Friday, June 5, 2015

LET THE SKY FALL #3--Title & Cover revealed, and MORE!!!

Hey guys!

I know it's been a while since I've given you any Sky Fall series news--so I intend to make up for all of that today with ALL THE EXCITING THINGS!!!!

You've been so wonderfully patient waiting for book 3 (thank you, thank you, thank you!), and I promise, I'm working hard to make it worth every second of that wait!

The first step of that comes today, when I finally get to show you the AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL COVER FOR BOOK 3--and the title, which I love soooooo much!

(And make sure you stick around after that, because there are other exciting things in this post!)

Okay, here we go:




TA DA!!!!


So, in case that isn't loading--or you're just too busy staring at the SHINY GORGEOUSNESS to notice (in which case: look away from the shiny for just a minute!)--the title of LtSF #3 is LET THE WIND RISE.

And I know some of you might be thinking the style is a little bit different than the other covers--you're right. We tried really really really hard to land on something that would match with the other covers--and it does have enough similarities that it "passes" (even for me and my perfectionist ways). But at the same time, the whole series is getting a shiny new look for the next wave of paperbacks, which means I have two more amazing covers to show you today!

I know redesigning is scary for fans of a series--it is for authors too, trust me. Especially since my other covers were so incredibly beautiful. Fortunately my publisher was super-committed to landing on something I loved every bit as much as the originals--and then they went ahead and outdid themselves and gave me something I actually love even more. (shhh---don't tell the other covers. I'll always love them too, but these? THESE? O.M.G. Honestly? These are the covers I always pictured in my head as I wrote the books, and I can't believe they're going to be a real thing)

But don't just take my word for it. Look at the pretties:

The windmills!
Audra in pants! (!!!)
Gavin making a cameo on the right hand side.

For me, this is what I think of when I talk about the books--Audra  at the wind farm, showing the world she's a force to be reckoned with. I cannot WAIT to hold one of these paperbacks. There will be tears--trust me. 

*sniffles just thinking about it*

And I'm not done yet. Here's the incredible cover for book 2, where Vane gets to be like, "excuse me, I'm a force to be reckoned with too! LOOK AT MY DEADLY WIND SPIKE"

Ahhhh--*goes into awesome overload*

And just because I'm a nerd, I made a handy graphic so you can see them all side by side, to get a feel for how freaking gorgeous the whole trilogy is going to look together once the new paperbacks are out:

Anyone else notice how the text moves up--almost like it's rising (MUCH LIKE THE THIRD TITLE?????) 

Just me? *is the nerdiest of all nerds*

I know some of you are probably wondering when the new paperbacks will be available, and at the moment the answer is...I'm not totally sure. I'm guessing Spring of next year, but in the meantime fear not. The previous covers (which really are still very beautiful) will be remain available.

And, that's all for now. I know some of you were probably hoping I'll end with the flap copy for LET THE WIND RISE, but sadly for that you'll have to wait a bit longer. I'm still drafting the book right now--but don't worry, I WILL finish in time. 

So in the meantime, go back and stare at the lovelies!!!!


  1. EEEEK! It is gooorgeous :D I love these covers so much. <3 Even if they are new, hih ;) All three are stunning. I cannot wait for Let the Wind Rise :D It is going to be awesome. <3 Love the title too. Blogging about these covers later today, if that's okay. <3

    1. Of course you're welcome to blog--thank you so much!

  2. They look AMAZING! Can't wait for the 3rd book!!!!

  3. Those covers are badass! So gorgeous!

  4. Love the cover! Love the title! Can't wait to love the book.

  5. Overwhelmed by awesomeness!!!! And I did notice the rising text--cool sauce!! So excited to read book three!!! The wait is agonizing, but I shall attempt to endure in silence. 😊

  6. I absolutely love the new covers!!! Congrats!

  7. HOLY MOTHER OF FUDGE!!!! THANK YOU SHANNON!!! I love all the covers! Even the old ones! OMG SOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Oh my Gosh! I have the first cover versions (and love them) but these have outdone themselves! THEY. ARE. BEAUTIFUL.
    Can't wait for Let the Wind Rise to come out! I've been waiting!

  9. Those are absolutely stunning! SO happy your redesign worked out so well!!

  10. I have no words. They are so beautiful. I can't even. Definitely putting this up on my blog. Can't wait to read them. :-)


  11. I love the new covers. I really think the choice of that beautiful font makes it all work. Congratulations!

  12. Really gorgeous new covers!! Now I know I'll have to get the whole series in paperback so I get these matching gorgeous coverrrsss!!!

  13. Not gonna lie...I originally thought the third book would be called Let The Storm Rage On (Frozen Pun!) :), but LET THE WINDS RISE IS THE BEST TITLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Wonderful job with the new covers! I'm just curious why the third book's title only mentions one "Wind." Maybe only the West Wind rises.

  15. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And "Keeper of the Lost Cities" is considered bestselling now? HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT???

  16. OH MY GOSH!!!! the covers are AMAZING!! but, the one question remains....when is book 3 coming out? i just finished book two & well, book 3 needs to hurry :)
