authors." SOON! :)

And while we're on the subject of milestones ... I actually had one more happen last week. A BIG one. One that totally made me cry--in a good way, of course.

I can't tell you anything about it--and I certainly can't show you. But... I can give you a *tiny* clue:

Yeah... I got my first cover proof. AND IT HAS MY NAME ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I know that seems like a given--but dude, there is NOTHING like seeing a book cover with my name on it. NOTHING!)

The font and text color and background color are all just placeholders right now and are probably all changing, so... I really haven't shown you anything. But now you know it exists. KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES HAS A COVER!!!


NO IDEA when I'll be allowed to show you but trust me when I say IT IS GOING TO BE PERFECT!!! 

*hugs the cover proof*

*cries again*

So... that was my week. HOW WAS YOURS???????


  1. That's awesome you're moving along so much toward your book being published.

  2. Yay! All so exciting! *does happy dance with you*

  3. It's kind of like having your name etched in stone. Or a star on whatever that street in Hollywood is named.

  4. Congrats on your edits!! Love your name tag. You truly are a star!!

  5. That soooo awesome Shannon! Congrats!

  6. What a great post to start my morning - so inspirational, Shannon! And I can't wait to see your cover!!! WOO!

  7. I've now put on my cheerleader outfit to complete my happy dance just for you! Yayyayyayayyayayayayyay! Take care

  8. I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE THE COVER! Your week (and life) is a little more exciting than mine. I'm in first draft land, barely getting out 500 words a day.

  9. Yes, you've had a lot of epic things happen lately. So happy for you. Can't wait to see the cover. Can't wait to see it in the bookstore.

  10. How great for you! And I'm so proud of you for getting through all those copy edits. Sounds like a pain. I was getting all worked up along with you =)

  11. You are a writer rock star! Thanks for sharing all the steps of your journey with us--it's so exciting! :-)

  12. None of that is silly or obvious! It's all very exciting, especially when someone not your friend or relative says you're officialy an AUTHOR. And the book cover with name is definitely a SQUEEE moment. :-)

  13. My week was NOWHERE as exciting as yours! I can just feel the excitement through the words on the screen! I am SO excited for you. :)

  14. I am so jealous of all the awesome going on in your life right now! Very happy for you too :)

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  15. I cannot WAIT to see the cover!! :) And yikes on copyedits, that's one thing about becoming a published author that really frightens me. Of course, the rest of it frightens me too... :) But I'm not there yet!

  16. That HAS to be one of the most fun things about getting a book published. Seeing the cover proof. Then you know it's real!

    Congrats! Can't wait to see it.

    My week? Well, last night I met Richard Peck, who was very charming.

  17. Yay for finishing the copy edits. I really hope you don't have to wait as long to show us the cover as you did telling us the news about the book deal. :)

  18. Congrats on the cover and finishing your copy edits, Shannon!

  19. *sobs* Big Bad Blogger ate my most fantabulous comment :(

    Take two ...could never be happier for anyone unless it were me...even though it ISN'T me! I was just happy to see an official name plate with my name on it in our brand spanking new office. It's the small things, what can I say.

  20. Copy edits look intense, but congrats on finishing! And HOW EXCITING, A COVER!!! :D

  21. Not nearly as good as yours! Congrats on all the big things!

  22. Way to tell those copy-edits who's boss! Nice badge, btw. I need to get myself one of those... ;)

  23. That is AWESOME. So happy for you!!!

    Week spent writing until my eyeballs ached.

  24. Congrats, Shannon!
    I also have a book that is coming along with edits and book covers. Right now we're in the illustrations part (it's a Picture book) so the scale is different than your's but I know what you mean when you get excited! *dances as well*

    Mine is called "Annie's Special Day" and will be out by Christmas or winter 2012. Not sure yet but you can hear more about it on my blog at http://clarbojahn.wordpress.com/

  25. That's awesome! Can't wait to see your cover, too!

  26. WHOOOAAAAAAA! Great news, you author you.

    Copyediting is time well spent.

  27. Congrats on finishing your edits!! I'm SO excited for you!!

  28. LOL. I just love reading all the author news!
